170915 经典文学《简·爱》 第208期

170915 经典文学《简·爱》 第208期

2017-09-15    01'04''

主播: Fred英语笔记

7117 162

QQ群: 432584106 主播QQ:3380870247 "It is my opinion the fiddler David must have been an insipid sort of fellow. "我认为提琴手戴维准是个枯燥乏味的家伙。 I like black Bothwell better. 我更喜欢黑呼呼的博斯威尔。 To my mind a man is nothing without a spice of the devil in him. 依我之见,一个人没有一丝恶念便一文不值。 And history may say what it will of James Hepburn, but I have a notion, 不管历史怎样对詹姆斯·赫伯恩说长道短,我自认为, he was just the sort of wild, fierce, bandit hero whom I could have consented to gift with my hand." 他正是那种我愿意下嫁的狂野、凶狠的草寇英雄。" "Gentlemen, you hear! Now which of you most resembles Bothwell?" cried Mr. Rochester. "先生们,你们听着:你们中谁最像博斯威尔?"罗切斯特先生嚷道。 "I should say the preference lies with you," responded Colonel Dent. "应当说你最够格,"登特上校立即呼应。 经典文学《简·爱》 "On my honour, I am much obliged to you," was the reply. "我敢发誓,我对你感激之至,"他回答道。 Miss Ingram, who had now seated herself with proud grace at the piano, 英格拉姆小姐此刻坐在钢琴前面,矜持而仪态万方, spreading out her snowy robes in queenly amplitude, commenced a brilliant prelude, talking meantime. 雪白的长袍堂皇地铺开。她开始弹起了灿烂的前奏曲,一面还交谈着。 She appeared to be on her high horse tonight. 今晚她似乎趾高气扬。 Both her words and her air seemed intended to excite not only the admiration, but the amazement of her auditors. 她的言辞和派头似乎不仅为了博得听从的赞叹,而且要使他们感到惊讶。 She was evidently bent on striking them as something very dashing and daring indeed. 显然她一心要给人留下深刻的印象,觉得她潇洒而大胆。 source: kekenet.com