中英配文 拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第四章 4

中英配文 拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第四章 4

2018-03-02    02'33''

主播: 英伦好声音

1855 98

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) “I have to talk to you about one last thing.” “What happened to Katharine Clifton? What happened just before the war to make you all come to the Gilf Kebir again? “我必须和你谈最后一件事。” “凯瑟琳•克利夫顿出了什么事?战争前是什么事使你再次回到基尔夫•克尔比尔高地?就在马多克斯返回英国以后。” The English patient said “I was supposed to make one more journey to the Gilf Kebir, to pack up the last of the base camp at Uweinat. Our life there was over. I thought nothing more would happen between us. I had not met her as a lover for almost a year. A war was preparing itself somewhere like a hand entering an attic window. And she and I had already retreated behind our own walls of previous habit, into seeming innocence of relationship. We no longer saw each other very much.” 英国病人说:“我应该再去一趟基尔夫•克尔比尔高地,收拾乌怀拿德最后一个营地。我们在那里的生活结束了。我以为我们之间不会再有什么事发生。将近一年,我没有以情人的身分见过她。战争即将到来,如同一只探人阁楼窗子的手。我和她早巳躲进各自原先的天地,我们的关系似乎变得清白。我们再也不常见面。” During the summer of 1939 I was to go overland to the Gilf Kebir with Gough, pack up the base camp, and Gough would leave by truck. Clifton would fly in and pick me up. Then we would disperse, out of the triangle that had grown up among us. When I heard the plane, saw it, I was already climbing down the rocks of the plateau. Clifton was always prompt. “一九三九年夏天,我将与高一起赶到基尔夫•克尔比尔高地,收拾好营地。高将坐卡车离去。杰弗里•克利夫顿开着飞机来接我。我们该分开了,结束我们之间的三角关系。 当我听到飞机声,看到它时,我已经爬下了高地的岩石。杰弗里•克利夫顿一向动作神速。 There is a way a small cargo plane will come down to land, slipping from the level of horizon. It tips its wings within desert light and then sound stops, it drifts to earth. I have never fully understood how planes work. I have watched them approach me in the desert and I have come out of my tent always with fear. They dip their wings across the light and then they enter that silence. 小型运输机有一种降落的方式是在地平线的高度滑落。它的机翼在阳光中倾斜,随后声音停止,飘落到地上。我从未十分了解飞机的原理。我曾在沙漠里看到它们飞近我,我总是怀着恐惧的心理钻出帐篷。它们倾斜机翼,顶着阳光飞过,接着沉寂了下来。 The Moth came skimming over the plateau. I was waving the blue tarpaulin. Clifton dropped altitude and roared over me, so low the acacia shrubs lost their leaves. The plane veered to the left and circled, and sighting me again realigned itself and came straight towards me. Fifty yards away from me it suddenly tilted and crashed. I started running towards it. 蛾式飞机掠过高地,我挥舞着蓝色帆布。杰弗里•克利夫顿降低了高度,飞机呼啸着向我冲来,飞得那么低,刮去了刺槐的叶子。飞机倾向左边,在空中盘旋,发现了我,重新调整方向,冲我直飞过来。距离我五十码处,它突然倾斜,坠毁了。我开始朝它跑去。 I thought he was alone. He was supposed to be alone. But when I got there to pull him out, she was beside him. He was dead. She was trying to move the lower part of her body, looking straight ahead. Sand had come in through the cockpit window and had filled her lap. There didn’t seem to be a mark on her. Her left hand had gone forward to cushion the collapse of their flight. I pulled her out of the plane Clifton had called Rupert and carried her up into the rock caves. Into the Cave of Swimmers, where the paintings were. I buried Geoffrey Clifton that night. 我以为只有他一个人来——应该只有他一个人。可是当我上前去拉他时,却发现她在他的身边。他死了。她正设法移动身子,眼睛直视前方。沙子从窗子吹进了驾驶舱,她的大腿卡住了。她的身上好像没有伤痕。为了减轻飞机坠毁的震荡,她用左手撑着座垫。我从被杰弗里•克利夫顿命名为‘鲁珀特’的飞机里拉出她,把她抱进岩洞,抱进绘有岩画的游泳者洞穴。我在那天晚上埋了杰弗里•克利夫顿。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】