英文绘本3D环绕故事《How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?恐龙怎样道晚安?》

英文绘本3D环绕故事《How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?恐龙怎样道晚安?》

2017-03-05    06'32''

主播: 小P吧啦啦

47 1

你是个乖乖睡觉的宝宝吗?不爱睡觉的你在爸爸妈妈眼里会不会变成大恐龙? 精美的图画书用了10只看起来张牙舞爪的可爱小恐龙当主角:暴龙,剑龙,甲龙,三角龙,冠龙,伊特龙等。爸爸和小恐龙道晚安时,小恐龙是怎么样做的?是瘪嘴甩动尾巴,不理会爸爸的吗?是趴在床上哇哇大哭,讨价还价再要父母讲故事的吗? 是踩地跺脚大叫,大发脾气的吗?还是会把他的玩具熊东扔西扔呢? 作者简•约伦(Jane Yolen),被誉为“美国的安徒生”.迄今为止她已经出版了170多册图书。作品曾荣获:斯兰奖,克里斯托弗奖章,男孩的俱乐部小图书奖,花园国家儿童图书奖等奖章。其作品已被译成日语,法语,西班牙语,中国,德国,瑞典,挪威,丹麦等多种语言。 这本书的蓝思分级是AD210,也就是家长辅助陪同下的幼儿读物,很适合学龄前的宝宝们 How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? Summary What if a dinosaur catches the flu? Does he whimper and whine between each "At-choo"? Does he drop dirty tissues all over the floor? Does he fling his medicine out of the door? Just like kids, little dinosaurs hate being sick. And going to the doctor can be pretty scary. How DO dinosaurs get well soon? They drink lots of juice, and they get lots of rest; they're good at the doctor's, 'cause doctors know best. As in their first dinosaur book, Yolen and Teague capture children's fears about being sick and put them to rest with playful read-aloud verse and hilarious pictures. Author: Yolen, Jane Language: English | Copyright: 2000 | lexile level:AD210L