

2017-06-16    04'02''

主播: 英伦好声音

2005 236

(英)下拉有中文翻译 Yann wanted to say again that he didn’t want to go. This time, though, he knew it was useless. Instead he made up his mind that in this new country he would let no one know of his Gypsy origins. There he would have a fresh start. For once in his life he would be like everyone else. As they left, Têtu had pulled Yann’s coat about him and buttoned it up as if he were a child. Yann had then an image of his mother, and a terrible sense of loss rushed in upon him. “I can do that,” he had said. Still Têtu insisted, standing on tiptoe to put the scarf around Yann’s neck and tucking it carefully into his coat. The hall of the hotel was empty. Far too late did Yann sense the menace in the general silence. Têtu seized Yann’s hand. "Now. We’ll make a run for it.” A shot rang out, and suddenly Yann realized he was dragging a dead weight behind him. He stopped and stared down at Têtu, who was lying crumpled in the snow. “Get up! Get up!” The dwarf’s eyes were closed. His skin had already started looking translucent. “No!” Shouted Yann. “No!” He tried with all his strength to lift Têtu. At that moment he saw the red necklace lying there in the blood. “It’s no good,” whispered the dwarf. “Go, run like the wind. Life is life, Yannick.” Yann felt a cold leather-gloved hand come down hard on his shoulder. “Got you!” said a voice as the shadow of Milkeye fell over him. “There’s no escaping.” Yann could feel the burning heat of the pistol butt as it was pushed into the side of his head. Suddenly everything both slowed down and speeded up. Yann shut his eyes. In that second, when life and death hung in the balance, the trigger clicked, the barrel jammed. Yann opened his eyes to see Milkeye staring ferociously at his weapon. Madame Saltaire ran out of the hotel screaming, hands flying. Yann twisted himself free, conscious of nothing but escape. He was already at the street door when the second bullet ricocheted off the stone wall. He ran as fast as he could, soon to be lost from view in the maze of streets. Near exhausted, he stopped, and checking that no one was following him, backtracked toward the Palais Royal. A coach was waiting; its driver huddled against the icy wind in a great cape, his groom beside him. The coach door opened and a man with an English accent asked, “Are you Yann Margoza? Where’s the gentleman who was supposed to bring you here?” “Dead.” “Too bad. Get in,” said the man. “There’s no time to lose.” Stunned and grief-stricken, Yann climbed in. The man, the coach, all became a blur. He looked out of the window as the terrifying reality overwhelmed him. Topolain had performed the ultimate trick. He had taken with him Yann’s world, the theater, the actors, the scenery—all vanished, all gone, in a wisp of smoke from a pistol. The coach rattled and shook. He could hear the horses snorting, their bridles jangling; and he could hear too the unmistakable voice of Têtu as he whispered to him, “Life is life.” ----(中文翻译)---- Yann想再说一遍自己不想去。但这次,Yann知道没用。相反,他下定决心,在这个新的国家,他不会让任何人知道自己是吉普赛人。在那里,他将拥有一个崭新的未来,一个和其他人一样的生活。正当他们准备离开时,Têtu帮Yann扣好外套的扣子,就像Yann是个孩子一样。这令Yann想起了自己的母亲,心中升起了一种浓浓的失落感,不断冲击着自己。 “我自己能行的”Yann说道。 Têtu却坚持着,踮起脚尖把围巾围在Yann的脖子上,又小心地放进外套里。旅馆的大厅空荡荡的。Yann在一片寂静中感到危险时,已经太晚了。 Têtu抓住Yann的手。”现在.我们要尽快逃离这里。” 枪声响起,Yann突然感到身后一沉。他停下来,盯着Têtu,看到对方瘫倒在雪地里。 “起来!起来!“ 侏儒的眼睛闭上了。皮肤已经开始变得半透明了。 “不!“Yann喊道。“不!“ Yann试着用自己所有的力量支撑起Têtu。这时,他看到躺在一片鲜血中的红项链。 “情况不妙啊,”侏儒低声说。“离开这里,像风一样奔跑。Life is life,Yann。” Yann觉得有一只戴着皮手套的手重重地落在了自己肩上。 “抓到你了!”Milkeye的身影笼罩着Yann, “你逃不掉了。” Yann能感觉到自己头上有手枪开枪时的热度。突然,一切好像慢了下来,又好像突然快了起来。Yann闭上了眼睛。在这风驰电掣之际,在这生死交替的边缘时刻,枪卡壳了。Yann睁开眼睛,看到Milkeye恶狠狠地盯着自己的武器。 Saltaire夫人尖叫着张开双手跑出了酒店。Yann设法挣脱开来,什么意识也没有只是机械地逃跑。第二颗子弹击中石墙的时候,他已经逃到街口了。Yann跑得飞快,很快就消失在迷宫般的街道上。他精疲力竭,停了下来,看到身后没有人跟踪,再次回到了酒店。 一辆马车等在那里,寒风中,车夫躲在大斗篷下,马夫在他身旁。马车的门打开了,一个男人用英语口音问道:“你是Yann Margoza吗?要带你来这里的那位先生在哪里?“ “死了。” “太糟糕了。快进去,”那人说。“没时间了。” Yann爬进了马车里,满怀震惊与悲伤。那个人,马车,都变得模糊了。他看着窗外,可怕的现实让他不知所措。 Topolain变了最后一个魔术。他把Yann曾经的世界,大剧院,演员,风景——都变走了,一切都消失了,变成了手枪开枪时的一缕烟。 马车颠簸着。他能听到马儿喷气声,马笼头相碰撞发出刺耳的声音;他还听到Têtu在耳边轻轻说着“Life is life.”。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】