

2017-09-29    05'34''

主播: 英伦好声音

1895 123

(下拉有中英对照文本) On the second floor was the apartment he was looking for. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. I t was opened by Milkeye. “This is for Citizen Kalliovski,” said Yann. “He’s not in,” said Milkeye hoarsely, moving as if to close the door. “Will you at least take the basket?” Yann pulled back the cloth to reveal a round cheese, a loaf of bread, and a bottle of red wine. The smell was pungent and tempting. Milkeye grabbed the basket. “My master doesn’t like cheese,” he said. Yann shrugged his shoulders and reached to take back the gift. With his outstretched palm Milkeye pushed him so hard that he landed with a thud on the opposite wall, with the door slammed firmly in his face. Ten minutes was what Têtu had reckoned before the wine and cheese worked their magic and Milkeye would be fast asleep. Yann gave it fifteen to make sure before gently trying the door. To his relief, it opened easily and he found himself in the dark empty hall. 公寓二楼是他要找东西的地方。Yann深深吸了一口气,敲了敲门。Milkeye打开了门。 “这是给公民Kalliovski的,”Yann说。 “他不在,”Milkeye嘶哑地说,想要把门关上。 “你至少把篮子拿走吧?” Yann拉开布,露出圆奶酪、一条面包和一瓶红酒。味道很诱人。Milkeye抓过了篮子。 “我的主人不喜欢奶酪,”他说。 Yann耸了耸肩,伸手拿回东西。顺着Yann伸出的手,Milkeye使劲推了Yann,砰的一声把他推到了对面墙上,门砰地一声关上了。 十分钟过去了,Têtu预计葡萄酒和奶酪发挥了作用, Milkeye将会很快入睡。Yann等了十五分钟,轻轻推开门。门很容易就开了,这让Yann松了一口气,他发现自己走进了黑暗的大厅里。 There was just enough light for him to make his way cautiously into the salon. It was an enormous room and furnished on a grand scale. There was no sign of him, just the basket on the side table. The bottle of wine was missing but the cheese was untouched. This was not a good sign. It would take both to knock him out completely. Yann wondered why he could hear the beating of a drum; then he realized it was his own heart. He spun around, fearing to see Milkeye in the long shadows. But the room was empty. 光线只够让他小心翼翼地走进客厅。房间很大,装饰很华丽。 没有Milkeye的身影,桌子旁边放着篮子。那瓶酒不见了,但奶酪没有动过。这不是一个好兆头。只有吃了这两样东西,Milkeye才会陷入睡眠。Yann在想,自己怎么会听到鼓声;然后他意识到是自己的心跳。Yann转过身来,生怕在长长的暗影里看见Milkeye。但房间里空无一人。 Guardedly he went through the interconnecting doors to the next salon. Every sound echoed cannonball loud in his head. Something was very wrong. Yann felt his mind whirling. He walked through to the third salon. The door was ajar and he pushed it open, to be greeted by a blast of cold air. Yann stopped, hearing voices. He listened intently. “Velvet and violence. Brocade and blood. Damask and death.” There were several voices, none of them Milkeye’s. The words came in a high moan, sharp and urgent to his ear, as if some bizarre game was being played. But by whom? “Fur and fury. Calico and corpses,” came the whispered words. Yann felt every sense in him alert as he pushed the door further open. The room was in total darkness, the shutters closed tight against the light. He felt his breath coming fast, as if he had been running to get here. Yann谨慎地穿过连接的门,进入另一个客厅。所有声音都回响在他的脑海里。事情有些不对了。Yann感到自己的思维在飞速旋转。他走进了第三间客厅。门半开着,他推开门,感觉到了一阵冷空气。 Yann停了下来,听到了声音。他听得很认真。 “天鹅绒和暴力。 锦缎和血液。 花缎和死亡。” 这里围绕着几个声音,没有一个是Milkeye的。耳边响起了一声尖厉的呻吟,仿佛正在上演一场奇异的游戏。但是由谁主演这场游戏呢? “毛皮和愤怒。 棉布和尸体。” 又传来了低声耳语。Yann推开门,很是警觉。房间里一片漆黑,百叶窗紧闭着,挡住了光线。他感到自己呼吸急促,好像他一直以来的奔跑就是要到这里来。 Calm down, calm down, he said to himself, waiting for his eyes to get used to the darkness. He lit a candle, and immediately the voices stopped and everything went deathly still. 冷静,冷静,他对自己说,等着自己的眼睛适应黑暗。点了一支蜡烛,声音立刻停止了,一切都陷入了死寂。 The room had been made into a workshop with a bench and a long table; in the half-light he could see shelves filled with glass jars. What was inside them he couldn’t make out? Books were piled high, charts and maps of the heavens were scattered about, and there were burners, jars, and surgical instruments on the workbench. He heard something rustle and spun around, expecting to see Milkeye behind him. There was nobody there. He was slowly moving the candle to look more closely at what was in the glass jars when he heard the whispering voices say, “Calico and corpses.” 房间改成了一个有长凳和长桌子的车间;半明半暗的烛光下,Yann看到摆满玻璃罐的架子。这些里面有什么东西是他弄不明白的?书摞得高高的,图标和地图都分散开了,工作台上放着燃烧器、罐子和手术器械。 他听到了一阵沙沙声,转过身来,等着在身后看见Milkeye。但那里没有人。Yann慢慢移开蜡烛,想要更仔细地观察玻璃罐里的东西,这时他听到有声音低声说:“棉布和尸体。” Yann stopped, transfixed to the spot. The sight in front of him nearly caused him to drop the candle, for ranged along the back wall of the chamber stood six automata, their eyes shut, only their ruby wax mouths moving. The thing Yann despised in others he now saw clearly in himself. Fear had wrapped itself around his heart. I f he were to let it get the better of him he would be dead; that much his reason knew. The other part of him just wanted to get the hell out of there. The battle inside him was won when he saw the dull threads of light coming from the automata and he realized with a shudder that someone had already pulled them tight as violin strings. Tight enough to keep the six automata whispering all night long. Yann set to work to loosen the threads of light and as he did so, he heard the automata calling to him with their songs of sorrow that seemed to come from a dark place indeed and to have little to do with the living. He watched almost hypnotized as six pairs of glass eyes opened and stared at him. Now he noticed that they all wore identical red necklaces. The hairs on the back of his neck tingled, and in that moment everything slowed down as if time itself were yawning. Yann停了下来,转来转去。面前的景象让差点儿扔掉了手里的蜡烛,房间的后墙上有六个自动机,眼睛闭着,只有红宝石蜡嘴在动。 Yann在自己的眼中看到了曾在别人眼中看到的恐惧。内心充满了恐惧。如果他想让自己知道更多,就会死去;Yann很清楚这个事实。他现在只是想离开那里。Yann看到自动机发出的暗淡光线,意识到有人已经紧紧拉着这些装置,像小提琴弦一样紧绷。紧到能让这六个自动装置工作一整夜。 Yann想要松松这些东西,却听到了自动机用悲伤的歌声向他呼喊,这些悲伤似乎来自一个黑暗的地方,与生活毫无关系。他几乎被催眠了,六对玻璃眼睛睁开,盯着他看。现在他注意到他们都戴着相同的红色项链。他脖子后面的汗毛都感到了刺痛,那一刻,一切都变慢了,好像时间也打了一个呵欠。 “You think I ’d fall for such a cheap trick?” said a voice from behind him. Milkeye was standing in the doorway, a pistol in his hand. “I’ve waited a long time for this.” Yann was paralyzed by the knowledge of what was coming next, the inevitability of it. He had the insane desire to burst out laughing; for this moment was what he had been dreading. Here it was in all its glory and it seemed almost nothing, compared to the long endless terror of waiting. “你以为我会被这种拙劣的伎俩骗了吗?”Yann身后传来了一个声音。Milkeye站在门口,手里拿着一把手枪。“我已经等了你很长时间了。” Yann知道接下来会发生什么,这是无法避免的。他想疯狂地放声大笑;因为他一直在害怕这一刻。现在这一刻终于来了,与恐惧的漫长等待相比,这几乎不算什么。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】