170925 经典文学《简·爱》 第210期

170925 经典文学《简·爱》 第210期

2017-09-25    01'23''

主播: Fred英语笔记

2707 70

Good Morning-Call~ Have a nice day~ Be well-prepared for new week. 微信公众号:英语听力123 "Here then is a Corsair-song. "这里有一首海盗歌。 Know that I doat on Corsairs, and for that reason, sing it con spirito." 你知道我喜欢海盗们,因此你要唱得精神抖擞"。 "Commands from Miss Ingram's lips would put spirit into a mug of milk and water." "英格拉姆小姐的圣旨一下,连牛奶和水也会产生灵性。" "Take care, then. If you don't please me, I will shame you by showing how such things should be done." "那么,小心点儿,要是你不能使我满意,我会教你应当怎么做,而让你丢脸。" "That is offering a premium on incapacity. I shall now endeavour to fail." "那是对无能的一种奖赏,现在我要努力让自己失败。" "Gardez-vous en bien! If you err wilfully, I shall devise a proportionate punishment." "你们好!要是你故意出错,我要作出相应的惩罚。" "Miss Ingram ought to be clement, for she has it in her power to inflict a chastisement beyond mortal endurance." "英格拉姆小姐应当手下留情,因为她能够作出使凡人无法承受的惩罚。" 经典文学《简·爱》 "Ha! explain!" commanded the lady. "哈哈!你解释一下!"小姐命令道。 "Pardon me, madam. No need of explanation, "请原谅,小姐。不需要解释了。 your own fine sense must inform you that one of your frowns would be a sufficient substitute for capital punishment." 你敏锐的直觉一定会告诉你,你一皱眉头就抵得上死刑" "Sing!" said she, and again touching the piano, she commenced an accompaniment in spirited style. "唱吧!"她说,又碰了碰钢琴,开始了她风格活泼的伴奏。 "Now is my time to slip away," thought I, but the tones that then severed the air arrested me. "现在我该溜了,"我思忖道。但是那富有穿透力的声调吸引了我。 Mrs. Fairfax had said Mr. Rochester possessed a fine voice. 费尔法克斯太太曾说过,罗切斯特先生的嗓子很好。 He did — a mellow, powerful bass, into which he threw his own feeling, his own force, 确实他有一个圆润、洪亮的男低音。唱的时候他倾注了自己的感情,自己的力量。 finding a way through the ear to the heart, and there waking sensation strangely. 那歌声透过耳朵、灌进了心田,神奇地唤醒了知觉。 source:kekenet.com