

2017-06-21    03'42''

主播: 英伦好声音

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(下拉有中英对照文本) The carriage bringing Yann to this rough dark diamond of a city made its way over Blackfriars Bridge. Mr. Tull, whose job it had been to transport the boy here, had been instructed to wait for Mr. Laxton’s carriage at the inn on Fleet Street. 他们从黑衣修士桥过来的。Tull先生负责把Yann带过来,现在已经在舰队街的酒店里等待Laxton先生的马车了。 The courtyard of the Boar Inn was full of stagecoaches and horses, ladies and gentlemen, assorted parcels and trunks, all taken up with the hectic business of arriving or leaving. Mr. Tull stopped at the door of the inn. He took Yann by the scruff of the neck and steered him, as one would a dog, into the inn. Yann shook himself free of Mr. Tull's clutches and sat huddled up in the corner. The journey had been a blur of misery and grief. He didn't like his jailer, for that was how he had come to think of Mr. Tull, a bulldog of a man who had made it quite clear that the feeling was mutual. "Now you stay put while I see if the carriage has arrived" Tull leaned across grasping the lapels of Yann's coat. "If you so much as move one of them there miserable muscles of yours, you'll be in for it and no mistake. Do you get my drift?" 野猪客栈院子里满是马车和马匹,男人女人,各式各样的包裹和箱子,来来去去,热闹不已。Tull先生在客店门前停了下来。像提着一条狗一样,揪着Yann的脖子把他带进客栈。 Yann挣脱开Tull的魔爪,蜷缩在角落里。这次旅途中充满了痛苦和悲伤。他一点都不喜欢这位监护。斗牛犬般的Tull先生之前交代的很清楚,这种感觉是相对的。 “你现在给我乖乖的呆在原地别动,我去看看马车到了没有”Tull提着Yann的外套领子。如果你那每一寸卑贱的肌肉都老老实实的,那你就不会犯错了。你明白我的意思吗?” Yann watched as Mr. Tull wove his way across the courtyard and to decided to take his chance. His one aim was to get back to Paris to find where Têtu had been buried, and kill Kalliovski. In his haste to leave, he ran into the innkeeper. "Hey, where do you think you're going, you blasted scallywag?" the man shouted as the tray he was carrying went flying. There was a loud crash as pewter tumblers and plates of food fell to the floor. Yann看着Tull先生穿过院子,决定抓住这个机会。他的目标是回到巴黎,找到Têtu埋葬的地方,并杀了Kalliovski。 他飞一般的逃开,撞到了旅店老板。”嘿,你要去哪里,你这个该死的饭桶?”那个人大声喊道,手里的托盘掉了下来。盛有食物的锡杯子和盘子掉到地上发出巨响。 Yann didn't stop to look back at the mess he had caused. Quickly, he swerved past a coach driver ducked and dived around horses and carriages, and ran straight into a well-dressed man who firmly but kindly put his hand on his shoulder. "Yann Margoza, I take it?" said Henry Laxton in flawless French. Mr. Tull came panting and puffing after him, shaking his fist. "Where's that ruddy boy? That little heathen, I'll wring his scrawny neck, I will." Yann一直向前冲去,顾不得回头看他造成的混乱局面。很快,他跑过了马车司机,马和马车,径直朝一个穿着讲究的人跑去,那个人坚定而和善的把手放在他的肩上。 “Yann Margoza,对吗?” Henry Laxton用完美的法国话说。 Tull先生气喘吁吁,挥舞着拳头,追在后面。”那个男孩在哪儿?那个异教徒,我要扭断他的脖子,我会的。” "You will do no such thing," said Mr. Laxton, still holding firmly on to Yann. Pushing him into his carriage and climbing in after him, he nodded to his coachman, who handed Mr. Tull an envelope with his money in it. Mr. Tull started counting. "It is the agreed sum," said Mr. Laxton. By now the carriage was making its way out through the arch, disappearing into the main thoroughfare. "Wait a minute! Not so ruddy fast!" shouted Mr. Tull to the disappearing wheels. "I need money for the breakages."Mr. Tull was not in a good mood as he walked toward the Red Lion Inn, a tavern renowned for the company of rogues. “你做不到,” Laxon先生说着,同时牢牢抓着Yann。Laxon将其推到马车上,看到Yann爬到自己身后,对着他的车夫点了点头,车夫递给Tull先生一个装着钱的信封。 Tull先生开始数钱。 “这是约定的金额,” Laxon先生说。同时马车从拱门出来,消失在大街上。 “等一下!别急!Tull先生向着消失的车轮方向喊道。”我还需要他造成破坏的补偿。”Tull先生心情不怎么好地走到红狮大酒店,这个酒店以其流氓行径文明。 If you couldn't make an honest penny by hard work, then perhaps it would be more worthwhile to make a dishonest pound instead. "Where is the justice?" said Mr. Tull to himself. "The rich get everything and do nothing for it, and all the while they expect the likes of me to risk life and limb for them. And they don' t even pay for breakages." He had heard the talk of clever people in Paris people who knew what the tomorrows of life had in store. Civil war in France, that was what they were predicting. As far as he was concerned it couldn't come soon enough. There was money to be made in upheavals. 如果你靠辛勤劳动赚不到便士,那么就只能用其他方法赚钱了。 “正义在哪里?”Tull先生对自己说。 有钱人拥有一切,却什么也不用做,他们总是期望有像我这样的人为他们冒生命危险。而他们却不付一个子儿来收拾烂摊子。” 他听过巴黎聪明人间的谈话,他们知道明天的生活是什么样子。他们预言,法国将会发生内战。对他来说,内战来得不够快。动乱中,才有钱可赚。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】