

2017-09-15    05'06''

主播: 英伦好声音

1476 116

(下拉有中英对照文本) Yann was concentrating so hard on Sido that he didn’t notice the look of anguish that crossed the lawyer’s face at these words. “Please, mademoiselle, think of yourself. Unlike others, you have family in England waiting for you—” Yann, now almost desperate, interrupted. “Danton is stirring people into a fever of hatred against all those held in the prisons. It will explode and you will be caught in it unless we do something.” Along the corridor they could hear the sound of boots and the click-clack of dogs’ claws against stone. “I am going to come for you,” said Yann. “When I do, you must be ready.” The turnkey opened the door. “Well, old lawyer, is she going to plead innocence? That the horse had a mind of its own and took off to see an old mare in England?” He laughed heartily at his own joke. Yann专注地看着Sido,并没有注意到律师听到这些话痛苦的表情。“拜托了,小姐,想想你自己吧。不像其他人,你在英国有家人在等你——” Yann现在几乎绝望了,打断了他们的话。“Danton正在煽动人们憎恨监狱的人。如果我们不采取行动,这里会爆炸,你会被抓住的。” 沿着走廊可以听到靴子和狗爪踩在石头上的声音。 “我会来找你的,”Yann说。“我来的时候,你必须要准备好。” 狱卒打开门。“好了,老律师,她会进行无罪辩护吗?是那匹马有自己的想法,想要去英国看一匹老母马?”他对自己讲的笑话哈哈大笑起来。 Outside the prison, Maître Tardieu was overcome by the heat, he felt unsteady on his feet. Yann led him into a nearby café and ordered him a drink. “What can we do?” Asked Yann,“She’s not going to leave him and I can’t see any way of getting that madman out.” “I can assure you he isn’t worth it. Mademoiselle Sido, though, is a different matter; she has courage and dignity. She is a true de Villeduval—takes after her uncle and grandfather. The lawyer picked up his glass and drank. “Oh dear, oh dear,” he continued. “I wanted to say something in the prison, but I couldn’t bring myself to voice it. After all, it is only rumor and hearsay. I deal in proof, in evidence: I debated with myself about telling her, May be I should have. It might have helped.” "What might have helped?” Said Yann. “It was rumored that Armand de Villeduval and Mademoiselle Sido’s mother were lovers, and that they were planning to flee to England, taking the child with them. My late master told me on his deathbed that in the portmanteau that had gone missing were letters that led him to believe . . .” 监狱外,Maître Tardieu热得受不了,他觉得有些站不稳了。Yann带他到附近的咖啡馆让他先喝一杯。 “我们能做什么呢?”Yann问道,“她不会离开他,我想不出有什么办法把这个疯子弄出来。” “我可以向你保证救他一点儿也不值得。Mademoiselle Sido,却完全不同。她有勇气和尊严。是一个真正的villeduval后裔——像她的叔叔和祖父一样。 律师拿起酒杯喝了起来。“天哪,”他继续说。“我想在监狱里说点什么,但我没法说出来。毕竟,这只是谣言和传闻。我会用证据来证明:我跟她争辩过,告诉她,也许我应该这样做。会有所帮助的。” “可能会有什么帮助?“Yann问。 “有传言说Armand de Villeduval和Mademoiselle Sido的母亲是一对恋人,他们打算带着孩子逃到英国。我的老主人在他临死前告诉我,那封失踪的信,让他相信……” Yann sat bolt upright“That Armand de Villeduval was Sido’s father?” “Precisely. Find the letters and you may well have enough evidence to make her change her mind about leaving the marquis, for I believe there is blood on those pampered pink hands of his.” “Where do you think those letters are, sir?” asked Yann.“The first place I would look is in Kalliovski’s apartment.” Yann坐的笔直,“Armand de Villeduval是西多的父亲?” “正是。找到这些信,你可能有足够的证据让她改变想法,离开侯爵,我相信,他手上也沾满了鲜血。” “先生,你认为那些信在哪儿?”“Yann问。“首先我想到的是kalliovski的公寓。” On the wall opposite the café, scribbled in dripping red paint, were the words Kill the enemy within. Yann knew there was hardly any time. The only way to get her out was to be bold—and bolder. The letter that Monsieur Aulard had just signed sat worryingly on his desk. Never had a piece of paper frightened him so much. He knew it held the power to snuff out life itself. More to the point, his life. He was about to send two tickets to Citizen Kalliovski inviting him to bring one of his famed automata to the theater that very night. The letter said that an old friend of Topolain’s wanted to talk to him about the threads of light, and it was signed, “From a well-wisher.” This hadn’t been Monsieur Aulard’s idea; far from it. He could not imagine what the threads of light were. It was part of Têtu’s master plan to get Kalliovski away from his apartment so that Yann could break in and search for Armand’s letters. Monsieur Aulard stared transfixed at the letter; Monsieur Aulard stared transfixed at the letter. 咖啡馆对面的墙上,涂着红色的油漆,上面写着“杀死敌人”。Yann知道,没有什么时间了。想把她弄出来只有一个办法——大胆些,再大胆些。 Monsieur Aulard坐在办公桌上,有些担心自己刚刚签的字。从来没有一张纸让他这么害怕。他知道这张纸可能会要了一个人的命。很有可能是他的命。 当晚,他将要发出两张邀请函,邀请公民kalliovski带着他著名的自动机到剧场。信中说,Topolain的一个老朋友,想和他谈谈关于光线,并写着,“来自一个好心人”。 这不是Monsieur Aulard的主意,相反,他完全不知道光线是什么。这主要是Têtu的计划,让Kalliovski离开他的公寓,Yann潜入公寓,去找Armand的信件。 Monsieur Aulard目不转睛地盯着那封信;Monsieur Aulard目不转睛地盯着那封信。 “It was because Topolain let slip that they’d met before Kalliovski couldn’t be sure that one day Topolain wouldn’t remember the exact circumstances of their meeting. He could not allow anyone to have that power over him.” “Why? What would it matter?” “It was in the gambling dens of St. Petersburg that the self-styled Count Kalliovski started his meteoric rise to fame and fortune.” Yann heard with a start the word that Têtu was thinking but not saying. A word that sparkled like a diamond in the mud, too bright to be missed - Gypsy. “这是因为Topolain让他们,在见Kalliovski之前先见过面,不知道Topolain会不会记得他们会面的具体情况。他不允许任何人超过他。” “为什么?这有什么关系?“ “这是在圣彼得堡的赌场,Kalliovski伯爵开始平步青云,名利双收。” Yann听到一个词,Têtu想到了但是没有说出来说。一个像钻石一样闪耀在泥里的词,因为太亮,而无法错过——吉普赛。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】