VOL.3大表姐Michelle Dockery读诗《It is a pleasant day》(附中英文)

VOL.3大表姐Michelle Dockery读诗《It is a pleasant day》(附中英文)

2017-10-16    01'06''

主播: 英伦好声音

2711 85

有妹子在后台留言,想要听女声的英英,有求必应的小编整理了认为比较纯正和适于模仿的女生英英送给大家~共有五期,五期过后继续《红项链》连载走起! --------------------------- Michelle Dockery:《唐顿庄园》里Mary的扮演者 It is a pleasant day 今天是美好的一天 by Eliza Lee Follen Come, my children, come away! For the sun shines bright today. Little children come with me, Birds, and brooks, and posies see; Get your hats and come away, For it is a pleasant day. 来啊孩子们,出来玩 今天的阳光无比灿烂 小朋友们,快跟我来 鸟儿小溪鲜花多可爱 快拿好帽子,出来玩 今天是美好的一天 Everything is laughing, singing, All the pretty flowers are springing. See the kitten full of fun Sporting in the pleasant sun! Children too may sport and play, For it is a pleasant day. 四处都是欢歌和笑语 花儿开放,桃红柳绿 快来看那可爱的小猫 在阳光下面尽情奔跑 孩子们啊,快出来玩 今天是美好的一天 Bring the hoop and bring the ball, Come with happy faces all. Let us make a merry ring, Talk and laugh, and dance and sing, Quickly, quickly, come away! For it is a pleasant day. 拿出皮球,拿出铁环 小朋友们都喜眉笑眼 兴高采烈站成一个圈 跳舞唱歌,欢笑交谈 快啊,快啊,出来玩 今天是美好的一天 (文本来自网络,仅供学习使用)