词汇积累 | cowlick, wear out, disposition

词汇积累 | cowlick, wear out, disposition

2019-09-03    14'42''

主播: Fred英语笔记

12979 68

听完本期节目,记得用下面三个单词中的任意一个造句哦,评论告诉我,我会一一回复哒~ 一、 cowlick CN Hair that sticks up on you head 翘起的一缕头发 二、 wear out 1.tire out;exhaust 使精疲力尽;耗尽 - Playing with little children really wears me out!跟小孩子们在一起玩真把我累坏了。 - She keeps wearing herself out for other people.她总是为别人忙得精疲力尽。 - After about an hour,my patience began to wear out.大约一小时以后,我开始有点忍耐不住了。 2.become useless变得无用;用坏 - The machine has worn out.那台机器已经报废了。 - Children's shoes wear out quickly.孩子们的鞋很快就穿坏。 - The child has worn out his clothes;will you get him another suit?孩子已经把衣服穿破了,你给他再买一套好吗? 3.consume(time,etc.)tediously 消磨(时间等) - He has worn out miserable days with patience.他耐心地度过了悲惨的岁月。 - The meeting wore out all afternoon.会议消磨了整个下午的时间。 三、 disposition CN 1. [C usually singular] a particular type of character which makes someone likely to behave or react in a certain way    性情,性格;    SYN  temperament     of a nervous / sociable / sensitive etc disposition ( = having a nervous etc character )    焦虑/合群/敏感等的性格 - The film is not suitable for people of a nervous disposition.    这部影片不适合神经质的人观看。 have a cheerful / sunny etc disposition ( = have a happy character )    具有愉快/开朗等的性格 2. [sing.] a tendency or willingness to behave in a particular way    意向,倾向;    SYN  inclination  - You must follow your own inclinations when choosing a career. 你必须按照自己的意愿选择职业。    have / show a disposition to do sth - Neither side shows the slightest disposition to compromise.    双方都没有表露出丝毫妥协的意思。   [+ towards ]    Most children have a disposition towards obedience.    大部分儿童都有服从的倾向。 3. [C usually singular] the position or arrangement of something in a particular place    安排,布置:   [+ of ]    a map showing the disposition of American forces    展示美军部署的地图 4. [U] [formal] the way in which something is dealt with or used    处置,安排:   [+ of ]    A solicitor [sə'lɪsɪtə] advised him as to the disposition of the money.    事务律师建议他如何处置这笔钱。 5. [C,U] [law] the act of formally giving property to someone   〔财产的〕赠予,让渡,处置:    the disposition of assets on death    死后对财产的处置