

2017-08-09    06'12''

主播: 英伦好声音

1855 128

(下拉有中英对照文本) On the eleventh of August, the Duchesse de Lamantes, worried for the Marquis de Villeduval’s safety, sent a messenger to inform the marquis of the serious situation in Paris, the Swiss Guards massacred, and the royal family arrested. She also thought the marquis should know that Count Kalliovski was calling for the execution of the king. 八月十一日,公爵夫人Lamantes,担心Villeduval侯爵的安全,派使者通知侯爵。在巴黎,瑞士卫队开始屠杀人,王室成员被逮捕。她想侯爵应该知道Kalliovski伯爵要求要处死国王。 In the light of all these developments, the Duchesse de Lamantes was sure that her friend could not now countenance his daughter marrying such a man, and she advised him to leave France at the first possible opportunity. The Marquis de Villeduval refused to receive the duchess’s messenger. Since Kalliovski’s last visit, reality had become a stranger to him. While the frayed edges of his sanity daily unwound, he chose to remain locked away in his suite of rooms studying his collection of shoe buckles. Nightly now, he walked through the Château’s empty salons while ghosts danced before him, dressed in all their finery and tall powdered wigs. 鉴于事情的发展,公爵夫人Lamantes肯定她的朋友现在不可能让他的女儿嫁给这样的男人,她劝他离开法国,如果有可能的话。 Villeduval侯爵拒绝接见公爵夫人的信使。从Kalliovski的最后一次访问,现实似乎变成了一个陌生人。每天,都在磨损侯爵的理智,他选择留在房间里研究自己收藏的搭扣。现在晚上,穿过城堡空房间时,仿佛有鬼魂在面前跳舞,穿着华丽衣服,戴着粉质假发。 It was left to Sido to read the letter, and after that she knew that it was all too late for herself and her father. She slipped downstairs to join the servants in the kitchen, where they crowded around the duchess’s messenger. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Why, the very air in the city was electric! At midnight the church bells rang out from steeple to steeple—that’s the tocsin that alerts you to danger—followed by a thousand drums and the boom of guns. I’ll wager not one person slept, for the terror those bells awoke in them.” “Oh dear Lord, what will become of us?” said Agathe. “Quiet,” said Jean. “Go on. What happened then?” “Yesterday morning, at dawn, the citizens rose up and marched to the Tuileries Gardens. They were shouting, ‘Down with the veto, down with the tyrant.’The troops from the south sang the Marseillaise. They were armed to the teeth—guns, knives, bayonets, swords, you name it. They hacked the Swiss Guard to death. They didn’t stand a chance—the king just abandoned them. Only interested in his own skin.” “Oh, lordy Lord!” Wept Agathe. 最后是Sido看的信,看完之后,她知道不管是对于她,还是她父亲,一切都太晚了。她悄悄下楼加入在厨房里的仆人,他们在那里围在公爵夫人的信使旁。 “我从来没有见过这样的事情。这个城市的空气里有电!午夜,教堂的钟声响起—从尖顶的警钟发出的声音,提醒你注意危险—后面是一千支鼓和轰隆隆的炮声。我敢打赌,没有一个人睡过觉,因为那些钟声唤醒了他们的恐惧。” “哦,亲爱的主,我们会变成什么样?”Agathe说。 “安静,”Jean说。“继续。接着怎么啦?” “昨天早上,黎明时分,市民们游行到杜伊勒里花园。他们高喊“行使否决权,打倒暴君。”游行队伍从南边过来,唱着马赛曲。他们是武装到了牙齿的—带着枪、刀、刺刀、剑,所有你能想到的武器。他们把瑞士卫队砍死了。他们没有生的希望—国王放弃了他们。只对他自己的皮肤感兴趣。” “哦,老天爷啊!“Agathe低泣道。 Jean sighed. “A bonfire of hate has been ignited. God alone knows what earthly force can put it out now.” “And the rest of Paris?” asked Bernard. “There are fires burning all over the city. The citizens are breaking into the aristocrats’ houses, looting, killing their servants, smashing their furniture, and burning and destroying anything of value.” “Will they do the same here?” asked Lucille. She was almost beside herself with fear. “Who knows? When I left they were calling for the blood of the nobility to wash the streets of Paris clean, and they’d started to tear down buildings where aristocrats had taken refuge.” “Enough,” interrupted Jean. “You’re frightening everyone.” Jean叹了口气。“仇恨已经点燃篝火。只有上帝知道大地的力量可以熄灭这片火。” “巴黎的其他地方呢?”Bernard问道。 “火燃烧了整个城市。公民们闯入贵族的住宅,抢劫、杀害他们的仆人,捣毁他们的家具,焚烧和摧毁任何有价值的东西。 “他们会在这里做同样的事情吗?”Lucille问。她很是恐惧。 “谁知道?我离开的时候,他们呼吁用贵族的鲜血清洗巴黎的街道,他们开始拆除那里的贵族避难用的建筑物。” “够了,”Jean打断了他的话。“你把大家吓坏了。” By the time the messenger had left, Sido could see what would happen next. “I have a wife and children,” said Michel Floret, the gardener. “I’m afraid to be found here.” This seemed to go for all the servants, who sorrowfully and apologetically made their excuses and filed out of the kitchen. Only two stayed sitting at the kitchen table, Jean and Bernard. “Eh bien,” said Jean, getting out a bottle of wine. “There is nothing more for it. We’ll just have to sit it out and make plans for our escape if the château is attacked.” “I agree,” said Bernard. “No,” said Sido, “you must go too. I shall stay with my father.” “But mademoiselle, it’s not safe for you here. Sido tried to look calm. The marquis has put all his hope for our survival in the wall. Bernard let out a whistle. “That wall is a farce” “What do you mean?” asked Sido. 送信人离开的时候,Sido可以看到接下来会发生什么。 “我有妻子和孩子,” 园丁Michel Floret说。“我怕在这里被发现。”似乎所有的仆人都是这样想的,他们充满悲伤,找到借口,走出了厨房。 只有两个人还坐在餐桌旁,Jean和Bernard。 “那好,”Jean说,拿出了一瓶酒。 “没什么更糟糕的了。我们就坐在这里,如果这里遭到攻击,我们好实施逃跑的计划。” “我同意,”Bernard说。 “不,”Sido说,“你也要走。我要和父亲在一起。” “但是,小姐,你在这里不安全。 Sido试图平静了一下。侯爵把他生存的希望放在这堵墙上。 Bernard发出口哨声。“那堵墙是场闹剧” “你什么意思?”Sido问。 “His laborers hated him for putting the rents so high. Their revenge was to use more sand in the mix than they should have. It means the wall will collapse if it’s attacked.” Sido felt weak and sat down. “Even more reason for you to go, then.” “No,” said Jean firmly, “we’re not leaving you.” “I thank you” said Sido. “他的工人恨他要的租金太高。他们的报复是在混凝土里添加更多的沙子。这意味着这堵墙在进攻时将很快倾倒。” Sido有些发软,坐了下来。“那就有更多的理由让你们走了。” “不,”Jean坚定地说,“我们不会离开你的。” “谢谢你”Sido说。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】