

2017-11-01    05'40''

主播: 英伦好声音

1192 154

(下拉有中英对照文本) Citizen Kalliovski’s carriage made its way slowly through the busy streets toward the Tuileries Palace. I t was a warm night, busy streets toward the Tuileries Palace. It was a warm night, the buildings still retaining the heat of the hot summer. Nothing had cooled down, not the temperature, not the citizens, not the Revolution, not the war. The gated city felt like a vast witch’s cauldron, the flotsam and jetsam of its population slowly rising to the top, ready to boil over with frustration, hatred, and murder. 公民Kalliovski的马车缓慢地穿过繁忙的街道,驶向杜伊勒里宫。夜晚还很温暖,向杜伊勒里宫的路上人还很多。夜晚还很温暖,建筑物还有余温。一切都没有冷却下来,不只是温度,不只是公民,不只是革命,也不只是战争。这个封闭的城市感觉就像女巫的坩埚,人慢慢上升到顶端,准备以沮丧、仇恨和谋杀的方式沸腾起来。 The note that had been delivered to him at the theater was from Citizen Danton, telling him of a meeting that he should attend if he wanted Sido de Villeduval’s release papers signed. He sat cursing the fact that he was already late, angry with himself for having stayed so long at the theater, and wondering why Têtu had brought back Anis’s ghost. Damn it, tonight of all nights. He didn’t need to think of her. He had sworn he would never think of her again. Kalliovski thought angrily that Danton would not have the manners to wait for him. No, they would all have conveniently forgotten just how much he had helped by supplying the money to buy extra pikes and arms. It was all well and good, wanting the citizens of Paris to put an end to the traitors in their midst, but bare hands and fine words weren’t enough. They needed weapons to be successful. Tonight’s meeting was unofficial, by invitation only. It would be the last chance for Danton, Marat, and their cronies to trawl through the prison registers and to make quite sure that no one important had been rounded up by mistake, for tomorrow the killing would begin. Justice, for what little it was worth, would then be in the hands of the people: sheep, the lot of them, led by Marat, a leader of sheep who had ignited their imaginations with his clever words. 在剧院,Danton公民给他送来了便条,告诉他,如果他想要Sido de Villeduval的获释文件,他应该参加一个会议。他坐在那里,诅咒他已经迟到了,因为他在剧院待了这么久,心里很生气,想知道为什么Têtu把Anis的鬼魂带回来了。该死,今晚。他不需要想着她。他发誓再也不会想到她了。 Kalliovski愤怒地认为,Danton并没有礼貌地等他。不,他们都很容易忘记了他为购买额外的皮条和武器花了多少钱。一切都很好,希望巴黎的市民们能够杀死他们中间的叛徒,但是光着双手、只用语言做武器是不够的。他们需要武器才能成功。 今晚的会议是非官方的,只是因为邀请。这将是Danton, Marat,和他们的亲信们最后一次通过监狱登记册,并确保没有弄错一个重要的人,因为明天就会开始杀人。如果正义得到了一点点的价值,就会落入人民的手中:他们当中的许多人就像绵羊一样,由Marat率领—羊的首领,用他的语言激发了他们的想象力。 Kalliovski gave a thin smile as he thought, Oh world, beware of clever sheep. They are the truly dangerous ones, for they understand the stupidity of the flock; know just how easy it is to lead the people to slaughter. At last the carriage stopped at the palace and Kalliovski made his way through the ill-lit entrance hall and down the forsaken corridors. Portraits of solemn, stiff-looking men in powdered wigs still hung on the walls in their gilt frames. How horrified they would be if they knew what was being discussed behind closed doors tonight! Kalliovski微笑着,想,这个世界,要小心聪明的羊。他们是真正危险的人,因为他们明白羊群的愚蠢;知道领导人们屠杀羊是多么容易的事。 最后,马车停在宫殿里,Kalliovski穿过灯火通明的门厅,沿着被遗弃的走廊走了下去。那些戴着粉状假发的严肃、呆板的人的画像仍然挂在镀金镜框的墙上。如果他们知道今晚被关在门后,他们会多么震惊! Whom did he prefer? This bunch, with their bull-like orators and clever sheep, rich in words but not much else? Or the king and the aristocracy, foolish, narcissistic people who could hardly babble out a sentence without tripping over their own protocol, but whose pockets were lined with gold, ready for the taking? Kalliovski entered the large antechamber adjoining the room where the meeting was being held. The imposing double doors were firmly closed. He was surprised to find so many people waiting, a motley group who must all, like him, have paid handsomely for release papers to be stamped. Kalliovski walked past all of them and knocked loudly at the main door. I t was opened by a lizard of a man with hooded eyes. “I have a note from Citizen Danton summoning me here,” said Kalliovski. He was about to walk straight past, but the man put out a firm hand to stop him. 他喜欢谁?这群人,牛一样的演说家和聪明的绵羊,富有的文字,没有太多别的东西?或者是国王和贵族,愚蠢的,自恋的人,他们不可能在没有自己同意的情况下胡言乱语,他们的口袋里装满了金子,准备好了吗? Kalliovski走进了会议室,房间里。壮观的双扇门紧闭着。他惊讶地发现,许多人都在等待,形形色色的人,都必须像他一样,为发行文件加盖公章。 Kalliovski走过所有人,大声敲着大门。一个蒙着眼睛,奇奇怪怪的人打开了门。 “我有一封市民Danton的便条,让我来这里,”Kalliovski说。他刚要走过去,但那人伸出一只手来阻止他。 “Not so fast, citizen.” “Do you know who I am?” The lizard-man studied him carefully, “Well-heeled,” he said, slamming the door. Kalliovski did not take kindly to such treatment. His blood boiled at the injustice of it. After all he had done for this miserable crew, he had no intention of waiting. Carefully brushing off any trace of the hand on his coat, he knocked again loudly. The same man opened the door. “I have come for the release papers for Sidonie de Villeduval. I was told that they would be ready by now.” “公民,别急。” “你知道我是谁吗?” 蜥蜴人仔细地看着他, “穿着考究,”他说着,砰的一声关上了门。 Kalliovski不愿意受到这样的对待。他觉得这件事很不公正,他为这群可怜的船员做了这么多,他并不想等待。他仔细地掸掉衣服上的手印,又敲了一遍。同一个男人打开了门。 “我是为Sidonie de Villeduval的通行文件而来的。有人通知我现在已经准备好了。 “Then you have been misinformed, citizen. Look around you. You’re going to have to wait like everyone else. You’re no bleeding different. Equality, remember? That’s what it’s all about.” And once again the door was slammed shut. Kalliovski was outraged. Such rudeness would not have been tolerated under the old regime. The man would have found himself in the Bastille for his impertinence. His well-constructed plan must not fail at this last important stage. As soon as he had Sido’s release papers, he would go straight to the prison and have her freed, and then without further delay they would be married. He had even found himself a Catholic priest, one of the very few who was not languishing in prison, to carry out the deed. He wasn’t going to risk having a revolutionary wedding, not with the Duke of Brunswick so close to victory. He wanted the certificate to be aboveboard, to hold Papal weight, for then and only then would the considerable fortune finally be his. He might not have had the mother, but fate would give him the daughter and her inheritance. Revenge becomes all the sweeter, he thought, when it has been ripened by misfortune and then served cold, icy cold. “那么,你收到了错误的信息,公民。看看你的周围。你必须像其他人一样等待。你没有什么不同。平等,记得吗?这就是它的全部意义。门又一次砰地一声关上了。 Kalliovski被激怒了。这样的粗鲁在旧政权下是不会被容忍的。那人会发现自己因为无礼而呆在巴士底狱,。 他的精心设计的计划,在最后一个重要阶段决不能失败。一旦他有了Sido的通行文书,就会直接去监狱,给她自由,然后没有任何阻碍,就去结婚。他甚至还发现自己是一个天主教神父,极少数在监狱里不会受折磨的人,他就是做这件事的人。他不会冒险举办一场革命性的婚礼,不会与Brunswick公爵如此接近胜利。他想要光明正大地得到这个文书,来保持教皇的地位,那时,才会有可观的财富。他可能没有母亲,但命运会给他女儿和她的遗产。他想,如果不幸遭遇挫折,复仇就会变得更加甜美。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】