(中英配文)拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第三章 2

(中英配文)拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第三章 2

2018-01-17    04'29''

主播: 英伦好声音

461 33

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) Let me tell you a story,” Caravaggio says to Hana. “There was a Hungarian named Almasy, who worked for the Germans during the war. n the 19305 he had been one of the great desert explorers. He knew all about the desert. He knew all about dialects. Does this sound familiar? Between the two wars he was always on expeditions out of Cairo. One was to search for Zerzura—the lost oasis. Then when war broke out he joined the Germans. In 1941 he became a guide, taking them across the desert into Cairo. What I want to tell you is, I think the English patient is not English.” “我给你讲个故事,”卡拉瓦焦对哈纳说,“有一个叫奥尔马希的匈牙利人,在战争期间为德国人工作。他随非洲军团飞行,但是他的重要性远不止于此。在二十世纪三十年代时,他已经是伟大的沙漠勘探家之一。他了解沙漠里的一切,他懂各种土语。这些事你熟悉吗?在两次大战之间的时间里,他经常在开罗附近从事考察:工作,其中之——就是寻找泽祖拉——湮没的绿洲。然后战争爆发了,他加入了德国人的行列。一九四一年,他成了向导,带领他们穿过沙漠,进入开罗。我想告诉你的就是,我认为这名病人不是个英国人。” “Of course he is, what about all those flower beds in Gloucestershire?” “Precisely. It’s all a perfect background. Two nights ago, when we were trying to name the dog. Remember?” “What were his suggestions?” “He was strange that night.” “He was very strange, because I gave him an extra dose of morphine. Do you remember the names? Cicero. Zerzura. Delilah.” “So?” “他当然是。格洛斯特郡的那些花床怎么解释?” “确切地说,这都是完善的背景。还记得两天前,当我们打算给那条狗取名字的时候吗?” “记得。” “他有什么建议?’’ “他那天晚上看起来有些奇怪。” “他是很奇怪,因为我给他超过剂量的吗啡。你还记得那些名字吗?他大约提出了八个名字,其中五个显然是说着玩的。还有三个名字:西塞罗、泽祖拉、大拉。” “那又怎样?” “‘Cicero’ was a code name for a spy. The British unearthed him. A double then triple agent. He got away. ‘Zerzura’ is more complicated.” “I know about Zerzura. He’s talked about it. He also talks about gardens.” “But it is mostly the desert now. The English garden is wearing thin. He’s dying. I think you have the spy-helper Almasy upstairs.” “‘塞罗’曾是个间谍的化名。英国人发现了他的真实身分。他原先是双面间谍,后来又变成三面间谍,他逃跑了。说到‘泽祖拉’,那就更复杂了。” “我知道‘泽祖拉’,他谈起过,他还常谈到花园。” “但是现在‘泽祖拉’多半已变成沙漠了,英国的花园正在凋零。他快死了。我认为楼上的那个人正是间谍的帮凶——奥尔马希。” They sit on the old cane hampers of the linen room looking at each other. “I think he is an Englishman,” she says. “I know you love the man, but he’s not an Englishman. In the early part of the war I was working in Cairo—the Tripoli Axis. Rommel’s Rebecca spy—” “What do you mean, ‘Rebecca spy’?” 他们在用麻布隔成的房间里,坐在老藤条吊篮上,互相对视着。 “我认为他是个英国人。”她说。 “我知道你喜欢这个人,但是他不是个英国人。在战争初期,我在开罗工作——的黎波里轴心,隆美尔的蝴蝶梦间谍 ......” “‘蝴蝶梦间谍’是什么意思?” “In 1942 the Germans sent a spy called Eppler into Cairo before the battle of El Alamein. He used a copy of Daphne du Maurier’s novel Rebecca as a code book to send messages back to Rommel on troop movements. The man who guided Eppler through the desert into Cairo on Rommel’s personal orders—from Tripoli all the way to Cairo—was Count Ladislaus de Almasy. This was a stretch of desert that, it was assumed, no one could cross. “一九四二年,在艾尔阿拉敏会战之前,德国人派了一个叫埃普尔的间谍到开罗。他用一本杜莫里埃的小说《蝴蝶梦》作为密码本,给隆美尔发送有关军队调动的情报。有个男人奉隆美尔个人之命,引导埃普尔穿越沙漠进入开罗,那个人一路引导埃普尔从的黎波里直到开罗——他就是拉斯洛•奥尔马希伯爵。这段沙漠地带,曾被人认为是不能通行的。” “Between the wars Almasy had English friends. Great explorers. But when war broke out he went with the Germans. Rommel asked him to take Eppler across the desert into Cairo because it would have been too obvious by plane or parachute. He crossed the desert with the guy and delivered him to the Nile delta.” “在二次大战之间,奥尔马希有些英国朋友,都是伟大的勘探家。但是当战争爆发时,他却投向了德国人。隆美尔请他带埃普尔穿越沙漠进入开罗,是因为如果搭飞机或用降落伞,目标太明显丁。他和那家伙一起穿越沙漠,把他送到尼罗河三角洲。” “You know a lot about this.” “I was based in Cairo. We were tracking them. From Gialo he led a company of eight men into the desert. They had to keep digging the trucks out of the sand hills. He aimed them towards Uweinat and its granite plateau so they could get water, take shelter in the caves. It was a halfway point. In the 19305 he had discovered caves with rock paintings there. But the plateau was crawling with Allies and he couldn’t use the wells there. He struck out into the sand desert again. They raided British petrol dumps to fill up their tanks. In the Kharga Oasis they switched into British uniforms and hung British army number plates on their vehicles. When they were spotted from the air they hid in the wadis for as long as three days, completely still. Baking to death in the sand. “对这件事你知道得很多。” “当时我驻扎在开罗,我们跟踪了他们。他从吉亚洛带领一队八人小组进入沙漠。他们得不断地把陷进沙里的卡车从沙丘中挖出来。他引导他们向乌怀拿德行进,那是一个花岗石高地,所以他们能从那里得到水,还能在山洞里栖身。这是半路上的一个点。三十年代的时候,他就发现了这些里边有岩石壁画的山洞。但是盟军在那个高地活动,所以他不能用那儿的水井。他又制定出一个进入沙漠的计划。他们袭击英国的汽油库,在那里装满油箱。在哈尔加绿洲,他们换上英国军队的军装,车子挂上英军车牌。当他们被人从空中发现时,他们在河谷里藏了三天,毫无动静,在沙漠里被太阳烤得半死。” “It took them three weeks to reach Cairo. Almdsy shook hands with Eppler and left him. This is where we lost him. He turned and went back into the desert alone. The British picked up Eppler eventually and used the Rebecca code to feed false information to Rommel about El Alamein.” “他们花了三个星期的时间到达开罗。奥尔马希与埃普尔握手后,离开了他。我们就是在这儿失去了他的行踪。他独自一人回到沙漠。英国人终于抓住了埃普尔,用蝴蝶梦密码把关于艾尔阿拉敏的假情报发给了隆美尔。” “I still don’t believe it, David.” Hana said. “The thing about Almasy was, he could fly. We are talking about someone who crashed in a plane. Here is this man, burned beyond recognition, who somehow ends up in the arms of the English at Pisa.” “我还是不相信,大卫。” 奥尔马希有个特点,就是他会驾驶飞机,而我们所谈论的是个坠机事件的幸存者。这儿的这个人,被烧得认不出来了,他在比瑟最终落到英国军队手里。 She sat on the hamper watching Caravaggio. She said, “I think we should leave him be. It doesn’t matter what side he was on, does it?” Caravaggio said, “I’d like to talk with him some more. With more morphine in him. Talking it out. Both of us. Do you understand? To see where it will all go. Delilah. Zerzura. You will have to give him the altered shot.” “No, David. You’re too obsessed. It doesn’t matter who he is. The war’s over.” “I will then. I’ll cook up a Brompton cocktail. Morphine and alcohol. They invented it at Brompton Hospital in London for their cancer patients. Don’t worry, it won’t kill him. 她坐在藤条吊篮上看着卡拉瓦焦。她说:“我想我们应该随他去吧,他属于哪一方并不重要,不是吗?” 卡拉瓦焦说:“我想再和他多谈谈,给他多打点儿吗啡,让他把真话说出来。你和我一起做。你明白吗?看看事情会发展到什么地步。大利拉,泽祖拉。你得给他注射那种药剂。” “不,大卫,你太固执了。他是谁并不重要,战争已经结束了。” “我要这么做。我要调一杯布朗普顿鸡尾酒,吗啡加酒精。这是他们在伦敦的布郎普顿医院为癌症病人发明的。别担心,这不会要他的命的。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】