

2017-06-14    05'15''

主播: 英伦好声音

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(英)下拉有翻译 “Your mother was called Anis, and she was beautiful. She had your eyes, dark as ebony and deep as a well. When I met her at the circus in St. Petersburg I knew straightaway that she was Romany, like me. Anis’s mother was the keeper of the arts of sorcery among her tribe. She had extraordinary powers. She could move objects without touching them. Her daughter could do it too.” “And so can you.” “All objects have threads of light coming from them. If you can see this light, then you can become a master, able to move things at your own will. Think, Yann, what power that would give you.” “Is that how you work the Pierrot? Is it? Tell me.” Têtu said nothing. “All right,” said Yann. “If you won’t answer that, tell me how my mother ended up in a circus.” “Something terrible happened. It was Anis’s wedding day. She was fourteen and the boy was sixteen. She believed that they were one soul divided into two bodies, and that only when they were together were they whole. “The ceremony started at daybreak round the campfire, when the marriage was sealed with a cut made on the bride’s right wrist and the groom’s left wrist; then their hands were bound together and they took an oath to free each other when love had left their hearts. “There was singing and dancing to celebrate—and then the huntsmen came to kill the Gypsies. Anis’s mother saw them sitting on their fine horses watching, waiting. She ordered her people to carry on dancing, shouting out “Life is life!” The Gypsies went on playing their fiddles and singing their songs. They didn’t run. Until the shooting started.” “But my mother must have managed to get away,”said Yann. “Anis said she never knew how. It was as if her mother had made her invisible. But she remembered the last thing her bridegroom said to her: ‘In death they will never catch us, my beloved one. We are birds, we are free.’ “She remembered nothing more. When she woke up she found herself in the hollow of a tree. It was getting dark. She stood in the middle of that clearing and saw them all hanging in the trees like songbirds, colorful but lifeless: her bridegroom, her mother, every one of her tribe. Even the babies had been slaughtered. Blood dripped from the oak leaves. That day, her wedding day, she lost everything. “She ran far away and joined a circus, never speaking of her Gypsy roots, though her dark hair and eyes told the truth of it. She never spoke of it, that is, until I met her.”Yann was very quiet. It was Têtu who broke the silence. “It is nothing to be ashamed of. Far from it—it is a source of pride.” “So , my father was the Gypsy boy my mother married?” “No, Yann, he was killed some seven years before you were born. But Anis believed you were a gift from the spirit of her one true love. We Gypsies know and understand things that those attached to houses and land will never comprehend. We have outlived and outwitted great civilizations.” “Do you think I have inherited those gifts?” “You are a natural. You have an exceptional talent already.” There was a knock at the door. On Cordell’s instructions, Madame Saltaire had brought a package contains Yann’s travel documents and a passport. “I’ll take you to the Calais Yann, to the coach. Said Têtu. A man called Tull, an Englishman, will escort you We must hurry.” ----中文翻译---- 你的母亲叫Anis,很美。你拥有她那般双眼,黑如乌木,深邃如井。我在圣彼得堡马戏团遇到她,就知道她和我一样是吉普赛人。Anis的母亲是她所在部落的守护者,有神秘的力量,不用触摸物品就可以移动物品。她的女儿也能这么做。” “而你也能。” “任何物体都会自我发射出一条光线。如果你能看到这种光,那么你就可以成为能按照自己的意愿移动物品的大师。想想吧,Yann,这能带给你多大的力量。” “你就是这样操纵小丑的吧?是吗?告诉我吧” Têtu却什么也没说。 “好吧,”Yann说。“如果你想不回答这个问题,告诉我我母亲是怎么离开马戏团的。” “发生了些可怕的事情。那天Anis结婚。她十四岁,男孩十六岁。Anis相信他们同属一个灵魂,只是分成了两个身体,只有当两人在一起时,他们才是完整的。 黎明时分,族人围着篝火开始了婚礼,人们将新娘右手腕和新郎左手腕绑在一起,新人发誓只有彼此不再相爱才会解开。 人们又唱歌又跳舞,一起庆祝这场婚礼—然后猎人来屠杀吉普赛人。Anis的母亲看见猎人坐在自己的马上观察着,等待着时机。她命令族人继续跳舞,高呼“Life is life”!“吉普赛人继续演奏小提琴,继续唱歌。并没有跑。直到枪击开始。” “但是我的母亲必须设法逃走”Yann说。 “Anis说她当时不知怎样才能解脱,除非她的妈妈能使她隐身。但她记得新郎对她说的最后一句话:“在死亡中,他们就永远不会抓住我们,亲爱的。”我们是鸟,我们是自由的。 “别的,她什么也没有记住。醒来时发现自己在一棵树的洞里。天渐渐黑了。她站在空地中间,看见族人像鸣禽一样被吊在树上——色彩绚丽却毫无生气:她的新郎,她的母亲,她部落的每一个人,连婴儿都没能幸免于难。血从橡树叶子上滴下来。那一天,就在她结婚的那一天,她失去了一切。 “她到了很远的地方加入了一个马戏团,从不提及她的吉普赛血统,尽管她乌黑的头发和眼睛都足以证明这点。她却从不说起,直到我遇到了她。”Yann沉默着。直到Têtu打破了沉默。 “这并不是耻辱——反而是一种令人骄傲的事” “那么,我父亲是和我妈妈结婚的那个吉普赛男孩吗?” “不,Yann,你出生时他已经死了七年。但Anis相信你是她真爱给予的礼物。我们吉普赛人所知道和了解的东西,是那些生活在我们家园上的人永远不会理解的。我们有着更伟大的文明。” “你觉得我有这些天赋么?” “你是个吉普赛人,已经显现出自己独特的天赋了。” 有人敲门。Cordell交代Saltaire夫人带了包裹,里面有Yann的旅行证件和护照。 “我会带你坐上到加莱的马车,Yann,” Têtu说。“一个叫Tull的英国人,会带你过去,我们必须快点。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】