中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 6

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 6

2018-04-06    02'58''

主播: 英伦好声音

813 35

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) The decayed officer, by degrees, came up alongside his fellow-wayfarer, and wished him good evening. The reddleman turned his head, and replied in sad and occupied tones. He was young, and his face, if not exactly handsome, approached so near to handsome that nobody would have contradicted an assertion that it really was so in its natural colour. 这位年老的军官,一点一点地赶上了他前面那位同路的行人,问他晚上好。红土贩子转过脸来,还礼回答;只听他的腔调,抑郁沉闷、含有心事。他的年纪很轻。他长得虽然不能说一准齐整,却也差不多够得上齐整两个字,要是说他本来生得不错,大概不会有人反对。 His eye, which glared so strangely through his stain, was in itself attractive--keen as that of a bird of prey, and blue as autumn mist. He had neither whisker nor moustache, which allowed the soft curves of the lower part of his face to be apparent. 他的眼睛,在红色的脸上闪烁,自然透着有些奇怪,但是眼睛本身却很引人注意:跟鸷鸟的眼一样锐利,像秋天的雾一样蔚蓝。他没有连鬓胡子,也没有八字须,所以他那脸的下半截都光光的,露出柔和的曲线来。 His lips were thin, and though, as it seemed, compressed by thought, there was a pleasant twitch at their corners now and then. He was clothed throughout in a tight-fitting suit of corduroy, excellent in quality, not much worn, and well-chosen for its purpose, but deprived of its original colour by his trade. It showed to advantage the good shape of his figure. A certain well-to-do air about the man suggested that he was not poor for his degree. The natural query of an observer would have been, Why should such a promising being as this have hidden his prepossessing exterior by adopting that singular occupation? 他的嘴唇薄薄的,虽然那时好像因为有心事,紧闭在一起,但是两个嘴角,有的时候,却会作出一种可爱的抽搐动作。他穿着一套紧紧合体的灯芯绒衣服,料子很好,又没穿得怎么旧,他穿着很合身分;只是叫他那种营业给弄得失去本色了。这套衣服正把他那好看的身材显示出来。从他那种生活富裕的神气上看,就可以知道,他的职业虽然不高,他的生活却并不坏。为什么像他这么一个有出息的人,却会把这样一副好看的外表,埋没在这样一种奇怪的职业里呢?凡是观察他的人,一定自然而然地会提出这样的诘问。 After replying to the old man's greeting he showed no inclination to continue in talk, although they still walked side by side, for the elder traveller seemed to desire company. There were no sounds but that of the booming wind upon the stretch of tawny herbage around them, the crackling wheels, the tread of the men, and the footsteps of the two shaggy ponies which drew the van. They were small, hardy animals, of a breed between Galloway and Exmoor, and were known as "heath-croppers" here. 他和老头儿寒暄完了,就不愿意再说话了,不过他们两个,仍旧并排走去,因为那位年老的旅人,好像很愿意有人作伴。那时候,只听见辚磷的车轮声,沙沙的脚步声,拉车那两匹鬣毛蓬松的矮种马得得的蹄声和四围一片棕黄色野草上呼呼的风声,除此而外,再听不到别的声音了。那两匹拉车的马是身材短小、吃苦耐劳的畜牲,介乎盖娄维和爱司姆之间的一种,这儿都管它们叫“荒原马”。 Now, as they thus pursued their way, the reddleman occasionally left his companion's side, and, stepping behind the van, looked into its interior through a small window. The look was always anxious. He would then return to the old man, who made another remark about the state of the country and so on, to which the reddleman again abstractedly replied, and then again they would lapse into silence. 他们这样一路往前走去的时候,红土贩子有时离开他的同伴,去到篷车后面,扒着一个小窗户眼儿往车里看。看的神气老是焦虑的。他看完了,仍旧回到老头儿身旁,老头儿跟着就又谈起乡村的种种情况,红土贩子仍旧心不在焉地回答,跟着他们两个就又都静默起来。 The silence conveyed to neither any sense of awkwardness; in these lonely places wayfarers, after a first greeting, frequently plod on for miles without speech; contiguity amounts to a tacit conversation where, otherwise than in cities, such contiguity can be put an end to on the merest inclination, and where not to put an end to it is intercourse in itself. 他们两个,谁都不觉得这种静默别扭。本来在这种静僻的去处,行路的人互相寒暄以后,往往有在一块走好些英里地不再说一句话的;在这种地方上,相伴同行,就等于相对忘言:因为这种地方,不同于城市,那上面的相伴,只要一方面有一丁点不愿意的倾向,就马上可以终止,而不终止本身,就是愿意交接的表现。 Possibly these two might not have spoken again till their parting, had it not been for the reddleman's visits to his van. When he returned from his fifth time of looking in the old man said, "You have something inside there besides your load?" "Yes." "Somebody who wants looking after?" "Yes." 要不是因为红土贩子屡次往车里看,那他们两个也许会一直等到分手的时候,不再说一句话的。但是在他第五次看完了回来以后,老头儿却问:“你车里除了货物以外,还有别的东西吗?” “不错。” “是一个得你时时刻刻照料的人吧?” “不错。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】