As I walked out one evening (Write By W.H Auden,Read by Tom Hiddleston)

As I walked out one evening (Write By W.H Auden,Read by Tom Hiddleston)

2014-04-27    02'31''

主播: 英伦好声音

70405 2540

As I walked out one evening By W.H Auden As I walked out one evening Walking down Bristol Street,晚上我在散步于布里斯托尔大街 The crowds upon the pavement 街道两旁黑压压的一片, Were fields of harvest wheat. 是田里熟透待割的小麦。 And down by the brimming river沿着水波荡漾的江边,在一座铁路拱桥的下面 I heard a lover sing Under an arch of the railway: 我听到一个恋人在歌唱: "Love has no ending. 爱情永无止境”。 "I'll love you, dear, I'll love you我将永远爱你,亲爱的,我将永远爱你 Till China and Africa meet, 直到地域再生天翻地覆 (直到中国和非洲相合) And the river jumps over the mountain直到江水倒流越过高山, And the salmon sing in the street, 直到鱼儿跳跃离开了水。 "I'll love you till the ocean Is folded and hung up to dry我将永远爱你到海断裂枯竭 And the seven stars go squawking直到天空北斗七星 Like geese about the sky. 从勺子转变为鹅扬长颈唱歌的形状 "The years shall run like rabbits, 时光像兔子一样向前飞跑 For in my arms I hold 但在我的怀中我还拥着 The Flower of the Ages, 远古时代那芬芳的鲜花 And the first love of the world."和那个世界纯真的初恋。 But all the clocks in the city但是城里所有的时钟 Began to whirr and chime: 都开始发出嗡嗡轰鸣: "O let not Time deceive you, You cannot conquer Time. “别让时间捉弄了你,你不可能战胜 "In the burrows of the Nightmare在沉沉梦魇的深渊里 Where Justice naked is, 正义赤裸裸毫不修饰, Time watches from the shadow时间在阴影下静静窥视, And coughs when you would kiss. 就在你想接物时干咳几声以示提醒。 "In headaches and in worry “在烦恼不安和忧虑焦急中 Vaguely life leaks away, 滚滚生命之河悄然流逝 And Time will have his fancy时间却有着魔幻的力量 To-morrow or to-day. 不论是今天亦或是明天 "Into many a green valley飞旋钻进绿色葱茏的山谷的 Drifts the appalling snow; 是狂风卷着漫天飞舞的雪花 Time breaks the threaded dances时间瞬间凝固了这优美的舞姿, And the diver's brilliant bow. 也定格了落入水面闪亮的翻卷。 "O plunge your hands in water, “哦,快将双手伸进水里, Plunge them in up to the wrist; 一直到水淹没了你的手腕 Stare, stare in the basin紧紧地、紧紧地盯着水池, And wonder what you've missed. 看看你自己到底丢了什么。 "The glacier knocks in the cupboard, 冰河渐渐流动撞击着橱柜, The desert sighs in the bed, 沙漠哀鸣着飞掠过睡的床 And the crack in the tea-cup opens茶杯上的裂纹似乎打开了 A lane to the land of the dead. 一条通往死亡之国的路径。 "Where the beggars raffle the banknotes在那儿乞丐中得了许多钞票 And the Giant is enchanting to Jack, 杰克被那巨人迷得神魂颠倒 And the Lily-white Boy is a Roarer, 这个白种男孩疯狂地咆哮着, And Jill goes down on her back. 他的同伴躺在地上尽情表演。 "O look, look in the mirror, 哦,快看、快看镜子里的你, O look in your distress; 瞧你那副悲痛欲绝的模样。 Life remains a blessing虽然你不能够赐福于他人, Although you cannot bless. 可是生活它会永远祝福你。黑夜深沉,万籁俱寂, , "O stand, stand at the window哦,快快站起来、站到窗前来 As the tears scald and start; 热泪潸然灼人,夺眶而出 You shall love your crooked neighbour With your crooked heart." 你可要用你那扭曲的心灵,去爱你那个不正派的邻居。 It was late, late in the evening, 情人双双,早已远去 The lovers they were gone; 教堂内的钟悄然无声, The clocks had ceased their chiming, And the deep river ran on. 唯似水流年静静流淌。