中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 11

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 11

2018-04-18    03'09''

主播: 英伦好声音

307 15

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) The first tall flame from Rainbarrow sprang into the sky, attracting all eyes that had been fixed on the distant conflagrations back to their own attempt in the same kind. 雨冢上第一个猛烈的火焰冲天而起了,跟着,所有看远处的烈火那些人都把眼光转到自己点的烈火上。 The cheerful blaze streaked the inner surface of the human circle--now increased by other stragglers, male and female—with its own gold livery, and even overlaid the dark turf around with a lively luminousness, which softened off into obscurity where the barrow rounded downwards out of sight. 只见熊熊的火光,把四面环立那一群人的里圈——那时在原先那一群人里,又添了许多男女闲人——用它自己那种金黄的颜色装点了起来,甚至于把四周黑暗的草地,也映得明亮生动,一直到圆冢的坡儿渐渐斜倾得看不见了的地方,辉煌的亮光才慢慢变暗。 It showed the barrow to be the segment of a globe, as perfect as on the day when it was thrown up, even the little ditch remaining from which the earth was dug. 火光显示出来的古冢,是一个圆球的一部分,跟它初次垒起的时候,一样地完整,就是那条挖过泥土的小沟,也都照旧存在。 Not a plough had ever disturbed a grain of that stubborn soil. In the heath's barrenness to the farmer lay its fertility to the historian. There had been no obliteration, because there had been no tending. 这片顽冥的地方连一块一粒都从来没经耕犁骚扰过。正因为荒原对于庄稼人硗瘠,所以它对于历史家才丰富。因为不曾有人经营过它,所以才不曾有人毁坏过它。 It seemed as if the bonfire-makers were standing in some radiant upper story of the world, detached from and independent of the dark stretches below. 当时的情况好像是:点祝火那些人,正站在一种光辉四射的上层世界,跟下面那一片混沌,分为两段,各不相属。 The heath down there was now a vast abyss, and no longer a continuation of what they stood on; for their eyes, adapted to the blaze, could see nothing of the deeps beyond its influence. 那时候,下面的荒原,只是一片广大的深渊,跟他们站立的那块地方并不是一体,因为在强烈的火光下,他们的眼睛对于火光达不到的深坑低谷,一概都看不见。 Occasionally, it is true, a more vigorous flare than usual from their faggots sent darting lights like aides-de-camp down the inclines to some distant bush, pool, or patch of white sand, kindling these to replies of the same colour, till all was lost in darkness again. 固然有的时候,比平常更有劲的火焰,会从柴垛上,发出箭一般的火光,像传令官似的,投到坡下远处一片灌木、野塘、或者白沙上,使这些东西也反映出金黄的颜色来,一直到一切又都沉入了黑暗之中。 Then the whole black phenomenon beneath represented Limbo as viewed from the brink by the sublime Florentine in his vision, and the muttered articulations of the wind in the hollows were as complaints and petitions from the "souls of mighty worth" suspended therein. 那种时候,那整个混沌窈冥的现象,就是那位超逸卓越的佛劳伦萨人,在他的幻想中,临崖俯瞰所看到的林苞,而下面空谷里呜咽的风声,就是悬在林苞里面上下无着那些“品格高贵的灵魂”,抱怨呼求的声音。 It was as if these men and boys had suddenly dived into past ages, and fetched there from an hour and deed which had before been familiar with this spot. 这些老老少少,好像一下又回到了太古时代,把这块地方上从前看惯了的光景和事迹,又扮演了一番。 The ashes of the original British pyre which blazed from that sumit lay fresh and undisturbed in the barrow beneath their tread. 不列颠人在那个山顶上焚烧尸体的柴垛留下来的灰烬,仍旧像新的一样,一点儿都没动,埋在他们脚下的古冢里。 The flames from funeral piles long ago kindled there had shone down upon the lowlands as these were shining now. Festival fires to Thor and Woden had followed on the same ground and duly had their day. 很早以前举行葬礼的积薪发出来的火光,也和现在这些祝火一样,曾照耀到下面的低原之上。后来乌敦和叟儿的节日,也在这个地点上点过祝火,并且也很兴盛过一阵。 Indeed, it is pretty well known that such blazes as this the heath men were now enjoying are rather the lineal descendants from jumbled Druidical rites and Saxon ceremonies than the invention of popular feeling about Gunpowder Plot. 实在讲起来,我们都很知道,现在荒原居民所玩赏的这种祝火,与其说是民众对于火药暗杀案的感情表现,还不如说是祖依德的仪式萨克森的典礼,混合揉杂,一直流传到现代。 Moreover to light a fire is the instinctive and resistant act of man when, at the winter ingress, the curfew is sounded throughout Nature. It indicates a spontaneous, Promethean rebelliousness against that fiat that this recurrent season shall bring foul times, cold darkness, misery and death. Black chaos comes, and the fettered gods of the earth say, Let there be light. 还有一层:严冬来临,自然界里,到处都是熄火的钟声,那时候点火就是人类对于这种钟声出于本能的抗拒行为。大自然老命令一年一度的冬季,叫它把冷风冻雪、惨慎阴森、凄侧死亡,带到人世。点火就是一种普罗米修斯式的叛逆,及时自然而发,来反抗这种命令。晦瞑的混沌来临了,下界被囚的诸神就跟着说:“要有光。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】