中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 5

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 5

2018-04-04    02'22''

主播: 英伦好声音

411 18

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) Along the road walked an old man. He was white-headed as a mountain, bowed in the shoulders, and faded in general aspect. He wore a glazed hat, an ancient boat-cloak, and shoes; his brass buttons bearing an anchor upon their face. In his hand was a silver-headed walking stick, which he used as a veritable third leg, perseveringly dotting the ground with its point at every few inches' interval. One would have said that he had been, in his day, a naval officer of some sort or other. 一个老头儿顺着这条大道走来。他满头的白发,好像一座雪山,两个肩膀佝偻着,全身都显出老迈的样子来。他戴着一顶光面儿帽子,披着一件老式海员外氅,穿着一双皮鞋,他那衣服上钉的铜钮子,上面还都铸着船锚的花样。他手里拿着一根镶银把儿的手杖,简直跟他的第三条腿一样,每隔几英寸,他就非把它的下端往地上一拄不可。看他那种样子,准会有人说,他当年大概是海军军官一流人物。 Before him stretched the long, laborious road, dry, empty, and white. It was quite open to the heath on each side, and bisected that vast dark surface like the parting-line on a head of black hair, diminishing and bending away on the furthest horizon. 那条长而走起来很吃力的大道在他面前展开:空旷、干燥、白漫漫的。大道可以畅通到荒原各处,它把那一大片昏暗的地面平分作两半,好像满头黑发中间的一道缝儿,逦迤起伏,越远越细,一直伸展到最远的天边才消失了。 The old man frequently stretched his eyes ahead to gaze over the tract that he had yet to traverse. At length he discerned, a long distance in front of him, a moving spot, which appeared to be a vehicle, and it proved to be going the same way as that in which he himself was journeying. It was the single atom of life that the scene contained, and it only served to render the general loneliness more evident. Its rate of advance was slow, and the old man gained upon it sensibly. 老头儿时时抬头,把面前他要穿行的那片旷野使劲儿打量。打量了半天,他看出来,有一个小黑点儿,在他前面远远蠕动;再仔细一看,那个黑点儿仿佛是一辆车,也朝着他所要去的方向前进。在那样一大片景物上,只有这一点点会活动的东西,因此景物上一般的荒凉僻静,反倒叫它衬托得越发明显。大车进行得很慢,老头儿离它显而易见一步近一步。 When he drew nearer he perceived it to be a spring van, ordinary in shape, but singular in colour, this being a lurid red. The driver walked beside it; and, like his van, he was completely red. One dye of that tincture covered his clothes, the cap upon his head, his boots, his face, and his hands. He was not temporarily overlaid with the colour; it permeated him. 老头儿走得更靠跟前的时候,只见那件东西原来是一辆有弹簧轮子的大篷车,样式很普通,颜色却特别,是一种令人悚然的红色。赶车的跟在车旁,也和车一样,全身红色。他的衣服、他的靴子、他头上的便帽、他的脸、他的手,一律红彤彤的。看他的样子,那种颜色并不是暂时涂在他的外表的,而是渗到他的皮肤里面去了。 The old man knew the meaning of this. The traveler with the cart was a reddleman--a person whose vocation it was to supply farmers with redding for their sheep. He was one of a class rapidly becoming extinct in Wessex, filling at present in the rural world the place which, during the last century, the dodo occupied in the world of animals. He is a curious, interesting, and nearly perished link between obsolete forms of life and those which generally prevail. 这种情况的原因老头儿却很明白。原来这个赶车的人是一个卖红土的;他专管把红土卖给乡下人去染绵羊。他这行人,在维塞斯那块地方上,眼看就要完全绝迹了;在现在的乡村里,他的地位正和一百年前的鸵鸵在动物界里一样。他把过去的生活方式和现时一般流行的生活方式联系了起来,成了一种稀罕、有趣、快要绝迹的环节。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明