中英配文 拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第四章 9

中英配文 拉尔夫费因斯《英国病人》第四章 9

2018-03-14    03'41''

主播: 英伦好声音

390 26

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) Kip, talk to me. Now his face is a knife. The weeping from shock and horror contained, seeing everything, all those around him, in a different light. Night could fall between them, fog could fall, and the young man’s dark brown eyes would reach the new revealed enemy. “基普,我们谈一谈。” 现在他的脸像一把刀。他忍住了因为震惊和恐怖而流下的泪水,他正以不同的眼光看穿周围的一切,看穿他周围的人。即使在他们之间降下了夜幕,浓雾遮掩了一切,而这个年轻人深棕色的眼睛仍会找到才暴露出来的敌人。 My brother told me. Never turn your back on Europe. The deal makers. The contract makers. The map drawers. Never trust Europeans, he said. Never shake hands with them. But we, oh, we were easily impressed—by speeches and medals and your ceremonies. What have I been doing these last few years? Cutting away, defusing, limbs of evil. For what? For this to happen? “我哥哥曾告诉我,永远不要依靠欧洲。那些做交易的人,那些签合同的人,那些绘制地图的人。永远不要相信欧洲人,他说,永远不要和他们握手。但是我们,噢,我们太容易相信人了——被你们发表演说、颁发的奖章和举行的典礼所蒙蔽。在过去几年里,我做了什么?排除炸弹,拆除引信,拆掉炸弹的翅膀。为了什么?为了让这样的事情发生?” What is it? tell us! I’ll leave you the radio to swallow your history lesson. Don’t move again, Caravaggio. All those speeches of civilisation from kings and queens and presidents... such voices of abstract order. Smell it. Listen to the radio and smell the celebration in it. In my country, when a father breaks justice in two, you kill the father. “到底发生了什么事?老天,告诉我们!” “我留下收音机好让你们吞下历史教给你们的这一课。别动,卡拉瓦焦。所有那些国王们、女王们和总统们发表的文明演说……这种空洞命令的声音。听听收音机,闻闻里面庆祝的气氛。在我的国家,一位父亲如果两次违反了义理,你就可以杀死这位父亲。” You don’t know who this man is. The rifle sight unwavering at the burned neck. Then the sapper swerves it up towards the man’s eyes. Do it, Almasy says. The eyes of the sapper and the patient meet in this half-dark room crowded now with the world. “你不知道这个人是谁。” 步枪瞄准那截烧焦的脖子,然后工兵又把枪口转向他的眼睛。 “开枪吧!”奥尔马希说。 工兵的目光和那个伤员的目光在幽暗的房间里相遇,这个房间挤进了整个世界。 Kip ejects the cartridge and catches it as it begins to fall. He throws the rifle onto the bed, a snake, its venom collected. He sees Hana on the periphery. The burned man untugs the earphones off his head and slowly places them down in front of him. Then his left hand reaches up and pulls away the hearing aid, and drops it to the floor. 基普卸下子弹,在子弹落下时接住它。他把步枪扔在床上,它像一条蛇,它的毒牙已被拔去。他看见哈纳在旁边。 那个烧伤患者把耳机从头上摘下来,慢慢地把它们放在他面前。然后他伸出左手,扯下助听器,把它扔在地板上。 Do it, Kip. I don’t want to hear any more. He closes his eyes. Slips into darkness, away from the room. The sapper leans against the wall, his hands folded, head down. Caravaggio can hear air being breathed in and out of his nostrils, fast and hard, a piston. “开枪吧,基普。我不想再听什么了。” 他闭上双眼,陷入黑暗之中,离开了房间。 工兵靠着墙,他的双手交叉着放在胸前,低下头。卡拉瓦焦能听见鼻孔呼吸的声音,又快又闷,像个活塞。 He isn’t an Englishman. American, French, I don’t care. When you start bombing the brown races of the world, you’re an Englishman. You had King Leopold of Belgium and now you have Harry Truman of the USA. You all learned it from the English. “他不是英国人。” “美国人,法国人,我才不管呢。当你开始向棕色人种的世界投弹的时候,你就是个英国人,你们曾有比利时的利奥波德国王,而现在你们有美国的杜鲁门。你们全是从英国人那儿学来的。” No. Not him. Mistake. Of all people he is probably on your side. He would say that doesn’t matter, Hana says. Caravaggio sits down in the chair. He is always, he thinks, sitting in this chair. In the room there is the thin squawking from the crystal set, the radio still speaking in its underwater voice. He cannot bear to turn and look at the sapper or look towards the blur of Hana’s frock. He knows the young soldier is right. They would never have dropped such a bomb on a white nation. “你错了,不,不是他。在所有的人之中,也许只有他是站在你这一边的。” “他会说那不重要。”哈纳说。 卡拉瓦焦坐在椅子上,他想他总是这样坐在这把椅子上。房间里收音机发出微弱的杂音,电台仍以它那像是在水下的声音广播着。他不禁转身去看工兵和哈纳那模糊不清的影子。他知道这年轻的士兵是对的。他们永远不会向白种人的国土投掷这样一枚炸弹。 The sapper walks out of the room, leaving Caravaggio and Hana by the bed. He has left the three of them to their world, is no longer their sentinel. In the future, if and when the patient dies, Caravaggio and the girl will bury him. Let the dead bury the dead. He has never been sure what that meant. Those few callous words in the Bible. 工兵走出房间,把卡拉瓦焦和哈纳留在床边。他离开了那个属于他们三个人的世界,不再是他们的卫兵了。将来,如果那个伤员死了,卡拉瓦焦和那个女孩会埋葬他的。让死者埋葬死者吧。他从不清楚。圣经里那些深奥难懂的字眼是什么意思。 They will bury everything except the book. The body, the sheets, his clothes, the rifle. Soon he will be alone with Hana. And the motive for all this on the radio. A terrible event emerging out of the shortwave. A new war. The death of a civilisation. 除了那本书,他们会埋葬所有的东西。那具尸体、床单、他的衣服、那支步枪。不久他将会单独和哈纳在一起。是收音机引起了这一切。是无线电短波播出一个可怕的事情。一场新的战争,关系着文化的完结。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】