中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 19

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 19

2018-05-07    03'07''

主播: 英伦好声音

1427 15

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) "Well, there's many just as bad as he." said Fairway. "Wethers must live their time as well as other sheep, poor soul." “唉,像他这样的可就多啦,”费韦说,“骗了的羊也得同别的羊一样地过呀,可怜的东西。” "So perhaps I shall rub on? Ought I to be afeared o' nights, Master Fairway?" “那么俺也得凑付着过,是不是?你说俺夜里该害怕不该,费韦先生?” "You'll h@ve to lie alone all your life; and 'tis not to married couples but to single sleepers that a ghost shows himself when 'a do come. One has been seen lately, too. A very strange one." “你这一辈子打定了光棍儿啦。鬼要是出来,他单找那单人睡觉的,他不找那两口子睡觉的。新近还有人看见鬼来着。一个很怪的鬼。” "No--don't talk about it if 'tis agreeable of ye not to! 'Twill make my skin crawl when I think of it in bed alone. But you will--ah, you will, I know, Timothy; and I shall dream all night o't! A very strange one? What sort of a spirit did ye mean when ye said, a very strange one, Timothy?--no, no--don't tell me." “别,别说吧,要是你觉得不说没有什么碍处,那你就别说吧。俺听了,一个人躺在床上想起来,身上非一霎霎地起鸡皮疙瘩不可。可是,提摩太,你一定要说,俺知道你一定要说;说了好叫俺夜里成宿做噩梦。你才说,一个很怪的鬼?你心目中那个鬼是哪一种的,你才说它是个怪鬼?哎呀,提摩太,别说,别说,还是别对俺说好。” "I don't half believe in spirits myself. But I think it ghostly enough--what I was told. 'Twas a little boy that zid it." “俺本来不大信什么鬼呀神呀的。不过人家这回告诉俺的这个鬼,听起来可真有些阴森森的。据说是一个小孩看见的。” "What was it like?--no, don't--" “它什么样儿?——哦,别,别说——” "A red one. Yes, most ghosts be white; but this is as if it had been dipped in blood." “是一个红鬼。不错,平常的鬼差不多都是白的①,不过这个鬼可跟在血里染过了的一样。” Christian drew a deep breath without letting it expand his body, and Humphrey said, "Where has it been seen?" 克锐听了这句话,深深地吸了一口气,但是却没让身体膨胀;同时赫飞就问,这个鬼是在什么地方看见的? "Not exactly here; but in this same heth. But 'tisn't a thing to talk about. What do ye say," continued Fairway in brisker tones, and turning upon them as if the idea had not been Grandfer Cantle's--"what do you say to giving the new man and wife a bit of a song tonight afore we go to bed--being their wedding-day? When folks are just married 'tis as well to look glad o't, since looking sorry won't unjoin 'em. I am no drinker, as we know, but when the womenfolk and youngsters h@ve gone home we can drop down across to the Quiet Woman, and strike up a ballet in front of the married folks' door. 'Twill please the young wife, and that's what I should like to do, for many's the skinful I've had at her hands when she lived with her aunt at Blooms-End." “虽然没出这片荒原,可不在咱们这块地方。不过这件事不值得尽着谈论了。俺说,街坊们,今儿既然是朵荪-姚伯和韦狄街坊的好日子,那咱们睡觉以前,去给他们刚结婚那小两口儿唱个歌儿听听,你们觉得怎么样?”费韦接着说;他说这句话的时候,口气比以先更活泼,同时朝着大众看着,他的神气好像觉得,这个提议并不是阚特大爷首先发起的。“对于已经配成了对儿的人,顶好装出喜欢的样子来,因为你不喜欢,也不能把人家拆开呀。你们都知道,俺是不会喝酒的,所以俺并不是图酒喝;可是俺觉得,回头堂客和小孩儿们都家去了以后,咱们很可以往下面到静女店去走一趟,在他们新结婚那两口子门前,给他们来一个歌儿。那位新娘子一定喜欢这一套;俺也很愿意她喜欢;因为她和她大妈一块儿住在布露恩的时候,俺从她手里曾接过好多皮袋酒。” "Hey? And so we will!" said Grandfer Cantle, turning so briskly that his copper seals swung extr@vagantly. "I'm as dry as a kex with biding up here in the wind, and I h@ven't seen the colour of drink since namettime today. 'Tis said that the last brew at the Woman is very pretty drinking. And, neighbours, if we should be a little late in the finishing, why, tomorrow's Sunday, and we can sleep it off?" “好哇,咱们就这么办哪,”阚特大爷说,同时身子转得那么轻快,他那一串坠儿都放纵恣肆地大摆而特摆。“俺在风地里站了这半天,嘴唇干得跟柴禾一样了。俺自从吃了便饭以后,还没闻到一滴酒味儿哪。人家都说,静女店新开桶的酒,喝着很不坏。再说,街坊们,就算咱们弄得很晚才能完事,那算得了什么?明儿是礼拜,多睡一会儿,酒还不消啊?” "Grandfer Cantle! you take things very careless for an old man," said the wide woman. “俺说,阚特大爷,凭你这样一个老头儿,老说这种说,真太随便了,”那个胖女人说。 "I take things careless; I do--too careless to please the women! Klk! I'll sing the 'Jovial Crew,' or any other song, when a weak old man would cry his eyes out. Jown it; I am up for anything. “俺本来就什么事都随便;俺实在太随便了——俺没有那些闲工夫去讨她们的欢心。喀勒喀!俺只乐俺的!一个没能耐的老头子要把眼都哭肿了的时候,俺只唱俺的歌儿,唱俺的《乐呵呵的一伙》,唱俺的这个,俺的那个。俺不管那一套。俺不论干什么都行。 "The king' look'd o'-ver his left' shoul-der', And a grim' look look'-ed hee', Earl Mar'-shal, he said', but for' my oath' Or hang'-ed thou' shouldst bee'." 国王扭转头,从左往后看, 满腹的怒气,满脸的怒颜, 若非我誓言已经说在先, 卿家你难免绞架身高悬。” "Well, that's what we'll do," said Fairway. "We'll give 'em a song, an' it please the Lord. What's the good of Thomasin's cousin Clym a-coming home after the deed's done? “不错,咱们正该那么办,”费韦说。“咱们得给他们唱个歌儿,上帝听着也喜欢。朵荪的堂兄克林等到事情完了才回来,还有什么用处? He should h@ve come afore, if so be he wanted to stop it, and marry her himself." 要是他要拦这门亲事,想自己娶她,那他就该早回来呀。” "Perhaps he's coming to bide with his mother a little time, as she must feel lonely now the maid's gone." “也许只是因为姑娘出了门子,他妈一个人觉得孤单的慌,所以他才回来,跟他妈一块住几天吧。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】