170629 经典文学《简·爱》 第186期

170629 经典文学《简·爱》 第186期

2017-06-29    01'29''

主播: Fred英语笔记

8127 311

The cavalcade, following the sweep of the drive, quickly turned the angle of the house, and I lost sight of it. 这队人马顺着车道的弯势很快转过屋角,在我视线中消失了。 Adèle now petitioned to go down. 这时阿黛勒要求下楼。 But I took her on my knee, and gave her to understand that she must not on any account think of venturing in sight of the ladies, 我把她搂在膝头上,让她明白无论是此刻, either now or at any other time, unless expressly sent for, that Mr. Rochester would be very angry, etc. 还是以后什么时候,除非明确要她去,绝不可以随意闯到女士们跟前去,要不罗切斯特先生会生气的等等。 "Some natural tears she shed" on being told this. 听了这番话,"她淌下了自然的眼泪". But as I began to look very grave, she consented at last to wipe them. 不过见我神情严肃,她也终于同意把眼泪抹掉了。 A joyous stir was now audible in the hall. 这时大厅里人声鼎沸,笑语纷纭。 经典文学《简·爱》 Gentlemen's deep tones and ladies' silvery accents blent harmoniously together, and distinguishable above all, 男士们深沉的语调,女士们银铃似的嗓音交融在一起。 though not loud, was the sonorous voice of the master of Thornfield Hall, welcoming his fair and gallant guests under its roof. 其中最清晰可辨的是桑菲尔德主人那洪亮而声音不大的嗓门,欢迎男女宾客来到府上。 Then light steps ascended the stairs. 随后,这些人脚步轻盈地上了楼梯。 And there was a tripping through the gallery, and soft cheerful laughs, and opening and closing doors, and, for a time, a hush. 轻快地穿过走廊。于是响起了柔和欢快的笑声和开门关门声。一会儿后,便寂然无声了。 "Elles changent de toilettes," said Adèle; who, listening attentively, had followed every movement, and she sighed. "他们改变了厕所,"阿黛勒说。她细听着,跟踪着每一个动静,并叹息着。 "Chez maman," said she, "quand il y avait du monde, je le suivais partout, au salon et e leurs chambres; "家里的妈妈,"她说,"当有个人,我跟着他在休息室和自己的房间, souvent je regardais les femmes de chambre coiffer et habiller les dames, et c' etait si amusant: comme cela on apprend." 当我们学习的时候,我常常看着女佣的头发和女士的衣服,而且它是如此有趣。" "Don't you feel hungry, Adèle?" "你觉得饿了吗,阿黛勒?" "Mais oui, mademoiselle. Voile cinq ou six heures que nous n' avons pas mange." "但是,是的,错过航行,我们五六个小时没吃。"