

2017-06-12    05'29''

主播: 英伦好声音

4604 245

(英)下拉有中文翻译 Monsieur Aulard return to the theater just before seven to be told that he had no visitors and that no one had asked after him. He went up the stairs to his office and opened the door. The room was dark. Why no one bothered to light the lamp? He thought irritably, fumbling for the tinderbox. He stumbled, steadying himself on his desk. In the dark he could see an unfamiliar shape. “Who’s there?” he called. He lit the wick. Slowly and terribly, the dead body of Topolain was revealed, sitting in his chair. Around his neck was a thin line of dried beads of blood. In his lap was the sawn-off head of the Pierrot, its glass eyes glinting in the lamplight. Monsieur Aulard’s scream could be heard all the way through the theater and out on the rue du Temple. Yann had waited in Moet’s Tavern until it had grown dark. He was beginning to think that Têtu was never coming back when, to his great relief, he saw the dwarf’s small shape push and jostle his way to where he was sitting. “Everything is arranged,” said Têtu. “Come, we must get out of here.” They walked down a tangle of narrow streets. “Where are we going?” asked Yann. “To a hotel.” We’ll stay there for the night, and then you’ll get the coach to Calais and go to London,” said Têtu. “London!” said Yann, stunned. “Come on, keep up.” Têtu was now walking as fast as his legs would allow him. “The sooner we’re off these streets the better.” The entrance to the Hotel d’Angleterre was a wooden door that opened into a courtyard. Here Têtu, as Cordell had suggested, took a room for the night. “Why are we going to London?” “Not we; you. You are going to London.” “Paris is not safe. Kalliovski wants us both dead. I can disappear. Yann started to interrupt. “Wait, wait. Before you say anything, listen. I have a great friend, an English banker called Charles Cordell, who is agreed to send you to London and put you in the care of his partner Henry Laxton, “I’m not leaving you.” Têtu’s face looked as hard as ever Yann had seen it. “Listen to me. You are not a baby. It will only be for a few months. You will do this and that is the end of it.” Yann was too exhausted to argue any more, too angry to sleep. He lay face down on the bed, furious, only to find that when he woke up it was morning. Yann sat up and said, “I still don’t understand why I have to go away.” “I’m going to explain. Will you listen, or are you going to block up your ears with anger, so that you won’t hear anything but your own thunder?” Yann shrugged. “You’ve often asked me about your mother, and now I will tell you,” said Têtu. “Your mother loved you dearly. She wanted no harm to come to you, and I promised her I would keep your Gypsy origins quiet.” "Gypsy!” said Yann. It was a word followed them wherever they went . . . a swearword, a figure of speech, an insult. It confirmed what he already knew, that he and Têtu were misfits, outcasts living on the edges of society. He had never imagined it to be the truth. He and Têtu spoke Romany for their own protection, Têtu had told him, because few people understood it or knew where it came from. Now he could see that these roots went far deeper than he had ever thought, and he wished with all his heart that it were not so. “Yannick, we are an ancient and noble people,” said Têtu. “Take from this what is good, and learn from it. I regret that you couldn’t grow up in a Gypsy world where you would have known our ways and secrets.” “I’ve asked you so often if we were Gypsies, and you’ve always shrugged your shoulders and said no,” said Yann. “It was for your own safety. You know there is a price on every Gypsy’s head. The gallows and the huntsman’s gun wait for us.” The seriousness of what Têtu was saying took away all Yann’s anger. Maybe this explained why they were not like other people. Maybe it at last explained why he could read minds and see into the future. Yann sat down on the edge of the bed. “Go on.” ------(中文)------ 七点钟前,Aulard回到剧院,没人来拜访他,也没人问起他。Aulard上楼到办公室打开了门,屋里一片漆黑。怎么没人点灯呢?他愤愤地想着,摸索着火绒盒。随后他跌跌撞撞地坐在了书桌上。黑暗中,他仿佛看到了一个模糊的轮廓。 “谁在那儿?” Aulard问道。 他战战兢兢的点亮了油灯, 坐在他的椅子上Topolain的尸体慢慢浮现在眼前,尸体的脖子上有一条细细的、干的血珠子,膝盖上是木偶小丑被锯掉的头,小丑的玻璃眼睛在灯光下闪闪发光。Aulard先生的尖叫声响彻了整个剧院,心里有些后悔。 Yann在酩悦轩尼诗的酒馆里一直等到天黑。他开始觉得Têtu再也不会回来了,但欣慰的是他总算看到了Têtu挤到自己旁边,轻轻推他。 “一切都准备好了” Têtu说道。“快,我们要赶快离开这里”。 他们走过了一条狭窄的街道。 “我们要去哪儿?”Yann问道。 “去一个宾馆”我们要在那儿待上一晚,然后你要坐上去往加莱的马车到伦敦。 “伦敦!”Yann震惊地说。 “快,跟上”Têtu尽可能快地走着。“我们越快离开这条街越好” 英格兰大酒店的入口是一扇通向庭院的木门。Têtu 听从了Cordell的建议,开了一个房间过夜。 “我们为什么要去伦敦?” “不是我们;是你。是你要去伦敦” “巴黎并不安全。Kalliovski想要我们两个人的命。”“我可以藏起来。”Yann插嘴。 “等等,你说话之前,先听我说。我有一个好朋友,一个叫Charles Cordell的英国银行家,他同意让你去伦敦,并让他的伙伴Henry Laxton照顾你。 “我不要离开你” Têtu的脸色却十分强硬,Yann从没见过Têtu有过这种表情。 “听我说,你不是个孩子了,不过几个月而已,你必须这样做,就这么定了。” Yann太累了,没力气再争下去,但又因为太气了睡不着。他脸朝下躺在床上,气到不行,但最后发现醒来时已经是早上了。 Yann坐了起来,说道:“我还是不明白为什么我要离开。” “我会解释。但是你会听吗?也许你在气头上除了自己的愤怒根本什么都听不进去吧?” Yann耸了耸肩。 “你总向我问起你的母亲,现在我告诉你一些关于她的事情” Têtu说道。 “你的母亲非常的爱你。她不想你受到任何伤害,我向她保证过不将你是吉普赛人后裔的事情告诉任何人。” “吉普赛人!”Yann说道。 无论吉普赛人走到哪里,都离不开这个词……这是一个骂人的词语,是一种比喻,是一种侮辱。Yann已经知道,自己和Têtu与这个社会格格不入,是生活在社会边缘的弃儿。他从来没想过事实是这样的。他曾和Têtu说过吉普赛人要保护自己,Têtu曾告诉他,很少有人有这种意识。现在Yann明白了,这种种族意识比自己想象的要严重很多,而他希望自己没这样想过。 “Yannick,吉普赛人是古老而高贵的种族” Têtu说道。“我们知道什么是好的,并能从中学习。我很遗憾你没有吉普赛族落里长大,在那里你会知道我们的生活方式和我们种族的秘密。” “我曾问过你好多次我们是不是吉普赛人,但你总是耸耸肩膀说不是,”Yann说。 “这是为了你的安全考虑。你知道每个吉普赛人的头上都悬着一把刀,绞刑架和猎人的枪总是在等着我们。” Têtu所述问题的严重性平息了Yann的愤怒。也许这就解释了为什么他们的与众不同,也最终解释了为什么他能阅读心灵,洞察未来。 Yann坐在床边,说“继续说吧。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】