170815 经典文学《简·爱》 第199期

170815 经典文学《简·爱》 第199期

2017-08-15    02'00''

主播: Fred英语笔记

7837 182

I sit in the shade — if any shade there be in this brilliantly-lit apartment. The window-curtain half hides me. 要是这个灯火辉煌的房间还有什么幽暗所在的话,那我就坐在暗处。窗帘半掩着我。 Again the arch yawns; they come. 拱门的帐幔再次撩起,他们进来了。 The collective appearance of the gentlemen, like that of the ladies, is very imposing. 男士们一起登场时的情景,同女宾们一样气派非凡。 They are all costumed in black; 他们齐煞煞的都着黑色服装。 Most of them are tall, some young. 多数身材高大,有的十分年轻。 Henry and Frederick Lynn are very dashing sparks indeed. 亨利·林恩和弗雷德里克·林恩确实精神抖擞,生气勃勃。 And Colonel Dent is a fine soldierly man. 登特上校一身英武之气。 Mr. Eshton, the magistrate of the district, is gentleman-like. 地方法官埃希顿先生一付绅士派头。 His hair is quite white, his eyebrows and whiskers still dark, 头发相当白,眉毛和络腮胡子却依然乌黑, which gives him something of the appearance of a "pere noble de theatre." 使他有几分"佩雷高尚德剧院"。 Lord Ingram, like his sisters, is very tall. 英格拉姆勋爵同他的姐妹们一样高挑个子。 Like them, also, he is handsome, but he shares Mary's apathetic and listless look. 同她们一样漂亮,但有着玛丽那种冷漠、倦怠的神色。 He seems to have more length of limb than vivacity of blood or vigour of brain. 他似乎四肢瘦长有余,血气或脑力不足。 And where is Mr. Rochester? He comes in last. 那么,罗切斯特先生在哪儿呢?他最后一个进来。 I am not looking at the arch, yet I see him enter. 虽然我没有朝拱门张望,但看到他进来了。 I try to concentrate my attention on those netting-needles, on the meshes of the purse I am forming 我竭力要把注意力集中在钩针上,集中在编织出来的手提包网眼上 I wish to think only of the work I have in my hands, to see only the silver beads and silk threads that lie in my lap. 真希望自己只想手头的活计,只看见膝上的银珠和丝线。 Whereas, I distinctly behold his figure, and I inevitably recall the moment when I last saw it. 而我却清清楚楚地看到了他的身影,禁不住忆起了上次见到这身影时的情景。 Just after I had rendered him, what he deemed, an essential service, and he, holding my hand, and looking down on my face, 那是在他所说的帮了他大忙以后,他拉住我的手,低首看着我的脸,细细端详着我, surveyed me with eyes that revealed a heart full and eager to overflow, in whose emotions I had a part. 眼神里露出一种千言万语急于一吐为快的心情,而我也有同感。 How near had I approached him at that moment! 在那一瞬间我同他靠得多近! What had occurred since, calculated to change his and my relative positions? 自那以后,什么事情刻意使他和我的地位起了变化呢? Yet now, how distant, how far estranged we were! 而现在,我们之间的关系变得多么疏远,多么陌生呀! So far estranged, that I did not expect him to come and speak to me. 我们己那么隔膜,因此我并不指望他过来同我说话。 I did not wonder, when, without looking at me, 我也并不感到诧异,他居然连看都不看我一眼 he took a seat at the other side of the room, and began conversing with some of the ladies. 就在房间另一头坐下,开始同一些女士们交谈起来。 shade [ʃeid] n. 阴影,遮蔽,遮光物,(色彩的)浓淡 listless ['listlis] adj. 无精打采的 apathetic [.æpə'θetik] adj. 缺乏感情的,缺乏兴趣的,无动于衷的,冷淡的 distinctly [di'stiŋktli] adv. 清楚地,显然地,明显地 overflow ['əuvə'fləu] n. 溢值,超值,泛滥 v. 泛滥,溢出 inevitably [in'evitəbli] adv. 不可避免地 arch [ɑ:tʃ] n. 拱,拱门,拱状物 v. 成拱形,拱起 calculated ['kælkjuleitid] adj. 计算出的;适合的;有计划的 v. 计算;估计; figure ['figə] n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 dent [dent] n. 凹痕,心理阴影,挫伤 vt. 弄凹 vi. 形成凹 source: kekenet.com