

2017-08-30    05'20''

主播: 英伦好声音

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(下拉有中英对照文本) Yann took his time to work out the best place to stand so that he had a clear view of the main door to the duchess’s residence. He was able to observe Sido before she saw him. Her mass of dark hair was tied up with a crimson ribbon, her face porcelain pale. She was dressed in a white muslin gown and carrying a basket, limping slightly as she walked toward him. Only when he said her name did she stop. “Mademoiselle Sido. Do you remember me?” She looked at him, her head to one side, wondering for a moment if hunger had made her hallucinate. "Yann Margoza,” she said softly, as if the words were stepping-stones across an unknown river. She wanted to touch him, just to reassure herself that he was made of flesh and blood rather than dreams and desires. Yann花时间研究出了观察公爵夫人住处的最佳地点。Yann在Sido看见他之前,就看到了她。乌黑的头发上扎着一条深红色的丝带,脸色苍白。穿着白纱礼服,拎着一个篮子,有些蹒跚地向他走去。听到Yann叫她名字,停了下来。 “Mademoiselle Sido。你还记得我吗?“ 她看着他,歪着头,想了一下,不知道是不是饥饿让她产生了幻觉。 “Yann Margoza,”她轻声说,就好像这几个字是跨越未知河面的垫脚石。她想触摸到他,却只能安慰自己,这是血肉之躯,而不是梦想和欲望。 Her face lit up. Oh, yes, thought Yann, I always knew you were going to be lovely. “What are you doing in Paris?” she asked. “What is anyone doing in Paris? Trying to survive,” he answered. “Would you like to eat?” “I have to go and get food for my father.” “We can do that later. Why don’t we eat first? I would like to talk to you.” They walked together to the Café des Bains Chinois. Yann asked for a table at the back, where he hoped they would not be observed. 她的脸明亮了起来。 哦,是的,Yann想,我一直知道你很可爱。 “你在巴黎做什么?”她问道。 “其他人在巴黎做什么呢?为了生存,”他回答说。“你想吃饭吗?” “我要去给我爸爸买食物。” “我们可以稍后再买。为什么不先吃饭呢?我想和你谈谈。” 他们一起走到咖啡馆。Yann要了一张后面的桌子,希望他们不会引起别人注意。 The smell of food was like an intoxicating perfume that made Sido feels faint. Can this be happening? She thought. “He looks seven more handsome than I ever dreamed he would.” Yann turned to look at her, startled. What an unguarded thing to say, he thought. “I am very flattered that you—” He stopped abruptly, realizing with a shock that he could hear what she was thinking. Had his gift come back? He turned to look at the other customers in the café, wondering if he could hear what they were thinking as well. Nothing. Only Sido’s thoughts rushed in upon him. “You look well,” she managed to say. “When I last saw you . . .” Here she stopped herself, suddenly aware of his dark eyes on her. It was as if he had walked inside her head and could see for himself just how much and how often she had thought of him since they last met. 食物的味道就像醉人的香水味,让Sido有些眩晕。这是真的吗?她想。“他看上去比我想象中更帅。” Yann转过身来看着她,吓了一跳。他认为自己没说什么能让人引起防备的事情。 “你真让我受宠若惊—”他突然停了下来,意识到他能听到她在想什么。他又有天赋了吗?他转身看着在咖啡馆的其他人,想试试自己能不能听到他们在想什么。什么也没有,他只能听见Sido在想什么。 “你看上去还不错,”她说。“我最后一次见到你的时候…”她停了下来,意识到Yann乌黑的眼睛在盯着她。从上次见面的时候起,他仿佛走进了她的脑海,她经常想起他。 The meal arrived. Yann was glad of the interruption. “Eat it slowly,” said Yann kindly. “How do you know I haven’t eaten?” “Because I do.” She was quiet, savoring the food in her mouth. She remembered how she had felt when she had first seen him three years ago. The sense of her soul was visible, that there was nowhere to hide from him. "I’ve been staying with some people called Laxton,” said Yann, pleased to be talking aloud. 饭菜上来了。Yann很高兴终于打断了沉默。 “慢慢吃,”Yann温和地说。 “你怎么知道我还没吃饭呢?“ “因为我也没吃。” 她很安静,在嘴里品尝食物。她想起,三年前,第一次见到他。灵魂就有所触动,无法忘掉他。 “我和Laxton夫妇呆在一起,”Yann说,高兴地大声说着话。 Sido looked shocked. “Did you say Laxton?” “Yes,” he said, studying her. Lovely was the wrong word to describe her. No, Sido was beautiful. "You know my aunt? Can this be true? Tell me...” She felt her emotions were about to spill over, like water in a glass. “But how?” He told her as much of the story as he dared, leaving out the bullet. “They want you to come to London. That’s why I ’m here.” She was quiet for a moment. “I fear it’s too late,” she said at last. “I can’t leave. Earlier this year I was formally betrothed to Count Kalliovski. What she didn’t say, and what Yann could hear loud and clear, was that she had felt like a piece of unwanted furniture, to be sold for the right price. “How is the marquis’s health?” asked Yann. “He’s not well. He burned his hand badly in the fire.” She paused. “I t’s not just that. I t is in his mind that he is most disturbed. My father has become obsessed with Count Kalliovski, He believes him to be the devil, come to tempt virtuous men to tread the path to hell.” Sido看上去有些震惊。“你是说Laxton夫妇?” “是的,”他说,看着Sido。用可爱来形容她一点儿都不对,Sido是个美人。 “你认识我姑姑吗?这是真的吗?告诉我……”她感到自己很激动,就像杯子里的水快要溢出来了。“但是你怎么会认识他们呢?” 他把发生的大部分事情都告诉了她,没告诉她中弹的那件事情。 “他们想让你去伦敦。这就是我到这里的原因。” 她沉默了一会儿。“我怕太晚了,”最后,她说。“我不能离开。今年早些时候,我已经和Kalliovski伯爵订婚了。 她没说的话,Yann听到了,她感到自己像一件不必要的家具,将要以合适的价格售卖出去。 “侯爵的健康状况如何?”Yann问。 “他身体不好。大火中,手烧的很严重。”Sido停了下来。“不只是这样。在他的心目中,自己是最不安的。我的父亲很怕Kalliovski侯爵,认为他是魔鬼,引诱善良的人走向去地狱的路。” “And this is the man you are betrothed to?” Yann exclaimed, almost shaking with rage. "I am uncertain now. My father has written to his lawyer instructing him to inform Count Kalliovski that the marriage is off.” It was what she was not saying, more than what she said, that struck Yann powerfully: The marquis was haunted by visions of his dead wife. “这就是你的未婚夫吗?”Yann惊呼,几乎气得浑身发抖。”我现在不确定。我父亲给他的律师写了信,让他告诉Kalliovski侯爵婚约作废了。” 不管是Sido说的,没说的,都让Yann很震惊。侯爵是被他死去的妻子吓到了。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】