中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 8

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 8

2018-04-11    03'03''

主播: 英伦好声音

309 13

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) The elder traveller nodded his head indifferently, and the reddleman turned his horses and van in upon the turf, saying, "Good night." The old man replied, and proceeded on his way as before. 老头儿很不在意地点了点头,同时红土贩子把车和马拉到草地上,对老头儿说了一声“夜安”,老头儿还了礼,就仍旧像先前那样,自己往前走去了。 The reddleman watched his form as it diminished to a speck on the road and became absorbed in the thickening films of night. He then took some hay from a truss which was slung up under the van, and, throwing a portion of it in front of the horses, made a pad of the rest, which he laid on the ground beside his vehicle. 红土贩子眼看着老头儿的形体在路上越去越远,一直看到它变成一个小点儿,在渐渐昏暗的暮色里消失了,那时候,他才从拴在车下的草捆里,取出一些干草来,把一部分扔在马前面,把其余的扎成了一束,放在车旁的地上。他在这一束干草上面坐下,把背脊靠在车轮子上。 Upon this he sat down, leaning his back against the wheel. From the interior a low soft breathing came to his ear. It appeared to satisfy him, and he musingly surveyed the scene, as if considering the next step that he should take. 车里一种低微娇细的呼吸,送到他的耳朵里面,他听起来,好像心里觉得很舒坦的样子,同时一声不响,把四周的景物观察,仿佛在那儿考虑他下一步该怎么办。 To do things musingly, and by small degrees, seemed, indeed, to be a duty in the Egdon valleys at this transitional hour, for there was that in the condition of the heath itself which resembled protracted and halting dubiousness. It was the quality of the repose appertaining to the scene. 处在爱敦荒原的山谷里面,当着这种昼夜交替的时候,作事沉静迟延,好像是一种本分,因为荒原自己,好像就有迟延、停顿、犹豫、踌躇的神情。这就是荒原所特有的恬静状态。 This was not the repose of actual stagnation, but the apparent repose of incredible slowness. A condition of healthy life so nearly resembling the torpor of death is a noticeable thing of its sort; to exhibit the inertness of the desert, and at the same time to be exercising powers akin to those of the meadow, and even of the forest, awakened in those who thought of it the attentiveness usually engendered by understatement and reserve. 不过这种恬静状态,并不是因为荒原上面实际一切完全停滞,却是因为那上面活动非常懒慢。如果一种生命,本来健全,却看着好像恹恹一息,那当然要惹人注意的了:荒原的情况,虽然看着像沙漠那样毫无生气,实在却像草原,甚至于森林,那样生气勃勃,所以凡是琢磨它的人,总要对它特别用心,特别注意,好像我们平常听含蓄吞吐的谈话,也总特别注意、特别用心一样。 The scene before the reddleman&`&s eyes was a gradual series of ascents from the level of the road backward into the heart of the heath. It embraced hillocks, pits, ridges, acclivities, one behind the other, till all was finished by a high hill cutting against the still light sky. 红土贩子眼前的景物,是一片重重叠叠的丘阜,一个比一个高起,从大路上平坦的地方开始,一直往后伸到荒原的腹地。只见丘阜、坑谷、坡崖、冈峦,一个跟着一个,一直簇起一座高山,界着依然明亮的天空耸立。 The traveller&`&s eye hovered about these things for a time, and finally settled upon one noteworthy object up there. It was a barrow. This bossy projection of earth above its natural level occupied the loftiest ground of the loneliest height that the heath contained. Although from the vale it appeared but as a wart on an Atlantean brow, its actual bulk was great. It formed the pole and axis of this heathery world. 那位旅人的目光,在这些景物上看了一时,最后落到山上一件引人注目的东西上。那是一座古冢。这一个由它那天然的地平上臌起来的圆形土丘,就在这一片荒原上,占据了它那最荒僻的山上最高的地点。虽然现在从山谷里看来,这个古冢,不过像爱特拉的额上长的小瘤子那样,但是它本身的体积,却的确不小。在这一片灌莽丛杂的地域上,它就是一个中心枢纽。 As the resting man looked at the barrow he became aware that its summit, hitherto the highest object in the whole prospect round, was surmounted by something higher. It rose from the semiglobular mound like a spike from a helmet. 这位路旁休息的行人,朝着那座古冢远远地望去,只觉本来那个古冢的顶儿,就是全副景物里最高的地点的了;但是现在他却看出来,另有一件东西,比古冢还高,在古冢顶儿上出现。它从那个半圆球形的土阜上面耸起,好像一个铁盔上的尖顶一样。 The first instinct of an imaginative stranger might have been to suppose it the person of one of the Celts who built the barrow, so far had all of modern date withdrawn from the scene. It seemed a sort of last man among them, musing for a moment before dropping into eternal night with the rest of his race.那时候,那片荒原,既是古老久远,和现代一切完全分隔,因此一位富于想象的生人,刚一看见这个形影,也许会自然而然地把他看成一个经营那座古冢的凯尔特人。他好像是凯尔特人里面最后的一位,在和他的同族人一同投入冥冥的长夜以前,先自己沉思一刻似的。 There the form stood, motionless as the hill beneath. 那个人形在那儿站定,跟下面的丘阜一样,一动也不动。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】