中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 12

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 12

2018-04-20    02'47''

主播: 英伦好声音

1064 50

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) The brilliant lights and sooty shades which struggled upon the skin and clothes of the persons standing round caused their lineaments and general contours to be drawn with Dureresque vigour and dash. Yet the permanent moral expression of each face it was impossible to discover, for as the nimble flames towered, nodded, and swooped through the surrounding air, the blots of shade and flakes of light upon the countenances of the group changed shape and position endlessly. 明亮的火光和乌黑的阴影,在四面环立那一群人的脸上和衣服上,晃来晃去,使他们的眉目和肢体,都显得像都锐的画那样浓重,那样有力。但是要发现每一个人脸上表现智愚贤不肖那种生来难变的容貌却不可能。因为轻快的火光,老在四围的空中,钻天、扎猛子、点头、晃脑袋,所以一片一片的阴影,和一条一条的亮光,在那一群人的脸上,一刻不停地改变地位和形状。 All was unstable; quivering as leaves, evanescent as lightning. Shadowy eye-sockets, deep as those of a death's head, suddenly turned into pits of lustre: a lantern-jaw was cavernous, then it was shining; wrinkles were emphasized to ravines, or obliterated entirely by a changed ray. 一切都是不稳定的,像树叶似地颤动翻转,像闪电似地倏忽明灭。阴暗的眼眶,先前深深陷入,好像一副骷髅,忽然又饱满明亮,成了两湾清光;瘦削的腮颊,原先黑不见底,转眼又放出光辉;脸上的皱纹,一会儿像深沟狭谷,光线一变,又完全谷满沟平。 Nostrils were dark wells; sinews in old necks were gilt mouldings; things with no particular polish on them were glazed; bright objects, such as the tip of a furze-hook one of the men carried, were as glass; eyeballs glowed like little lanterns. 鼻孔就是黑洞洞的眢井,老人脖子上的青筋就是镀金的模搂。本来不亮的东西都挂了一层釉子,本来就亮的东西,像有人拿的一把常青棘钩刀的尖儿,就好像玻璃;发红的眼珠儿就像小灯笼。 Those whom Nature had depicted as merely quaint became grotesque, the grotesque became preternatural; for all was in extremity. 本来只可以说有点奇异的东西,现在都变得光怪陆离,本来只可以说光怪陆离的东西,现在都变得不可思议了;因为一切一切,全都无所不用其极。 Hence it may be that the face of an old man, who had like others been called to the heights by the rising flames, was not really the mere nose and chin that it appeared to be, but an appreciable quantity of human countenance. 既然一切都是这种情况,所以那时候有一个老头儿,跟大家一样,也让火光招上山来了,但是这个老头儿脸上并不是只见鼻子和下巴那种瘦瘪样子,而是人脸一片,五官具备,其大也颇可观。 He stood complacently sunning himself in the heat. With a speaker, or stake, he tossed the outlying scraps of fuel into the conflagration, looking at the midst of the pile, occasionally lifting his eyes to measure the height of the flame, or to follow the great sparks which rose with it and sailed away into darkness. 那时他很坦然,站在火旁叫火烤着:他手里拿着一根木棍,把散在四外的小棘枝都拨弄到火里面,他的眼睛老盯着那一堆荆棘的正中间,他只偶尔抬起头来,打量打量火焰的高下,或者看一看随着火焰飞起、散到黑暗中去的大火星儿。 The beaming sight, and the penetrating warmth, seemed to breed in him a cumulative cheerfulness, which soon amounted to delight. With his stick in his hand he began to jig a private minuet, a bunch of copper seals shining and swinging like a pendulum from under his waistcoat: he also began to sing, in the voice of a bee up a flue-- 那片熊熊的火光和融融的暖气,好像把他烤得越来越高兴起来了,待了一会儿,他简直就大乐起来。于是他就手里拿着手杖,一个人跳起米奴哀舞来;他这一跳,他背心底下带的那一串铜坠儿便像钟摆一般,明晃晃地摇摆不已;他只跳舞还不过瘾,嘴里还唱起歌儿来,他的嗓音就像一个关在烟筒里面的蜂子一样。他唱: "The king' call'd down' his no-bles all', 国王宣召满朝中的亲贵; By one', by two', by three'; 一人、二人、三人,依次分队, Earl Mar'-shal, I'll' go shrive'-the queen', 我要前去听王后的忏悔, And thou' shalt wend' with me'. 侍从大臣,你作我的伴随。 "A boon', a boon', quoth Earl' Mar-shal', 侍从大臣忙在地上跪倒, And fell' on his bend'-ded knee', 恩典、恩典不住声地求告, That what'-so-e'er' the queen' shall say', 无论王后说出了什么话, No harm' there-of' may be'." 只求王上千万不要计较。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】