New York Underground 1960s

New York Underground 1960s

2019-04-21    124'15''

主播: 野棕榈🌛

240 4

Point Of Departure 048 摇滚马拉松特别节目: 纽约地下1960s 1963 might be remembered for the birth of Please Please Me, but it was the same year when La Monte Young and his Theatre of Eternal Music stunned the frontier NYC scene. Along with Marian Zazeela, Tony Conrad, Angus MacLise, John Cale and sometimes Terry Riley, they vitally bridged the gap between post-Cage noise music and the forthcoming waves in experimental rock. A night of early minimalism and drone sounds. On Air 04/09/2019 1. "The Celebration of the Tortoise, July 29-30, 1966 (excerpt)" - La Monte Young, Marian Zazeela, Terry Riley & Tony Conrad - The Celebration of the Tortoise [Not On Label] 2. "19 X 63 Fifth Day Of The Hammer; Bb Dorian Blues (Excerpt)" - The Theatre Of Eternal Music - The Theatre Of Eternal Music [Not On Label] 3. "19 X 71 6:52 To 7:42 NYC From Map Of 49's Dream The Two Systems Of Eleven Sets Of Galactic Intervals Ornamental Lightyears Tracery (excerpt)" - La Monte Young - Sunday AM Blues / Bb Dorian Blues / The Well Tuned Piano / Map Of 49's Dream [Not On Label] 4. "Poem for Chairs, Tables, Benches, Etc. (1960)" - La Monte Young - II [Not On Label] 5. "Four Violins (excerpt)" - Tony Conrad - Early Minimalism: Volume One [Table Of The Elements] 6. "Joan Of Arc (excerpt)" - Tony Conrad - Joan Of Arc (1968) [Table Of The Elements] 7. "The Joyous Lake" - Angus MacLise - Untitled [Counter Culture Chronicles] 8. "Humming in the Night Skull" - Angus MacLise - The Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda [Siltbreeze/Quakebasket] 9. "Untitled (Recorded October 18 1968 At Tony Conrad's Apartment)" - Angus MacLise / Tony Conrad - Dreamweapon III [Boo-Hooray] 10. "Ex-Cathedra" - John Cale - Dream Interpretation: Inside The Dream Syndicate Volume II [Table Of The Elements] 11. "Hot Scoria" - John Cale - Dream Interpretation: Inside The Dream Syndicate Volume II [Table Of The Elements] 12. "Terry's Cha-Cha" - John Cale - Stainless Gamelan: Inside The Dream Syndicate Volume III [Table Of The Elements] 13. "The Black Angel's Death Song" - The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico [Verve Records]
上一期: The New Tales
下一期: Intelligent Dance Music