Love and friendship(Write by Emily Bronte, Read by Tom Hiddleston)

Love and friendship(Write by Emily Bronte, Read by Tom Hiddleston)

2014-05-07    00'41''

主播: 英伦好声音

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Love and friendship by Emily Bronte Love is like the wild rose-briar, 爱情就像一朵野生的玫瑰, Friendship like the holly-tree. 友情就像一棵冬青树, The hoiiy is dark when the rose-briar blooms, 当玫瑰绽放的时候冬青也枝繁叶茂, But which will bloom most constantly? 但是哪个能够更加持久的富有生机呢? The wildrose-briar is sweet in spring, 野玫瑰在春天绽放, Its summer biossoms scent the air; 夏日里她的花朵使空气中都弥漫着芳香. Yet wait tillwinter comes again, 但当严冬再次来临之时, And who will call the wild-briar fair? 谁还会赞美野玫瑰的美丽? Then,scorn the silly rose-wreath now, 她那残枝败叶不过招人冷嘲热讽而已. And deck thee with holly's sheen, 当冬日的肃杀使你失去神采时, That,when December blights thy brow, 用冬青的美丽来装扮你, He still may leave thy garland green. 她依然能让那花环绿意盎然.