

2017-07-05    05'21''

主播: 英伦好声音

11131 662

(下拉有中英对照文本) Yann returned with the little Trippens to find their parents seated on boxes, both looking solemnly ahead of them as if they were in church on Sunday, their attention held by a gentleman who was leaning on the mantelpiece. It was Mr. Laxton. Yann stood there feeling stupid and embarrassed, as Mr. Trippen ushered his little family out of the room. Mr. Laxton was already talking. “I owe you an apology, Yann. I underestimated you. Whatever Yann had been expecting to hear, this was most definitely not it. Mr. Laxton’s kindness floored him. He looked up and was amazed to see genuine concern in his tired face. Yann带着Trippen先生的孩子们回来了,Trippen夫妇坐在箱子上,看上去很是严肃,就像星期日在教堂似的,他们的注意力被一位靠在壁炉台上的绅士所吸引。而这人正是Laxton先生。 Yann站在那里,感觉自己很是愚蠢,又有些尴尬,Trippen先生带着家人走出房间。 Laxton先生已经跟我谈过了。 “我欠你一句道歉,Yann。我忽视了你。 不管Yann设想过他会听到什么,这句话是他最不想听的。Laxton先生的善意使他很感动。Yann抬起头来,发现Laxton先生疲惫的脸上露出了真正的关切之情,这让Yann很是惊讶。 Finally Yann said what he had thought he would never admit to anyone, least of all to Mr. Laxton. “I bitterly regret leaving as I did. I thought you would be better off without me.” “You could not be more mistaken if you tried. I have been out all night looking for you.” “Mrs. Laxton called me a Gypsy.” “She meant no harm by it. She is as desperate as I am for you to come home.” Yann felt as if he stood at a crossroads. One path he knew well, and one appeared too dimly lit for him to see where it led. Looking at the two of them, he knew which one he was going to take. “I will try my best not to let you down, sir.” “Good, that’s all anyone can do,” said Mr. Laxton, looking mightily relieved. “Then we have an understanding.” Before Yann could say another word, the door burst open and Mr. Trippen entered, his arms spread out wide. “At last the tide has turned! A wise decision, sir,” he said, violently shaking Yann’s hand, “a wise decision.” 最后,Yann说,他认为自己永远也永远都不会接受任何人,但是Laxton先生除外。”我后悔离开了你们。我以为没有我,你们会过得更好。” “你这种想法真是大错特错了。我整晚都在找你。” “Laxton太太叫我吉普赛人。” “她没有恶意。她和我一样期待着,想让你回家。” Yann觉得自己正站在十字路口前。有一条路很是光明,有一条路光线太暗,什么看不见。看着面前的两个人,Yann知道要走哪条路了。“我会尽力不让你失望的,先生。” “好的,我相信你可以做到,”Laxton先生说,看起来如释重负。“那么我们可以达成谅解了。” Yann还没说一句话,门突然打开了,Trippen走进来,伸出双臂。 “终于退潮了!这是一个明智的决定,先生,”他说,狠狠摇着Yann的手,“这是一个明智的决定。” Yann looked baffled. And Mr. Laxton said, “I took the opportunity of asking Mr. Trippen to be one of your tutors.” “Will that suit, sir?” said Mr. Trippen, looking anxiously at Yann. “If it won’t, I will not force the point. It would gladden the heart of Touchstone to be of help to a fellow thespian. Clowns are often wiser than the cleverest of men. Not for nothing do jesters keep kings company.” Yann看上去有些困惑。 Laxton先生说,“我顺便问问Trippen先生是否愿意做你的老师。” “这合适吗,先生?”Trippen先生说,有些局促地看着Yann。“如果不行,我就不强求了,虽然这能帮助一位演员。但是小丑往往比最聪明的人还聪明,弄臣(定义为古代宫廷中以插科打诨来为国王消烦解闷的人物)的存在也是皇帝维护江山社稷中必不可少的因素。” Yann burst out laughing. “And you can get the furniture back.” “It’s already settled,” said Mr. Laxton. “Then,” said Yann, “then it will suit very well indeed.” The Marquis de Villeduval’s response to the growing political turmoil in France was to build a garden surrounded by a high wall. Designed to enhance the beauty of his new château. As part of the grand plan the marquis ordered the removal of a small, inconvenient hill that blocked the view from the château. The farmers, whose wheat fields he had confiscated, came cap in hand to beg him to leave it be. It was a sacred mound. To disturb it would mean spoiled crops, diseased animals, ruin and starvation. Yann哈哈大笑。“那么你就可以把家具拿回来。” “这就解决了,”Laxton先生说。 Yann说,“那套西装的确很适合你。” 在法国,政治动荡日益激烈,而Marquis de Villeduval却要在花园的周围建一道高墙,本来是为了使château城堡显得更加雄伟壮丽。 侯爵下令移走一个挡住视线的小山丘,这也是蓝图的一部分。侯爵充公了农民们的麦田,农民们手里拿着帽子乞求他停止殴打。那是一座神圣的土丘。毁坏它就意味着破坏庄稼,伤害动物,毁灭和饥饿。 This was not the first time a peasant delegation had annoyed him with saints and superstitions. The same thing had happened when he cleared the forest around his château in Normandy to make way for a park. That time they had warned him not to touch the ancient trees that belonged to the spirits of the earth and were guarded by the Gypsies. They said that misfortune would overtake him if he cut down a single one. The marquis was determined to clear his land of the Gypsies, whom he held solely responsible for these nonsensical and irrational ideas, so one winter’s day he set off in pursuit of them, with a group that included Count Kalliovski. The party soon came across a Gypsy family fleeing through the woods. The marquis had thought to have them rounded up and transported. The count, however, had an altogether more immediate solution. The marquis, who had not quite the count’s taste for blood, watched from a respectable distance, and the servants looked on in horror, as Kalliovski personally killed each and every one with less mercy than he would have shown a fox. 这不是农民第一次用圣人的话和迷信来”打扰”伯爵。他清除一个围绕他在诺曼底的château城堡森林时也发生过同样的事,有人警告过他不要触摸古树,这些树是属于大地的灵魂,由吉普赛人守护。他们说如果他砍掉一棵树,不幸就会降临。 但侯爵执意要清除吉普赛人的土地,禁止吉普赛人传播这些荒谬的想法,因此冬季的一天他去追吉普赛人,这些人中就包括kalliovski。 这些人很快遇到一个吉普赛家庭在树林中逃窜。侯爵曾想把他们关起来运走。然而,伯爵有一个更直接的方法。侯爵不太喜欢伯爵的想法,他从远处看着,仆人们惊恐地看着, kalliovski毫不怜惜地亲手杀死一个又一个人。 The dead bodies were left hanging in the trees like grotesque baubles, an example to all those who put store in old wives’ tales instead of having a proper respect for reason and authority. The cost of his new paradise would bring the marquis to financial ruin was something he chose to ignore. The task of telling him the true state of his financial affairs fell to the long-suffering Maître Tardieu, trusted adviser to the Villeduval family for over thirty years. After the old marquis’s death he had watched with growing dismay as the family’s fortune was mercilessly squandered. And now it seemed that the day of reckoning had arrived. 尸体被挂在树上像是些奇形怪状的小玩意,就好像是在老妇人故事里的杂物,毫无尊严可言。 建造这个城堡的代价就是侯爵破产了,但是他选择了无视。财务真实状况一直掌握在值得信赖的顾问,Villeduval家族长达三十年。老侯爵死后,财产被无情地挥霍殆尽,他感到越来越沮丧。现在看来,清算的日子已经到了。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】