

2017-06-26    04'13''

主播: 英伦好声音

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(下拉有中英对照文本) Free of his tutors, Yann took to leaving the house without permission and going off by himself to explore London. He Locked doors and high windows were no barrier to him. He would frequently climb down the side of the house at night without being noticed by the night-watchman. He had always found the darkness friendly and never understood people’s fear of it. For all the trouble Yann caused the Laxtons, they could not help liking the boy. The problem lay in how to make him see the opportunities he was merrily throwing away. 不用跟着家庭教师学习了,Yann擅自离开房间自己去往伦敦街头。他锁上门,高高的窗户对他来说只是小菜一碟。夜里,他经常躲开守夜人,从屋子的一边爬到楼下。他觉得黑暗很好,也从不理解人们对黑夜的恐惧。 尽管Yann在Laxtons家里引起了不少麻烦,他们也无法放弃这个男孩。而问题在于如何让他了解到自己放弃了多么好的机会。 Mrs. Laxton understood better than her husband what Yann felt. Late one foggy March night she waited in Yann’s room for him to come back from one of his escapades. He looked sheepish as he climbed through the window to see her sitting there in the dark. He was certain he was going to be punished. Instead she lit a candle and invited him to sit down. “What is it you want?” She asked. “To go back to Paris.” “Why?” “I want to find out what happened to Têtu.” “You know what happened, It was a terrible tragedy for you. Why do you think he sent you here?” Yann shrugged his shoulders. “No, that won’t do,” she said sharply. “You are a clever boy. You deserved to be given an opportunity What I have seen is a stubborn, unhappy Gypsy who is too wrapped up in himself to see what his friend sacrificed for him.” Laxton太太比她丈夫更能了解Yann的感受。一个雾蒙蒙的夜晚,她在Yann的房间里等Yann回来。夜幕中,Yann爬回房间,透过窗户看到Laxton太太坐在黑暗中,有些不好意思。Yann觉得自己会受到惩罚。相反,Laxon太太点燃了一支蜡烛,请Yann坐下。 “你想要做什么?”她问道。 “回巴黎去。” “为什么?“ “我想找到Têtu。了解到底发生了什么。 “你知道发生了什么,这对你来说是一个可怕的悲剧。你觉得Têtu为什么把你送到这里来?“ Yann耸了耸肩。 “不,这样没用,”她严厉地说。“你是个聪明的孩子,理应给你第二次机会。而我看到的是一个顽固的,不快乐的吉普赛人,他总是想着自己的朋友为他牺牲了什么。 “I am a Gypsy,” said Yann through gritted teeth, realizing that he was about to break down. “I don’t belong here, not in your world. Not in all this softness. Not imprisoned by walls—” “When I was nine my mother died,” Mrs. Laxton interrupted. “I believed that the only reason she had left me was because I had been naughty. I was lucky; I had a loving older sister who helped me to understand that she hadn’t left me behind for anything I had done.” She leaned forward and touched Yann’s hand. “我是一个吉普赛人,”Yann咬牙切齿的说,意识到他要打破平静的生活了。“我不属于这里,不属于你们的世界,不属于这种安逸的生活。”我不喜欢被围墙囚禁着—— “我九岁的时候,母亲去世了,”Laxon太太打断了Yann。“我相信她离开我的唯一原因是我总是淘气。而我又是幸运的;我有一个可爱的姐姐,我知道,不管我做了什么,她都会在我身后,不离不弃。”她俯下身子,摸了摸Yann的手。 “It’s not your fault Têtu died. You couldn’t have caught the bullet; you are not a magician.” Yann felt burning hot tears sting the corners of his eyes. “I should have stayed with him—I shouldn’t have run.” He was suddenly aware that Mr. Laxton was standing in the doorway, listening. “Stayed to be killed,” Mr. Laxton said. “That would have been a waste.” “We are here to help you,” said his wife softly, “but you refuse to let even a chink of light into that dark space in your head.” “I don’t want anything from you. I don’t want your help. I never wanted to come here!” Yann was shouting now, so angry at the tears that wouldn’t stop rolling down his face, joining together under his chin. “Save your money and save your pity. I want none of it!” Blast the tears, why didn’t they stop? “The door is open. If you want to go back to Paris, go,” said Henry Laxton. “I am not your jailer. “Têtu的死并不是你的错。你不可能抓住子弹,你并不是一个魔术师。” Yann感到眼中充斥着灼热的眼泪。 “我应该呆在那里陪着他——我不该逃走。” 他突然意识到,Laxton先生站在门口,听着自己的话。 “呆在那里做无谓的牺牲?”Laxon先生说。“那是浪费生命的行为。” “我们来这里是为了帮助你,”Laxon太太温柔地说,“但是你拒绝让一线光亮穿过黑暗的空间,照在你的头上。” “我不想要你们的任何东西。我不需要你们的帮助。我从来没想过要来这里!”Yann大声喊着,泪水因气愤顺着脸流下来,汇聚到下巴。 “省省你们的钱,省省你们的同情心吧!我一点儿也不需要!” 眼泪越流越多,为什么停不下来呢? “门开着呢。如果你想回到巴黎去,去吧。”Henry Laxton说。“我不是你的监狱长。 Yann bolted down the stairs two at a time. He pushed past the startled doorman and out into the foggy night air. Henry Laxton leaned over the banisters and watched him go. “Well, that’s that. What a fine mess we have made.” His wife put her arms around him. “Mon chéri,” she said, “don’t despair. I promise you, this is not the end. It is just the beginning.” Yann大步跑下楼梯。推开了受惊的守门人,走进雾蒙蒙的夜空中。 Henry Laxton靠在栏杆上,看着他离开。“好吧,我们把事情搞得一团糟。” 他妻子搂着他。“亲爱的,”她说,“别失望。我向你保证,这件事并没有结束,这仅仅是个开始。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】