

2017-11-29    05'13''

主播: 英伦好声音

1343 63

(下拉有中英配文) She picks up the notebook that lies on the small table beside his bed. It is the book he brought with him through the fire— a copy of The Histories by Herodotus that he has added to, cutting and gluing in pages from other books or writing in his own observations—so they all are cradled within the text of Herodotus. 她拿起放在床头柜上的笔记本。这是他从火中带出来的,上面抄了希罗多德的《历史》,还加上了一些别的内容,有的是从别的书上剪贴下来的,有的是他写的读后感——全都塞进了希罗多德的文中。 She looks up from the book and sees his eyes on her. He begins to talk across the darkness. The Bedouin were keeping me alive for a reason. I was useful, you see. Someone there had assumed I had a skill when my plane crashed in the desert. I am a man who can recognize an unnamed town by its skeletal shape on a map. I have always had information like a sea in me. So I knew their place before I crashed among them. And here, though I was in the dry sands, I knew I was among water people. 她从书上抬起头,看见他的眼光落在她的身上。他开始在黑暗之中讲话。 贝都因人留我活着是有原因的。我很有用。飞机在沙漠坠毁时我没有死,那时有人断定我拥有某种技术。我可以根据地图上的轮廓,识别一个不知名的城镇。我看得懂海底地图, 所以当飞机坠毁在他们那里之前,我就知道他们那个地方。在这里,虽然我在干燥的细沙之中,但我知道我是身处在渔民之中。 In Tassili I have seen rock engravings from a time when the Sahara people hunted water horses from reed boats. In Wadi Sura I saw caves whose walls were covered with paintings of swimmers. Here there had been a lake. I could draw its shape on a wall for them. I could lead them to its edge, six thousand years ago. 在塔西里,我曾见过远古的岩画,上面画着撒哈拉人划着芦苇筏子猎杀水马。在苏拉干涸河道,我曾见过洞壁画着人们游泳情景的岩洞。这里曾有一个湖泊。我可以为他们在墙上画出湖泊的模样,我可以领着他们前往六千年前的湖边。 There is a whirlwind in southern Morocco, the aajej, against which the fellahin defend themselves with knives. There is the africo, which has at times reached into the city of Rome. The aim, a fall wind out of Yugoslavia. The arifi, also christened are/or rifi, which scorches with numerous tongues. These are permanent winds that live in the present tense. 摩洛哥南部的旋风叫阿捷治,阿拉伯的农民拿着刀子与之搏斗。阿非里可风有时会刮到罗马城。阿尔姆风是自南斯拉夫吹来的—种秋风。阿利非风又叫阿里夫风或里非风,它吹干了众多人的舌头。现在常刮这些风。 There are other, less constant winds that change direction, that can knock down horse and rider and realign themselves anticlockwise. The bist roz leaps into Afghanistan for 170 days —burying villages. There is the hot, dry ghibli from Tunis, which rolls and rolls and produces a nervous condition. The haboob—a Sudan dust storm that dresses in bright yellow walls a thousand metres high and is followed by rain. The harmattan, which blows and eventually drowns itself into the Atlantic. Imbat, a sea breeze in North Africa. Some winds that just sigh towards the sky. Night dust storms that come with the cold. The khamsin, a dust in Egypt from March to May, named after the Arabic word for “fifty,” blooming for fifty days—the ninth plague of Egypt. The datoo out of Gibraltar, which carries fragrance. 还有其它不常刮的风,它们改变方向,它们可以刮倒马匹和行人,还能集聚力量逆向大刮一番。从阿富汗兴起的比斯特罗兹风狂刮一百七十天——可以埋没村庄人家。来自突尼斯的吉勃利风炎热干燥,这种风一旦席卷而来,着实让人慌神。哈布风——苏丹的一种沙暴,可以卷起千尺高黄澄澄的沙墙,并在随后带来暴雨。哈麦丹风呼呼地吹过大地,直刮到大西洋才消踪匿迹。伊姆巴特风是北非一种轻微的海风。有些风只是叹息着刮向天空。夜间的沙暴刮来寒意。喀新风是埃及境内一种挟带着沙尘的风,从三月刮到五月,它是用阿拉伯语中的“五十”来命名的,因为它肆虐五十天——埃及第九大天灾。直布罗陀海峡刮出的达突风则吹送着芳香 There is also the ———, the secret wind of the desert, whose name was erased by a king after his son died within it. And the nafliat—a blast out of Arabia. The mezzar-ifoullousen —a violent and cold southwesterly known to Berbers as “that which plucks the fowls.” The beshabar, a black and dry north¬easterly out of the Caucasus, “black wind.” The Samiel from Turkey, “poison and wind,” used often in battle. As well as the other “poison winds,” the simoom, of North Africa, and the solano, whose dust plucks off rare petals, causing giddiness. Other, private winds. 还有就是一种沙漠的神秘风——纳夫哈特风——它的名字已被一个国王抹去,因为他的儿子死在风中,这是起自阿拉伯半岛的狂风。梅萨——伊伏鲁森风——一种猛烈而寒冷的西南风,柏柏尔人说它是“拔去飞禽羽毛的风”。贝沙巴尔风,来自高加索一种乌黑而干燥的东北风,又叫“黑风”。萨米尔风来自土耳其,又叫“毒风”,常在战斗中被人利用。还有别的“毒风”,来自北非的西蒙风,以及索兰诺风,它们的沙尘摧残珍贵的花瓣,让人头昏目眩。 Travelling along the ground like a flood. Blasting off paint, throwing down telephone poles, transporting stones and statue heads. The harmattan blows across the Sahara filled with red dust, dust as fire, as flour, entering and coagulating in the locks of rifles. Mariners called this red wind the “sea of dark¬ness.” Red sand fogs out of the Sahara were deposited as far north as Cornwall and Devon, producing showers of mud so great this was also mistaken for blood. “Blood rains were widely reported in Portugal and Spain in 1901.” 还有其它鲜为人知的风,像洪流一样扫过大地。刮去油漆,掀倒电线杆,吹掉石头和雕像的头部。哈麦丹风吹过撒哈拉沙漠,挟带着红色的沙尘,沙尘如火,如粉,刮进了步枪的枪栓,并且凝结在上面。水手们把这种红色风暴叫作“黑暗之海”。撒哈拉的红色沙尘向北可以吹到康沃尔郡和德文郡,下阵雨时雨水中也会含有大量的红泥,被人当成是血。“据说在一九零一年,葡萄牙和西班牙多处下了血雨。 There are always millions of tons of dust in the air, just as there are millions of cubes of air in the earth and more living flesh in the soil (worms, beetles, underground creatures) than there is grazing and existing on it. Herodotus records the death of various armies engulfed in the simoom who were never seen again. One nation was “so enraged by this evil wind that they declared war on it and marched out in full battle array, only to be rapidly and completely interred. 空气中总是悬着几百万吨的沙尘,就像地球上几百万立方米的空气一样,就像土壤里的生物(蚯蚓、甲虫和地下生物)多于在土壤上生存的生物一样。希罗多德记录了众多的大军被西蒙风吞没,再也没有人见到过他们的奇闻。有一个民族“被这种邪恶的狂风激怒了,于是他们对它宣战,摆开阵势冲了进去,结果被迅速而彻底地埋葬了。” Dust storms in three shapes; the whirl, the column, and the sheet. In the first the horizon is lost. In the second you are surrounded by “waltzing Ginns.” The third, the sheet, is “copper-tinted. Nature seems to be on fire. 沙暴分为三种。旋风沙暴、柱体沙暴、横面沙暴。起了第一种沙暴时,地平线消失了踪影。起了第二种沙暴时,便被“跳着华尔兹的魔鬼”围在当中。第三种沙暴——即横面沙暴——“呈黄铜色,自然界似乎着了火。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】