

2017-08-07    06'10''

主播: 英伦好声音

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(下拉有中英对照文本) 13 Yann knew that there was still time, he must go back and find the Gypsies. Early the next day he rode out to Hainault Forest, to the Fairlop Fair. Here, each year, Gypsies from all over the country gathered, making the most of the chance to gossip and trade in the horses and ponies. It was evening by the time he found out where Tobias Cooper was, nestled at the edge of the forest. Tobias embraced Yann,“I knew you would return,” he said, “and I know we have not much time, because you are going back across the water.” He took Yann to his tent and they sat down together in front of the fire, where the kettle bubbled away. “Now let us try again,” said Tobias, as if no time had passed. A cup rose into the air and the kettle tipped and poured tea into it. “What do you see”? Asked Tobias. “A cup having tea poured into it by an invisible hand.” “I did not ask you to look,” said Tobias. “Looking is what all fools do. I asked you to see from here!” Yann知道,自己还有时间,他必须回去找吉普赛人。 第二天一大早,他穿过埃诺森林,到菲尔洛普站。每一年,在这里,吉普赛人都会从全国各地聚集起来,去交流信息,交易马匹。 到了晚上,他发现Tobias Cooper在森林边上。 Tobias拥抱了Yann,“我就知道你会回来的,”他说,“我知道我们的时间不多了,因为你要到水那边去。” 他把Yann带到帐篷里,一起坐在火堆前,壶里的水开了。 “现在让我们再试一次,” Tobias说,好像他们之间并没有分开过。一个杯子升到了空中,水壶倾斜,倒茶进去。 “你看到了什么?” Tobias问。 “一只看不见的手把茶倒进了杯子里”。 “我并不是让你看,” Tobias说。“看那是傻瓜才做的事。我叫你从这里看!” He pressed his thumb hard in the middle of Yann’s forehead. “This is how you must learn to see. Not with your eyes. They are so easily tricked. Now drink.” Yann held the cup tight. He needed the warmth of the tea for comfort. He said, “I stopped believing.” “That goes without saying,” said Tobias. It was not until the moon had taken sovereignty over the night sky that Tobias and Yann left the camp and started to walk through the forest, where the trees stood like sentinels watching for intruders. 他把拇指放在Yann的额头中间。“你要学会看。不是用你的眼睛。他们很容易上当受骗。现在喝茶吧。” Yann紧紧握着杯子。他需要一杯温暖的茶,让自己放松点儿。他说,“我不相信。” “这不用说,” Tobias说。 直到月亮悬在夜空,Tobias和Yann离开营地,开始步行穿过森林,那里的树像是站立着的哨兵看着入侵者。 At last they came to a clearing, an eerie place surrounded by oak trees on top of which the moon seemed to be balancing. It was a circular clearing, off which led seven paths. Yann had the sensation of walking not on the mossy ground but on a membrane that divided two worlds. Tobias sat down in the middle of the clearing, Yann beside him, and started to play a penny whistle. It made no sound, or at least none that Yann could hear. After a while, lights began to appear down each path. Phantomlike figures came into focus from now here. They seemed no more substantial than mist. Yann watched, hypnotized, as on the path directly in front of him stood a wizened woman. “Who called for me?” She asked. Tobias stood up and gave a deep bow. “I did. I have brought the young man as I promised I would.” Yann watched as she seemed to fade and then become whole again. “Come here,” she called out to him. 最后,他们来到了一个空地上,一个阴森恐怖的地方,周围环绕着一片橡树,月亮似乎在就在上面悬挂着。这是一个圆形的空地,周围有七条路。Yann走在长满苔藓的地面上,觉得世界仿佛被分成了两半。 Tobias在空地中间坐了下来,Yann坐在他旁边,开始吹哨子。却没有发出任何声音,或者说至少Yann没有听到。过了一会儿,每条路上开始亮起了灯。幻觉似的人物就成为关注的焦点。他们似乎比雾还要飘渺。Yann看着,有些着迷,这条路上,在他面前站着一个干瘪的女人。 “谁来找我?”她问道。 Tobias站起来,深深地鞠了一躬。“我做到了。像我承诺的那样,我把这个年轻人带来了。” Yann看着她似乎消散了,然后又成为一个整体。 “来吧,”她叫Yann。 Then the strangest thing happened. Without moving, without taking a step, he left his body. He could see himself still standing next to Tobias. The old woman held her hands out and he took them. He was being lifted off his feet, up into the night sky, whirling around and around, higher and higher until he was above the treetops, almost touching the moon. Then, without a word, the old woman let go of his hands and he fell back down to earth. He felt the great blow the two parts of himself collide, become one again. The old woman patted the ground next to her and Yann sat down. Close up, her face looked as wise as the earth is broad. In her eyes he could see all that was known and all that was still to be learned. It felt as though she were looking straight through him. A pain struck him in the middle of his forehead as if she were pressing a finger through his skull. 然后,最奇怪的事情发生了。Yann没有动,没有迈出一步,却仿佛离开了自己的身体。他可以看到自己仍然站在Tobias旁边。老妇人伸出双手,Yann握住这双手。他被抬离了地面,升上天空,旋转,越来越高直到上了树梢,几乎碰到了月亮。 然后,老妇人放开他的手,一句话也没有说,他就回到了地面。Yann感觉到巨大的打击让自己的两部分相互碰撞,再度成为一体。 老人拍了拍旁边的地面,和Yann坐下来。 近看,她的脸给人像地球一样宽广的感觉。在她眼里他能看到所有已知的东西,还有自己要学习的东西。Yann感觉好像她的视线正在穿过他。Yann前额痛了一下,好像是用手指压过他的脑壳似的。 "Give me your hand,” said the old woman. Yann felt her papery skin. He flinched, for there was such power in her grip, and suddenly everything disappeared and he was walking on the road, toward a upturned carriage, its wheels spinning around and around, A young woman was lying by the roadside, all broken like a china doll. A man was holding her, his horse grazing a little way off; nearby, Yann can could see an infant, her leg broken, her little face contorted with pain. With a jolt he was aware of being back in the clearing. The fire and the old woman had disappeared. Yann looked around and for the first time he saw spider threads of light streaming from all the ghostly figures, over-arching him like a huge cat’s cradle, until with the sound of a violin string snapping they were gone. Yann turned to look at Tobias. He too had threads of light coming from his fingers. And he watched, astounded, as the old man flicked them as a fisherman might cast his line to catch a fish. “I can see,” shouted Yann, “I can see!” “At last,” said Tobias. “Now we can start.” “把手给我,”老妇人说。Yann触摸到了她像纸一样的皮肤。她的手太有力量了,Yann有些退缩,突然间一切都消失了,他走在路上,走向一辆倾倒的马车,车轮在旋转,一个年轻的女人躺在路边,像一个破碎的中国娃娃。一个男人抱着她,他的马在不远处; Yann看到不远处有一个婴儿,她的腿断了,小脸因疼痛而扭曲着。 他猛然意识到自己回到了空地上。火和老妇人都消失了。Yann环顾四周,这是他第一次看到光像是幽灵般漂浮在空中,就像一个巨型猫的摇篮,直到小提琴弦响,声音就消失了。 Yann转身看Tobias。他的手指也在发出光线。Yann看了,大吃一惊,老人可能会把他们当作抓鱼的线。 “我看到了,”Yann喊道,“我可以看到了!“ “终于看到了,” Tobias说。“现在我们可以开始了。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】