

2017-10-27    03'50''

主播: 英伦好声音

1462 114

(下拉有中英对照文本) Just after the first song was over, one of Kalliovski’s men came in to give him a message. Once again it looked as if he was about to leave. Têtu acted quickly. He made the automaton rise into the air so that she hung there, hovering above the seats. The audience gasped in amazement. I t was then that Têtu became aware that he had an invisible helper, out of it emerged a phantom in the shape of a beautiful woman, a spirit made of light that illuminated the auditorium. 第一首歌曲结束后,Kalliovski的一个仆人进来给他递了消息。再来一个人,他似乎就会离开了。Têtu迅速行动起来。他把机器人升到空中,让她在空中盘旋,在座位上方盘旋。观众喘着气,很惊奇。 那时,Têtu意识到他有一个看不见的帮手,一个美丽女人的幻影显现了出来,这种光照亮了礼堂。 Balthazar hid under the seat, his ears pinned back, whining miserably. A stunned silence broke over the audience. “Who are you?” someone called out at last. The spirit said nothing. “Are you alive?” shouted another. “I was alive once. I was murdered.” At these words Kalliovski leaped up from his seat and backed away toward the wall of the auditorium where his two henchmen stood, terrified. The apparition hovered above the seats, her dress flowing behind her, moving ever closer to him. Then, with a sudden wild laugh, she vanished. The audience, silent for a moment, started clapping and cheering, shouting for more. Kalliovski, recovering himself, stared piercingly into the wings, wishing now that he could pull the theater down brick by brick until he found what he was looking for—the dwarf. What he would give to have that power! And he would have it. He would become master of the dark arts; nothing was going to stop him. Balthazar藏在座位下面,耳朵别着,痛苦地呜咽着。观众陷入了沉默中,很惊愕。 “你是谁?” 终于有人喊道。 幽灵什么也没说。 “你还活着吗?”另一个喊道。 “我还活着。我是被谋杀的。” 听到这些话,Kalliovski从座位上跳了起来,背靠在礼堂的墙上,他的两个仆人站在那里,吓坏了。 幽灵在座位上盘旋,衣服在身后飘动,越来越靠近他。然后,突然狂笑起来,消失了。观众们沉默了一会儿,开始鼓掌欢呼,想要看更多的表演。 Kalliovski恢复了过来,盯着翅膀,希望现在他能把剧院一砖头一砖头拆掉,直到找到他正在寻找的—小矮人。他怎么会有这种力量!他会得到这种力量。他将成为黑魔法大师;什么也阻止不了他。 Kalliovski started for the door, leaving his automaton behind, nodding to his henchmen to bring her. But before they could reach her she called out, “Sweetie, wait for me,” and Kalliovski turned to see his waxwork lady gliding up behind him, all stiffness gone. As she reached the doors to the auditorium Têtu let go of the threads of light, and she collapsed lifeless on the floor, leaving Kalliovski’s men to pick her up. Têtu was exhausted. Sleep, he knew of old, was the only cure for his state. Still, he waited until the last of the audience had left, for he was curious to know the identity of the spirit that had come to his aid. Once more the darkened, empty stage was filled with light, and he saw her standing before him. There was no mistaking who she was. Kalliovski开始向门口走去,把机器人抛在了后面,向仆人点头示意把她带来。但在他们找到她之前,她大声喊道:“亲爱的,等我一下,”Kalliovski转身看到蜡像女郎在他身后滑行,不再僵硬了。知道她走到礼堂门口,Têtu不再控制光线,她瘫倒在地板上,让Kalliovski的人来接她。 Têtu筋疲力尽。他知道,睡眠是他恢复的唯一方法。不过,他一直等到最后一位听众离开,因为他很想知道帮他的人的身份。他看见她站在他面前。就是她了。 “Anis,” he said softly, “so it was you. I should have known you would have been here for him.” He held out his hand toward her and felt something brush softly against his cheek, smelled for a moment her intoxicating perfume. “Be careful,” she whispered as she faded away. “You are not out of danger yet.” “Anis, Anis,” said Têtu longingly into the impenetrable darkness. But she was gone. He wiped his eyes. Was he becoming a sentimental old fool? He told himself it was just tiredness as, tears running down his face, he walked back into the wings. Grief once more had made the world seem unbearable. “You should have lived,” he said quietly. “You should have raised your own son. You would have been so proud of Yann.” “Anis,”他轻声说,“是你。”我早该知道你会来找他的。他向她伸出手,感觉到有什么东西轻轻地擦过他的脸颊,闻到了她那醉人的香水味。 “小心点,”她边说边走开了。 “你还没有脱离危险。” “Anis, Anis,” Têtu急切地走进了无边的黑暗中。但是她走了。 他擦了擦眼睛。他是不是变成了一个多愁善感的老傻瓜?他告诉自己,那是疲劳产生的幻觉,眼泪顺着脸颊流了下来,他走了回去。悲伤再次充斥了整个世界。 “你本应该活下去的,”他平静地说。“你应该养大你自己的儿子。”你会为Yann感到骄傲的。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】