中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 23

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 23

2018-05-16    03'20''

主播: 英伦好声音

3025 24

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) "Lord's sake, I thought, whatever fiery momet is this come to trouble us? No slight to your looks, reddleman, for ye bain't bad-looking in the groundwork, though the finish is queer. My meaning is just to say how curious I felt. I half thought it 'twas the devil or the red ghost the boy told of." 俺心里想,俺的老天爷,还不知道是个什么红色的怪物跑来吓咱们啦!俺说,红土贩子,俺这个话,并没有说你长得丑的意思,因为你天生的胎子本来不坏,不过以后弄得怪模怪样的了。俺说这个话,只是想要说一说俺刚才觉得很奇怪就是啦。俺还几乎把你当作了一个魔鬼,或者当作了那个小孩说的红鬼哪。” "It gied me a turn likewise," said Susan Nunsuch, "for I had a dream last night of a death's head." “也把俺吓了一大跳,”苏珊-南色说;“因为俺昨儿晚上,梦见了一个骷髅蛾子。” "Don't ye talk o't no more," said Christian. "If he had a handkerchief over his head he'd look for all the world like the Devil in the picture of the Temptation." “你们别再说啦,”克锐说。“要是他头上再扎上一条手绢,那他就活活地是《试探画》里的魔鬼了。” "Well, thank you for telling me," said the young reddleman, smiling faintly. "And good night t'ye all." He withdrew from their sight down the barrow. “好啦,多谢你们指路给我,”那位年轻的红土贩子微微笑着说。“诸位再见。”说完了就下了古冢,看不见了。 "I fancy I've seen that young man's face before," said Humphrey. "But where, or how, or what his name is, I don't know." “俺仿佛在哪儿碰见过那小伙子似的,”赫飞说。“但是在什么地方,怎么碰见的,他叫什么,俺可想不起来了。” The reddleman had not been gone more than a few minutes when another person approached the partially revived bonfire. It proved to be a well-known and respected widow of the neighbourhood, of a standing which can only be expressed by the word genteel. Her face, encompassed by the blackness of the receding heath, showed whitely, and with-out half-lights, like a cameo. 红土贩子走了不到几分钟的工夫,又有一个人走近了那个一部分死灰复燃的祝火。她是住在附近的一个寡妇,大家都认识她,都恭敬她;她的身分,只有用温雅这两个字才形容得出来。她的面孔,叫四围黑暗的荒原笼罩,显得白白的,光暗分明,并无衬托,好像宝石上面鼓起的花纹。 She was a woman of middle-age, with well-formed features of the type usually found where perspicacity is the chief quality enthroned within. At moments she seemed to be regarding issues from a Nebo denied to others around. 她是一个中年妇人,生得端正匀称,看她的眉目,就知道她是个洞察事理的人。有的时候,她观察事物,仿佛带着别人所没有的一种从尼泊山上高视远瞩的神情。 She had something of an estranged mien; the solitude exhaled from the heath was concentrated in this face that had risen from it. The air with which she looked at the heathmen betokened a certain unconcern at their presence, or at what might be their opinions of her for walking in that lonely spot at such an hour, thus indirectly implying that in some respect or other they were not up to her level. The explanation lay in the fact that though her husband had been a small farmer she herself was a curate's daughter, who had once dreamt of doing better things. 她有些落落寡合的样子,好像荒原吐出来的寂寥,完全集中在这个从荒原上出现的脸上。从她看那些荒原居民的态度上看,就可以知道,她并没把他们看得怎么在意,并且他们对于她这样黑夜独行,不管有什么意见,她也满不在乎;这种情况表示出来,他们的身分不能和她比。原来这位中年妇人的丈夫,虽然只是一个小规模的庄稼人,她自己却是一个副牧师的女儿,从前曾一度梦想过比现在好的前程。 Persons with any weight of character carry, like planets, their atmospheres along with them in their orbits; and the matron who entered now upon the scene could, and usually did, bring her own tone into a company. Her normal manner among the heathfolk had that reticence which results from the consciousness of superior comunicative power. But the effect of coming into society and light after lonely wandering in darkness is a sociability in the comer above its usual pitch, expressed in the features even more than in words. 凡是个性强的人,都像行星一样,行动的时候,总把个人的气氛带了出来①;现在这位刚刚来到雨冢上的妇人,就是这样一种人,所以她和别人到了一起,通常能叫别人觉出她的气氛来,并且也真让别人觉出她的气氛来。她在荒原居民之中,觉得自己谈话的才能高,所以平常总保持缄默。但是现时,既是她一个人在暗中走了半夜,所以她一下走到人群和亮光之中,她的态度就比平常显得亲热得多了;看她的面目,比听她的言谈,她这种态度,更觉得显然。 "Why, 'tis Mis'ess Yeobright," said Fairway. "Mis'ess Yeobright, not ten minutes ago a man was here asking for you--a reddleman." “哟,原来是姚伯大太呀,”费韦说。“姚伯太太,刚才还不到十分钟,有一个人上这儿打听你来着——一个红土贩子。” "What did he want?" said she. “他打听我有什么事?”姚伯太太问。 "He didn't tell us." “他没对俺们说有什么事。” "Something to sell, I suppose; what it can be I am at a loss to understand." “俺猜也许是卖东西给你吧?你要问俺,他到底有什么事俺可就不知道了。” "I am glad to hear that your son Mr. Clym is coming home at Christmas, ma'am," said Sam, the turf-cutter. "What a dog he used to be for bonfires!" “俺听说,你的少爷克林先生要回来过圣诞节,俺高兴极啦,太太,”掘泥炭的赛姆说。“他一向喜欢祝火那个劲儿,就不用提啦。” "Yes. I believe he is coming," she said. “不错,他是要回来。我想他现在已经起了身了,”姚伯太太说。 "He must be a fine fellow by this time," said Fairway. “他眼下一定是一个漂亮的小伙儿了,”费韦说。 "He is a man now," she replied quietly. “他现在长成大人了,”姚伯太太安安静静地回答。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】