拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第一章 7(中英配文)

拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第一章 7(中英配文)

2017-12-10    03'42''

主播: 英伦好声音

738 45

(下拉有中英配文) It was sometime after this that she had come across the English patient—someone who looked like a burned animal, taut and dark, a pool for her. And now, months later, he is her last patient in the Villa San Girolamo, their war over, both of them refusing to return with the others to the safety of the Pisa hospitals. Hana was warned of the uncleared mines, lack of water and food. She came upstairs to the burned man, the English patient, and told him she would stay as well. 过了一段时间,她遇见那个英国病人——看起来像是一只受伤的动物,神情紧张,身体焦黑——他成了她的精神寄托。过了几个月以后,现在他成了她在圣吉洛拉莫别墅照顾的最后一名伤员。他们的战争已经结束了,两人拒绝与别人一起返回比萨的医院。别人告诫她当心那些没有清除的地雷,这里会缺水、缺食物。她走到楼上,来到那名烧伤的英国人跟前,告诉他她会留下来。 He said nothing, unable even to turn his head towards her, but his fingers slipped into her white hand, and when she bent forward to him he put his dark fingers into her hair and felt it cool within the valley of his fingers. How old are you? Twenty. 英国人什么也没说,他甚至无法朝她转过头来,但是他的手指滑进了她白净的手中。她俯过身去,他伸出乌黑的手指,探进了她的发问。她觉得他的指间凉飕飕的。 “你多大?” “二十。” She does not know anything about him. Even after a month or so of caring for him and allotting him the needles of morphine. There was shyness at first within both of them, made more evident by the fact that they were now alone. Then it was suddenly overcome. The patients and doctors and nurses and equipment and sheets and towels all went back down the hill into Florence and then to Pisa. She had salted away codeine tablets, as well as the morphine. She watched the departures, the line of trucks. Good-bye, then. She waved from his window, bringing the shutters to a close. 她已照顾他一个多月左右,还帮他注射吗啡,但却对他一无所知。起初两人的心中都有一丝羞涩感,现在别人都走了,他们更是如此。后来,他们突然克服了羞涩感。伤员、医生、护士、设备、床单、毛巾——全都下了山,转道佛罗伦萨去了比萨。她私藏了可卡因药片和吗啡。她望着一辆辆卡车开走。她从他的窗户挥挥手,随后关上了百叶窗。 Caravaggio came into the kitchen to find Hana sitting hunched over the table. He could not see her face or her arms tucked in under her body, only the naked back, the bare shoulders. She was not still or asleep. With each shudder her head shook over the table. Caravaggio stood there. Those who weep lose more energy than they lose during any other act. It was not yet dawn. 卡拉瓦焦走进厨房,发现哈纳伏在桌旁。他看不见她的脸,也看不见压在身下的手臂,只能看见裸露的后背和光滑的肩膀。 她并非闻风不动,她没有睡着。每抽动一下,她都摇一下脑袋。 卡拉瓦焦站在那里。人在哭泣时比做别的事情更耗精力。黎明仍没有到来。 “Hana,” he said, and she stilled herself as if she could be camouflaged by stillness. “Hana.” She began to moan so the sound would be a barrier between them, a river across which she could not be reached. He was uncertain at first about touching her in her nakedness, said “Hana,” and then lay his bandaged hand on her shoulder. She did not stop shaking. “哈纳。”他说。她冷静了下来,仿佛平静下来就能掩饰她的哭泣。 “哈纳。” 她开始呻吟起来,呻吟声成了他们之间的障碍,一条无法涉过的河。 他起先不知道该不该摸她裸露的肌肤。他叫了声“哈纳”,然后把缠了绷带的手搭在她的肩上。她没有停止颤抖。 She raised herself, her head down still, then stood up against him as if dragging herself away from the magnet of the table. “Don't touch me if you're going to try and fuck me.” The skin pale above her skirt, which was all she wore in this kitchen, as if she had risen from the bed, dressed partially and come out here, the cool air from the hills entering the kitchen doorway and cloaking her. 她抬起身子,低垂着头,然后靠着他站了起来,仿佛挣脱了桌子的磁力。 “你别想引诱我和你睡觉。” 洋装上方露出苍白的皮肤。她在厨房里只穿了洋装,仿佛她刚起床,衣衫不整就来到这里,从山上刮来的冷风吹进了厨房的门,将她团团裹住。 “Hana.” “Why do you adore him so much?” “I love him.” “You don't love him, you adore him.” “Go away, Caravaggio. Please.” “You've tied yourself to a corpse for some reason.” “He is a saint. I think. A despairing saint. Are there such things? Our desire is to protect them.” “He doesn't even care!” “哈纳。” “你为什么这么喜欢他呢?” “我爱他。” “你不是爱他,你是迷恋他。” “走开,卡拉瓦焦。请你走开。” “你为了什么原因把自己与一具尸体绑在一起?” “他是个圣徒。我想他是。一个绝望的圣徒。世上有这些东西吗?我们的愿望是保护他们。” “他根本就不在乎你!” “I can love him.” “A twenty-year-old who throws herself out of the world to love a ghost!” Caravaggio paused. “You have to protect yourself from sadness. Sadness is very close to hate. Let me tell you this. This is the thing I learned. If you take in someone else's poison— thinking you can cure them by sharing it —you will instead store it within you. Those men in the desert were smarter than you. They assumed he could be useful. So they saved him, but when he was no longer useful they left him.” “Leave me alone.” Hana said. “我可以爱他。” “一个二十岁的人抛下了一切,爱上了一个鬼魂:卡拉瓦焦顿了一下:“你必须把自己从悲伤的深渊中拯救出来。悲哀接近仇恨。听我说,这是我吸取的教训。如果你吸了别人中的毒,以为你分享了毒性就能治愈他们——你自己就会中毒而死。生活在沙漠的人比你明白。他们以为他会有用,所以他们救了他,但是等他没有用了,他们就会丢下他。” “离我远点” 哈娜说。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】