

2017-11-22    07'19''

主播: 英伦好声音

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(下拉有中英对照文本) 【今天是红项链的最后一期,周五起我们将连载更新伏地魔拉尔夫费因斯朗读的名著《英国病人》,同时有中英文配文翻译,欢迎朋友们继续关注我们平台】 It was very late when they finally arrived, exhausted. They were pleased to find that Charles Cordell had waited up for them. They sat over their supper talking about what had happened in Paris. They ran out of prisoners at L’Abbaye and made their way to the Conciergerie, among other places,” said Cordell. “There would be no hope for the marquis,” said Sido. I t was the first time she had not referred to him as her father. It was a great release, a heavy cloud lifted. “No. I gather his mind had gone. I should think it would have been quick; he wouldn’t have been aware of what was happening. I am most terribly sorry that you have been through such a dreadful ordeal. 已经很晚了,他们终于到了,有些精疲力竭。 Charles Cordell已经等着他们了,这让他们很高兴。 他们坐着吃晚饭,谈论着巴黎发生的事情。 他们跑出了位于L’Abbaye的牢狱,去往Conciergerie,” Cordell说。 “我不会再想着侯爵了,”Sido说。这是她第一次不再称侯爵为父亲。这真让人松了一口气,沉重的乌云消散了。 “没有。我猜想他已经失去理智了。他不知道发生了什么事。我非常抱歉,你经历了一场可怕的磨难。” Tomorrow, if the tide is right, we should be away from France by mid-morning.” Sido said good night. On the stairs she turned and looked back at Yann. "Will you be here tomorrow?” He said nothing, just smiled. “Well,” said Cordell, “I suppose you are wanting your bed as well. Shall we talk in the morning?” “No, sir, I shall be leaving early for Paris. Could we talk tonight?” Yann took out Kalliovski’s Book of Tears. Cordell flicked through the pages of names. He looked up, and taking off his glasses, rubbed his looked up, and taking off his glasses, rubbed his temples. “This is beyond anything I thought possible. All these people and the terrible sums they owe him! You have indeed turned over a stone and found a deadly viper there. 明天,如果一切正常,我们上午就会离开法国。 Sido道了晚安。在楼梯上转过身来,回头望着Yann。“你明天会来吗?” 他什么也没说,只是微笑。 “好吧,”Cordell说,“我想你也想睡了吧。我们早上再谈好吗?” “不,先生,我要早点动身去巴黎。今晚我们能说说话吗?” Yann拿出了Kalliovski的《眼泪》。Cordell,翻阅着那几页的名字。他抬起头,摘下眼镜,揉了揉眼睛,又揉了揉太阳穴。 这超出了我的想象。这些人,以及他们欠他的钱,太可怕了!你确实翻动了一块石头,那里有一条致命的毒蛇。 Did you know that Mr. Tull works for him?” “No, I didn’t, but I am afraid it doesn’t surprise me.” “There are people out there making money by double-selling their clients.” “You are right, Yann. After today there will, I believe, be a flood of desperate people who will risk everything to escape from France.” Têtu and I can help these people. We have the perfect setup in the theater. No one would suspect what we’re up to.” "Mr. Laxton and I have been discussing this very matter,” said Cordell. “You and Têtu between you could save a lot of souls. You have unique talents, Yann, which I believe will be much needed in the months to come. Tell me, before we part, are you certain Kalliovski is dead?” 你知道Tull先生为他工作吗? “不,我不知道,但这一点儿也不令人吃惊。” “总有人通过出卖客户来赚钱。” “Yann,你是对的。我相信,今天之后,会有大批绝望的人冒着一切危险逃离法国。 Têtu和我可以帮助这些人。我们在剧院里有完美的安排。没有人会怀疑我们在做什么。” “Laxton先生和我一直在讨论这个问题,” Cordell说。 “你和Têtu可以救很多人。你们有独特的天赋,Yann,我相信,接下来的几个月,我们很需要这些。分手之前,告诉我,你确定Kalliovski死了吗?” “The last time I saw him he was in the hands of the mob. I am sure they will have murdered him.” “Good,” said Cordell. “For all our sakes, I hope so.” The two of them shook hands. “Have a safe journey back. I will be in touch,” said Cordell. That night in the city of the slaughtered, while the massacres still continued, the devil went walking. He could never resist the call of fresh blood, and now there was a rich harvest amid the blighted victims of the carnage. He was searching as always for one cursed soul into which to breathe his fiery life. He was not to be disappointed, for lying amongst the broken and the near-dead was one Citizen Kalliovski, with his dog, Balthazar. Kalliovski was raging at his own demise: that he, a gambler, should have been cheated by the Queen of Hearts and her bastard, the Jack of Diamonds. For Anis had had his child, and it was Yann Margoza. “我最后一次见到他,他被暴徒包围了。”我相信他们会杀了他的。” “好,” Cordell说。“对我们所有的人来说,希望如此。” 他们俩握了握手。 “祝你一路平安。我会和你保持联系,” Cordell.说。 那天晚上,整个城市都被鲜血浸染了。大屠杀还在继续,魔鬼走了。他无法抗拒新鲜血液的召唤,而现在,在大屠杀的受害者中,他收获了很多。他一直在寻找一个被诅咒的灵魂,来感受他的生活。他没有失望,因为他躺在满是残骸的地方,公民Kalliovski几乎死掉了,旁边是他的狗,Balthazar。 Kalliovski对自己的死亡感到愤怒:他,一个赌徒,被红心女王和她的私生子,钻石杰克欺骗了。Anis生下了他的孩子,那就是Yann Margoza。 The next morning Yann woke early. He had told Cordell he intended to leave before anyone was awake, by which he meant before Sido was up, for he had decided in the carriage that he would not trust himself if he were to see her again. His mind, so fixed on returning to Paris, did not need a moment of doubt. He washed and got dressed. The fever he had had yesterday was gone. Picking up his knapsack, he made his way down to the hotel lobby. Sido stood waiting for him. “You were going to leave without saying good-bye,” she said. “I just didn’t want to upset you.” 第二天早晨,Yann很早就醒了。他告诉Cordell,打算在所有人醒来之前离开。他在马车里想,如果再见到她的话,就不会坚持自己的想法了。他下定决心要回到巴黎,决不后悔。 他洗漱完毕,穿好衣服。他昨天发烧了。拾起背包,走到酒店大堂。 Sido站在那里等着他。 “你不打算跟我说再见就要走了,”她说。 “我只是不想让你难过。” “You see, I sometimes know what you are thinking too. If you had done that I would never have had a chance to thank you. What she wanted to say she couldn’t. Instead she said, “I wish you didn’t have to go back.” He took her arm and they walked out into the garden both lost in their own thoughts. "The truth is,” said Yann after a while, "that if I were to come to London with you, I would find it impossible to say good-bye and return here. But there is so much more that needs to be done, so many people to be saved. And I could do it, Sido, I could do it.” He took the shell from around his neck. “This was given to me by a Gypsy called Tobias Cooper. It is a talisman, a lucky charm. It will keep you safe, and one day I will come back to collect it. I promise.” “你看,我有时也知道你在想什么。如果你这样做了,我就不会有机会感谢你了。” 她想说的是,不想让他走。她说:“我希望你不要回去。” 他挽着她的胳膊,走到花园里,两人都陷入了沉思。 “事实上,”一段时间后,Yann说,“如果我和你一起来伦敦,我就发现不可能跟你说再见,再回到这里。”但我们还有很多事情需要做,还要拯救很多人。我能做到,Sido,我能做到。他从脖子上取下了贝壳。这是一个叫Tobias Cooper的吉普赛人给我的。它是一个护身符,一个幸运符。它会保你平安,总有一天我会回来收回它。我向你保证。” She looked at it carefully. It came from a land she would never know, and yet she understood. Holding it tight, she said, “You must go.” Lifting her face up to his, he kissed her. If a promise had a taste, Sido’s sweet mouth would be it. I t was a kiss that sealed both their fates, interweaving the threads of light that had bound them together since they had first met. “Live your life, Sido, whatever happens. Live in the moment, don’t live with regret.” He took his last kiss. She stood there for a long time after he was gone, and thinking that he could not hear her, not now, she held the shell to her lips and whispered all that she had felt too shy to tell him. Her words were caught on the breeze and though she did not know it, they would find him, would travel with him, they would haunt him and become the magic charm that one day would call him home to her. Our story is over, though in its end lies its beginning. 她仔细地看了看贝壳。它来自一个她永远都不会知道的地方,但她明白了。她紧紧地握着,说:“你必须要走。” 他把她的脸抬了起来,吻了她。如果承诺有味道,就是Sido甜甜的嘴唇。这一个吻,封住了他们的命运,交织着一道光线,这道光线从他们第一次见面就把他们绑在一起。 “不管发生什么,Sido,你都要过好你的生活。活在当下,不要活在遗憾中。”他又吻了她一次。 Yann走了以后,她在那里站了很长一段时间,想着他会听不见她的声音,把贝壳放到嘴唇上,想要说些什么,又有些害羞,不敢告诉他。她的话随着微风传来,虽然她并不知道,但这些话会找到他,和他一起旅行,会缠着他,成为一种魔力,总有一天会把他带回她的身边。 我们的故事已经结束,尽管它的结局意味着开始。 (全剧终) ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】