Of all the industries mauled by covid-19, travel may be the most maimed. Tourism’s collapse could deprive the global economy of $4.7trn this year and cost 174m jobs. So governments are desperate to restart international travel. This weekend Hong Kong and Singapore launch the world’s most comprehensive air-travel bubble, with travellers able to fly between the two cities without having to quarantine and without restrictions on what they may do upon arrival. Both destinations have the virus under control and trust one another’s testing regimes. Nonetheless, visitors must take two covid-19 tests, one before they fly and another on touchdown. Numbers will initially be restricted and the scheme will be suspended should either city average more than five untraceable infections a day. Loosening border restrictions in Europe failed because the virus’s prevalence was too high and test-and-trace systems too lax—probably supercharging the continent’s second wave. The world will watch this latest attempt with hope.