VOL.1艾玛·沃森Emma Watson 《美女与野兽》诵读选段(中英翻译)

VOL.1艾玛·沃森Emma Watson 《美女与野兽》诵读选段(中英翻译)

2017-10-12    03'20''

主播: 英伦好声音

9297 179

有妹子在后台留言,想要听女声的英英,有求必应的小编整理了认为比较纯正和适于模仿的女生英英送给大家~共有五期,五期过后继续《红项链》连载走起! --------------------------- (中文翻译来源网络 仅供参考学习) Hello~ 大家好! So this is the story of Beauty and the Beast... When his vision cleared the old beggar has gone. In her place, was the most beautiful woman the Prince had ever seen. 这是一个关于《美女与野兽》的故事...当他的视线变得逐渐清晰,乞讨的老妪已不见了踪影。代替她的是王子有生以来见过的最美丽的女人。 She was floating above him... emitting a dozaling golden light, not unlike the suns. Instantly the Prince knew exactly what she was... for he had read about such things. she was an Enchantress. A woman of magic, who had put him to the test. And he had failed... 她在空中悬浮飞舞…全身散发着璀璨的金色光芒、胜似骄阳。对于她究竟是谁,王子瞬间了然于心。他曾听说过关于她的故事—她是一位女巫。这位会施魔法的女人,刚刚是在考验他啊!可他却输的一败涂地… Falling to his knees, the Prints out of his hands, please he s.a.i.d. Now he&`&s the one to beg "I&`&m sorry!" Enchantress. You are welcome to my castle for as long as you like!" Enchantress shook her head… She had seen enough to know that it was hollow apology. 王子双膝跪地…高高举起双手,大声喊道:“拜托!” 如今换成了他成为乞求者:“女巫,我真的很抱歉!只要你愿意,可以随时来我的城堡做客”女巫摇了摇头。她早就见识够了,这不过是他虚情假意的道歉罢了。 The prince had no kindness, nor love in his heart. Magic cost through her and then washed over the Prince… The transformation began instantly. the Prince&`&s body was wrached with pain. His bach araced, he groaned his body began to grow. His jewelly popped off, his clothes ripped. 这位王子冷漠无情,心中没有丝毫爱意。于是她开始施展魔法,让诅咒降临到他的身上。转变瞬间发生,他躬着背、咆哮着,身体也慢慢越长越大,珠宝首饰洒落一地,华服被撕扯破裂。 The surrounding guests screamed at the sight of their host and fled. The Prince reached up, trying to grasp at a nearly man&`&s hand… But to his horror, he discovered his own hand resembled that...of a monster! The man jumped away and made his escape along with others. 见到这一刻的宾客们,吓得惊声尖叫,四下逃窜。王子伸出手去,想要抓住身边某位宾客的手…令他颇为惊恐的是他发现自己的手竟然成了…一只怪兽的手!这位宾客吓得立刻跳开,赶紧随着其他人一起飞奔逃走。 Amid it all, the Enchantress calmly watched her punishment take effect... Soon the b.allroom was empty. Safe for the staff, the entertainers, and a long dog that belongs to the diva. As they looked on in shock, the Prince transformation became complete. 女巫站在人群之中,泰然自若的看着她的诅咒生效...很快,整个舞池空了下来。仆人们、表演者们、还有女歌唱家那只孤零零的小狗,全都安全了。大家仍处于惊吓之中,而王子身体的转变,终于完成了。 Where once there had towered a handsome man… now coward a hideous beast. But he was not the only one to have transformed... The rest of the castle and its inhabitants no longer looked the same. They too have changed. 一位曾经如此高大英俊的王子…如今却成了一只丑陋可怕的野兽。然而,不仅仅只有王子一人遭受了诅咒…住在城堡里的其他人,也不再是以前的模样。 他们的样貌也全都变了。 The days bled into years. And the Prince and his servants were forgotten by the world… until finally the enchanted castle stood isolated and locked in perpetual winter. The Enchantress erased all memory of the castle and these who were in it. 日复一日,年复一年。王子和他的仆人们,逐渐被世人遗忘… 最终这座魔法城堡与世隔绝,被牢牢封锁在漫漫长冬之中。女巫抹去了关于这座城堡还有城堡居民的所有记忆。 Even from the minds of the people who loved them. But there did remain one last bit of hope… The rose she had offered the Prince was truly... an enchanted rose. 即使是那些曾经爱过他们的人,也都早已忘却。所幸的是,还有最后一丝残存的希望… 其实女巫给王子的那朵玫瑰花…也被施了魔法。 "yes! It was an exchanted rose"一朵魔法玫瑰 If the castle could learn... Sorry【此句误读】 If the Prince could learn to love another and earn that person&`&s love in reture by the time the last petal fell. The spell would be broken. If not… he would be doomed to remain a beast forever. 若是王子能够学会去爱别人,并在最后一片玫瑰花辫凋零之前,获得真爱。才能最终解除咒语。若没有…那么,他将永生永世做一只野兽,无法恢复人形。 Thank you so much! ——Emma Watson (艾玛·沃森) The End