171012 经典文学《简·爱》 第223期

171012 经典文学《简·爱》 第223期

2017-10-12    01'35''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4761 76

微信公众号:英语听力123 That opened upon a careful observer, now and then, in his eye, 一个细心的旁观者会看到这种表情不时从他目光中流露出来, and closed again before one could fathom the strange depth partially disclosed. 但是没等你探测暴露部分的神秘深渊,它又再次掩盖起来了。 That something which used to make me fear and shrink, as if I had been wandering amongst volcanic-looking hills, 那种神态过去曾使我畏惧和退缩,仿佛徘徊在火山似的群山之中, and had suddenly felt the ground quiver and seen it gape. 突然感到大地颤抖,看到地面裂开了。 That something, I, at intervals, beheld still, and with throbbing heart, but not with palsied nerves. 间或我还能见到这样的表情,我依旧怦然心动,却并未神经麻木。 Instead of wishing to shun, I longed only to dare — to divine it. 我不想躲避,只渴望迎头而上,去探知它的底细。 And I thought Miss Ingram happy, because one day she might look into the abyss at her leisure, 我认为英搭拉姆小姐很幸福,因为有一天她可以在闲暇时窥深这个深渊, explore its secrets and analyse their nature. 考察它的秘密,分析这些秘密的性质。 Meantime, while I thought only of my master and his future bride — 与此同时,在我只考虑我的主人和他未来的新娘时 — saw only them, heard only their discourse, and considered only their movements of importance, 眼睛只看见他们,耳朵只听见他们的谈话,心里只想着他们举足轻重的动作 — the rest of the party were occupied with their own separate interests and pleasures. 其他宾客都沉浸于各自的兴趣与欢乐。 经典文学《简·爱》 The Ladies Lynn and Ingram continued to consort in solemn conferences, 林恩太太和英格拉姆太太依旧相伴,在严肃交谈。 where they nodded their two turbans at each other, 彼此点着戴了头巾帽的头, and held up their four hands in confronting gestures of surprise, or mystery, or horror, 各自举起双手,作着表示惊愕、迷惑或恐俱的手势, according to the theme on which their gossip ran, like a pair of magnified puppets. 根据谈及的话题,活象一对放大了的木偶。 Mild Mrs. Dent talked with good-natured Mrs. Eshton. 温存的登特太太同敦厚的埃希顿夫人在聊天。 And the two sometimes bestowed a courteous word or smile on me. 两位太太有时还同我说句把客套活,或者朝我笑笑。 Sir George Lynn, Colonel Dent, and Mr. Eshton discussed politics, or county affairs, or justice business. 乔治·林恩爵士、登特上校和埃希顿先生在谈论政治、郡里的事或司法事务。 Lord Ingram flirted with Amy Eshton. 英格拉姆勋爵和艾米·埃希顿在调情。 Louisa played and sang to and with one of the Messrs. Lynn. 路易莎弹琴唱歌给一位林恩先生听,也跟他一起弹唱。 And Mary Ingram listened languidly to the gallant speeches of the other. 玛丽·英格拉姆懒洋洋地听着另一位林恩先生献殷勤的话。