

2017-07-14    04'17''

主播: 英伦好声音

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(下拉有中英对照文本) A mist hung like a veil over the garden. Sido, still reeling from all she had been told and the joyful knowledge, for what it was worth, that she wasn’t alone in the world, lifted her skirts and for the first time in seven months ran down the grassy paths. Nearly falling, she steadied herself on the statue of Pan. At last, finding her balance, she took the walk at a slower pace, pleased to feel her leg becoming less stiff. She wandered down paths where statues of goddesses watched over her. The groves were full of birdsong. It did not take her long to discover the metal cages. Pushing back the leaves, she saw aviaries full of wild birds, thrushes, blackbirds, nightingales, wrens, chaffinches, hidden amongst the foliage. What cruelty, she thought, to do this to birds that own the sky. She was trying to find out how the aviaries might be opened when a group of people appeared ghostlike out of the mist. They were armed with pitchforks, swords, and guns. She recognized some of the servants. 薄雾笼罩着花园。Sido仍然没从听到的消息中走出来,那些让人快乐的知识,又值些什么,她不是一个人活在这个世界上,Sido提起裙子,七个月来,第一次跑下草地。她几乎要跌倒了,后来在潘的雕像前站稳了。最后,她找到了平衡,走得慢了一点,感到腿不那么僵硬了,她很高兴。Sido漫步在小路上,女神雕像守护着她。园中充满了鸟鸣。 她花了很长时间才发现了金属笼子。推开叶子,看到了鸟舍中的鸟,画眉,夜莺,鹪鹩,花鸡,都藏在树叶中。她想,对那些飞翔在天空中的鸟,这样做是多么残忍啊。 她试图找到放出这些鸟的方法,一群人出现雾中。他们手持干草叉,剑和枪。她认出了一些仆人。 “Where are you going?” “To Paris,” said Jacques. “We have come to free the birds.” He pulled out a key and said almost shyly, “Would you like to do it, mademoiselle?” One by one, Sido unlocked the cages. They stood there, all of them silently watching the birds thrill to find the wind once more beneath their wings. Only when every cage stood empty did they part, the servants taking one path and Sido another. Under the shade of the oak tree Sido could see in the flickering patterns of the leaves her life already mapped out, her future decided, her husband chosen. “你们要去哪儿?” “去巴黎,”Jacque说。“我们要放飞这些鸟的。”他拔出一把钥匙,有些害羞地说, “你愿意这样做吗,小姐?“ Sido一个接一个地打开笼子。他们站在那里,所有的人都默默地看着鸟儿们兴奋地展开翅膀,感受着风。直到所有笼子都空了,仆人和Sido才分道扬镳。 Sido站在橡树的树荫下,看到自己的生活方式已经被安排好了,她的未来,将将由自己的丈夫决定。 To Sido ,Count Kalliovki soulless, with his impossibly smooth skin, his face stripped of lines and wrinkles, his features wiped clean of life’s tempests. She wondered what pact he had made with the devil, that time itself should not wish to embrace him. She thought back to that evening of the party some seven months when he and his great black hound had sat in her chamber watching her. It had felt as if the very air was being sucked out of the room, his presence as heavy as mercury. It was after the fireworks, when she was alone again, that Sido had her dream. She was walking along snowy treetops. The road up ahead was a silvery ribbon in the starlight; it appeared to be far off, yet it wound its way toward her. There on the highway she could make out a coach standing diagonally across the road, as if it had just avoided some terrible catastrophe. The coachman was mopping his brow, looking shaken. By the side of the horses stood Yann. She could clearly hear him talking to them in his curious language. She reached out to touch him, and in that moment he turned toward her and smiled. 在Sido的眼里,kalliovki伯爵没有灵魂,他皮肤光滑,脸上没有皱纹,从不受生活的诱惑。她不知道他和魔鬼有什么约定,那个时候魔鬼应该也不想拥抱他。 她回想起晚会的那个晚上,七个月前,他和大黑猎狗坐在她的房间里看着她。空气好像正从房间里被吸出来,他的身体像水银一样重。 烟花过后,Sido再次变得孤独,她有自己的梦想。却像从树梢上的雪走过。前面的路,在星光下像是一条银色的缎带,似乎很远很远,但又像是向她走去。高速公路上,她可以看到一辆马车斜靠在马路对面,好像躲过了一场可怕的灾难似的。车夫擦了擦自己的额头,看上去有些颤抖。马的身边站着Yann。她可以清楚地听到他用奇怪的语言和他们交谈。她伸手去碰他,就在那一刻,他转身朝她微笑。 Then with a jolt she was back in her room. That was when she knew, as if she had always known, that Yann Margoza would be in her life forever. This dream of Yann had idled away many desperate months, until at last he seemed so real to her that she could almost believe he was sitting on the chair by her bed watching her. Today, though, the dream stopped abruptly, for in her mind’s eye the smooth, soulless face of Count Kalliovski smothered her vision like a black velvet curtain, snuffing out her hope of freedom. 然后她摇了摇头,回到了自己的房间。当时她就知道,好像她一直都知道这件事,Yann Margoza会是永远在自己的生命中。 关于Yann的梦已经帮Sido度过了绝望的几个月,直到最后,似乎更加真实,Sido几乎相信Yann就坐在椅子上,在她床边看着她。今天,虽然,梦突然醒了,在Sido眼中,Kalliovski伯爵的灵魂,在她的眼中就像黑色天鹅绒窗帘,夺走了自由的希望。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】