

2017-11-06    05'36''

主播: 英伦好声音

3015 207

(下拉有中英对照文本) Sido had been awake most of the night. She had lain there trying to remember how long she had been in prison, and failing. Time had become a blank, possessing no marked features. Each day was the same, played out to the background noise of weeping, clanging doors, and barking dogs. She had seen her father only once since Yann and Maître Tardieu had come. She had gone to sit with him in the large hall that had once been a chapel. The minute she had spoken, he had exploded with rage. “Dying was the only good thing you ever did, you wretched woman!” He was shouting so loudly that the guards had come running, and had to restrain him from attacking Sido. “Away with you and your bastard!” he yelled. “I will have no more to do with you.” Watching the guards wrestling to control him. She said under her breath, “I have a right to my life. I t was given to me. I t is mine to cherish. I t is mine to claim. To throw it away is a sin.” It finally struck her that there was no point in trying to help a man who had always hated her. Sane or insane, his sentiments had never altered. Sido几乎整夜未睡。躺在那里,试图想起自己在监狱里待了多久。时间似乎一片空白,没有任何显著的特征。每一天都一样,都在哭泣、门响和狗叫声中度过。 Yann和Maître Tardieu来过以后,她只见过她父亲一次。他们一起坐在曾经是礼拜堂的大厅里。她说话的那一刻,他勃然大怒。 “死亡是你干的唯一一件好事,你这个坏女人!”他大喊大叫,卫兵们跑了过来,阻止他袭击西多。“和你的私生子一起走!”他大声说。“我再也不要跟你在一起。” 看着守卫们控制着他。她低声说,“我有活着权利。我会珍惜的。放弃活着是一种罪过。” 她终于明白了,帮助一个一直恨她的男人是没有意义的。不管他是否有理智,他始终恨着她。 She let out a sigh as the moon made a welcome appearance at the bars of her window, its sad face frowning. “What do you want?” it seemed to ask. “Why, what everyone wants,” she replied. “To be loved for being myself rather than what someone wants me to be.” She sat up knowing that she had arrived at a decision. If Yann came for her, she would go. 她叹了一口气,窗前的栅栏上升起了一轮月亮,脸皱着,愁容满面。 “你想要什么?”它似乎在问。 “为什么每个人都想要些东西,”她回答。“我会去爱自己,而不是总去考虑别人。” 她坐起来,知道自己作出了决定。如果Yann来找她,她就会走。 Just before dawn, the church bells started to ring all over the city. This was no pleasant Sunday sound, the gentle call to prayer. In the frenzy of their chimes, loud enough to wake the dead, the bells sounded a warning of oncoming danger, their clamor heightened by the barking of the prison dogs. The bells were still ringing and the dogs still barking by the time the sun was up. This was unusual, for the dogs were normally released by this time, to do the rounds with the guards. Normal, she thought, was such an ordinary little word. It was only when normality was gone that you realized how much you missed its presence. What would she give to see the turnkey this morning, arriving as he usually did, his voice as rough as gravel, fighting a hangover and leering into the cells, hoping to catch a glimpse of a woman in a state of undress. Normally, Citizeness Villon brought breakfast to her. Like the guards, she had not turned up. Sido watched the shadows cast by the sun and thought it must be well past midday, but still no one appeared. 黎明前,教堂的钟声响彻整个城市。这不是一个愉快的星期天,钟声呼唤着祈祷的人。狂乱的钟声中,响起了足以唤醒死者的声音,警钟告诉了人们即将到来的危险,喧嚣声混着监狱里的狗吠声更响了。 铃声还在响,太阳升起时,狗还在吠叫。这很不寻常,因为这时候狗通常和守卫一起在巡逻。 她想,通常,是一个平常的小字眼。只有正常状态不再正常后,你才意识到多么想念它的存在。今天早上,她听到了狱卒的声音,就像往常一样,声音像碎石一样粗糙,宿醉之后,进入牢房,希望能瞥见妇女脱下衣服的样子。 通常情况下,公民Villon会给她带来早餐。像警卫一样,她也没有出现。 Sido注视着太阳投射过来的阴影,觉得已经正午了,但仍然没有人出现。 The atmosphere in the prison was electric. Sido could feel frenzied waves of terror rushing through the cells, a sense that something terrible was looming. This nameless fear began to spread like an uncontrollable fever as the prisoners started to bang on the doors of their cells, the sound swiftly reaching a crescendo that in itself would normally have guaranteed the arrival of a guard, Today, it seemed, nothing was normal. She sat on her bed trying her best to keep calm, staring at the stone wall of her cell in whose uneven surface she could make out a face that reminded her of Yann. 监狱里有些喧闹。Sido感到了一种恐怖的气氛,有种可怕的感觉正在逼近牢房。 这种无名的恐惧开始像一种无法控制的狂热一样,蔓延开来,囚犯们开始在牢房的门上敲打发出砰地一声,这个声音迅速达到了高潮,正常情况下,这会引来警卫。 而今天,没有一件事情是正常的。她坐在床上,尽力保持冷静,盯着牢房的石墙并不平坦的表面,辨认出了一张面孔,这让她想起了Yann。 Sido’s daydream was shattered by the chilling cry that came over from the male prison: “They are going to slaughter us all!” Now panic was given full reign, with shouting, pleading, and desperate cries for the guard to come. These were silenced by other, more dreadful noises from outside and the groans and screams of the dying at the hands of the bloodthirsty crowd. What the prisoners had feared the most had started. The iron door at the end of the corridor in the women’s section clanked open to admit three persons: two sans-culottes, their sleeves rolled up, hands covered in blood, with the red caps of liberty on their heads, and one jailer who carried a torch to show them the way. They peered in at all the prisoners, their eyes wild, their voices so brutal and their accents so thick that it was hard to tell whose name they were shouting. At last it became clear that they were calling for the Duchesse de Lamantes. Sido的白日梦被从监狱里传来的的哭声打破了,哭声令人不寒而栗:“他们要把我们都杀了!” 现在,人们陷入了恐慌,叫喊着,恳求着,绝望地喊着守卫来了。这些声音被盖住了,更可怕的声音从外面传来,人们在呻吟和尖叫。囚犯们最害怕的事情已经开始了。 关着妇女们的牢房走廊尽头,铁门处,有三个人,卷起了袖子,双手沾满鲜血,头上戴着红色的自由帽,一个狱卒拿着手电筒照亮了路。他们盯着所有的囚犯,眼神狂野,声音残忍,口音很重,很难分辨出他们在喊谁的名字。 最后,他们终于明白了,他们在找Lamantes公爵夫人。 Sido heard a key turn in the lock, heard the duchess beg to be left in peace, and then a commotion as a chair was knocked over. The men dragged her out into the corridor, calling her every name under the sun, while the duchess wept noisily and screamed, “Where are you taking me?” “To the jailer’s office, citizeness, to be tried before the People’s Tribunal as the traitor you are,” came the cold reply. The duchess was dragged down the corridor, making one last desperate grab at the iron bars of Sido’s cell as she passed. Her eyes were wide with fright. “Don’t let them do this to me!” she cried as a wooden truncheon hit her hard on the knuckles. Shrieking with pain she let go, to be hauled unceremoniously past the row of cells. The iron door closed with a deadly thud. For a moment all was silence, broken only by the quiet sobbing of the other terrified inmates. We are like sheep, thought Sido, waiting to be taken to the slaughterhouse. Sido听到钥匙打开门锁,听到公爵夫人请求可以安静地离开,然后一阵混乱中,椅子被撞倒了。男人们把她拖到走廊里,在阳光下叫她名字,而公爵夫人哭哭啼啼地大叫:“你们要把我带到哪里去?” “带到狱卒办公室,公民,在人民法庭面前审判你是叛徒,”他们冷言冷语地回答。 公爵夫人被拖下走廊,最后拼命抓住铁栏杆。 她经过Sido的牢房。眼睛因惊恐睁得大大的。 “别让他们这样对我!”她哭着说,一根木制的警棍打在她的关节上。她很痛苦,尖叫着放开了手,然后被毫不客气地拖过一排排牢房。铁门砰地一声关上了。一时间,所有的人都沉默了,只有其他被吓坏了的囚犯安静的抽泣。 我们就像羊一样,Sido想,等着被带到屠宰场。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】