

2017-11-19    04'32''

主播: 英伦好声音

1374 111

(下拉有中英对照文本) Didier pushed his way along the street to Monsieur Aulard’s apartment to find Têtu up and making coffee and Monsieur Aulard, barely awake, sitting slumpedin a chair with his stockings down around his ankles. “Where’s Yann?” asked Didier. “There’s not a moment to be lost. I think the massacres are about to start.” Yann appeared in the doorway. “What’s happening?” asked Yann. “Why have all the bells gone crazy?” “Something’s going on at the prisons,” said Didier, taking the warm loaf from his coat and putting it on the table. “It seems that we’re about to be invaded.” “Then why did you let me sleep?” “Because you’ve been wounded,” replied Têtu, bringing a pot of coffee to the table. “I’ve managed to get a carriage to meet us at the St. Denis gate at seven o’clock, which should give you time to get your strength up for the journey. I’ve had word from Cordell that he will be in Dieppe, staying at the Hôtel de Paris, so that is where you are to take Kalliovski’s Book of Tears.” Didier沿着街道往前走,来到Aulard先生的公寓,看到了Têtu正在煮咖啡,Aulard先生 半睡半醒,坐在一张椅子上,脚踝上挂着一双袜子。 “Yann在哪?” Didier问。“没时间了。我想大屠杀要开始了。” Yann出现在门口。 “发生了什么?”Yann问道。“为什么所有的钟都响了?” “监狱里发生了些事情,” Didier说着,从大衣里拿出温暖的面包,放在桌子上。“看来我们将要被入侵了。” “那你为什么让我睡觉?” “因为你受伤了,” Têtu说,把一壶咖啡放在桌上。“我已经想办法在圣德尼大门口,七点钟集合了一辆马车,这样你就有足够的时间来为旅途做好准备。”我从Dieppe那里得到消息说,他将住在巴黎酒店,所以在那里你会看到Kalliovski的《眼泪》那本事。 “I ’m going to get Sido out before I go anywhere.” “It may well be too late to save her.” “No, don’t say that—it can’t be!” “Yann, I am sorry, the world has gone mad. You would never make it to the prison in time, even without the wound.” “我要先去找Sido,再去其他地方。” “救她可能太迟了。” “不,不要这么说——这不可能!” “Yann,对不起,这个世界已经疯了。即使你没有受伤,你也不能及时赶到监狱。 “No, no!” shouted Yann angrily. “I haven’t come this far to give up now, just like that.” He turned away in disgust. “What do I do? Tell the Laxtons that I was slightly wounded and didn’t feel strong enough even to try to get Sido out? Still, never mind, they should be pleased I got the Book of Tears! Têtu, I would rather die trying to get her out than do nothing.” He went back into the bedchamber and came out a few moments later already dressed and pulling on hissky-blue coat, wincing as a sharp stab of pain went through his shoulder. “I was told by a fortune-teller that there was a bullet waiting for me in Paris,” he said. “The fear of it nearly stopped me from coming back. Last night the thing I dreaded the most found me, and I survived it. Têtu, I am still alive, more alive than I have ever been. I know I can save Sido, I know it.” “Then if you don’t want an infection, your wound will need to be rebandaged.” Reluctantly Yann gave in and sat down, fidgeting impatiently while Didier attended to the wound. “不,不!”Yann愤怒地喊道。“我不能现在就说放弃,就像现在这样。”他厌恶地转过脸去。“我做了什么?告诉Laxtons,我受了点轻伤,感觉没有劲儿,没办法救Sido?尽管如此,没关系,他们应该高兴我得到了那本书! Têtu,我宁愿冒死把她救出来,也不愿什么也不做。” 他回到卧室,几分钟后就出来了,穿着那件天蓝色的衣服,肩膀上一阵剧痛。 “一个算命先生告诉我,在巴黎,我会挨一颗子弹,”他说。“对这件事情的恐惧几乎阻止了我回来。”昨天晚上,我最害怕的事情发生了,但我活了下来。Têtu,我还活着,比以前更有活力。我知道我能救Sido,我知道。 “如果你不想感染的话,你的伤口需要重新包扎一下。” Yann让步了,虽然很不情愿,坐了下来,很不耐烦,坐立不安,而Didier在包扎他的伤口。 “I found out last night that Kalliovski went to get Sido’s release papers signed. I don’t know if he managed it or not. Your only hope of finding her is to find Kalliovski. If I were you I wouldn’t bother with the prison.” “Thank you,” said Yann. He leaned down toward Têtu and spoke to him in Romany. “One last thing. Did you know Kalliovski can use the threads of light?” “Yes, like a feeble child with a puppet. He is an amateur, for the time being at least. Unless . . . ” “Unless what?” asked Yann. “Unless the devil goes walking.” Yann kissed Têtu on both cheeks. “Don’t worry,” he said in French. “Today I feel invincible. Today I am ten feet tall and as strong as Hercules.” “我昨晚发现,Kalliovski去拿Sido的通关文件。”我不知道他是否成功了。你找到她的唯一方法就是找到Kalliovski。如果我是你,我就不会去监狱了。” “谢谢你,”Yann说。他俯下身去用德语对Têtu说。“最后一件事。你知道Kalliovski能控制光线吗? “是的,就像一个能控制木偶的孩子。他只是个业余爱好者,至少目前是这样。除非……” “除非什么?”Yann问道。 “除非魔鬼走了。” Yann吻了Têtu的脸颊。“别担心,”他用法语说。“今天我觉得自己是无敌的。今天我有10英尺高,和大力神一样强壮。 "Today you have a fever,” said Têtu. “I will be there in time for the coach. You bring the Book of Tears, Sido’s papers, and the letters.” At the door he turned back. “Wait—the jewels! You must get them from the old lawyer.” "I know,” said Têtu. "Now go.” Yann left, taking the stairs two at a time. Têtu looked at Didier, who was clutching a thick slice of bread, knowing full well what was about to be asked of him. “Get after him and try to stop him being killed.” “I ’ll do my best,” said Didier, picking up his cap and taking a quick swig of coffee. After he had gone, Têtu grabbed his coat and hat. “今天你发烧了,” Têtu说。 “我一定会及时坐上马车的。”你带来了书,Sido的通关文件和信件。他在门口转过身来。“等等,珠宝!你必须从老律师那里拿到他们。” “我知道,” Têtu说。“现在就去。” Yann离开了,一次下了两级台阶。 Têtu看了看Didier,Didier手里拿着一片厚厚的面包,知道他要说些什么。 “追上他,别让他被杀了。” “我会尽力的,” Didier说着,拿起他的帽子,快速地喝了一大口咖啡。 他走后,Têtu抓起了外套和帽子。 “What are you doing just sitting there?” he said to Monsieur Aulard. “Come on, get dressed. We have a lot to do. We’ve a lawyer to see, jewels to collect, and a carriage to meet.” “Mort bleu!” said Monsieur Aulard. “Will this never end?” “你坐在那里干什么?”他问Aulard.先生。“来吧,穿好衣服。我们还有很多事要做。我们要去看律师,要收集珠宝,还要找一辆马车。” “天哪!”Aulard先生说。“这永远都不会结束吗?” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】