Make the earth your companion与地球为伴
Walk lightly on it 轻轻迈步其上,
As other creatures do就如其他生物一样。
Let the sky paint her beauty让天空创绘自己的美丽
She is always watching over you她会一直在守望着你。
Learn from the sea how to face harsh forces让海洋教你如何面对狂风暴雨。
Let the river remind you that everything will pass让河流提醒你凡事都会过去。
Let the lake instruct you in stillness让湖泊告诉你以静制动。
Let the mountain teach you grandeur让山峦赐予你宏大心胸。
Make the woodland your house of peace让丛林成为你安宁的居所。
Make the rainforest your house of hope让雨林成为你希望的归宿。
Meet the wetland on twilight ground在暮色中牵手湿地。
Save some small pieces of grassland for a red kite on a windy day
Watch the icecaps glisten with crystal majesty看雄伟的冰冠闪耀着晶莹剔透的光芒。
Hear the desert whisper hush to eternity听沙漠细语对永恒的承诺。
Let the town weave a small basket of togetherness让城市编织团圆。
Make the earth your companion与地球为伴。
And walk lightly on it轻轻迈步其上,
As other creatures do如其他生物一样。