Point Of Departure 131
On Air 20/10/19
[00:00] 1. "The Bar (Excerpt)" {Robert Ashley} - Robert Ashley - Perfect Lives (Private Parts): The Bar [Lovely Music: 1980]
[07:12] 2. "Odd Evening" {Paul De Marinis} - Paul De Marinis - Music As A Second Language [Lovely Music: 1991]
[10:29] 3. "Interspecies Smalltalk: Scene 1" {David Behrman} - David Behrman - Leapday Night [Lovely Music: 1987]
[20:13] 4. "Viva Shona" {Jon Hassell} - Jon Hassell - Vernal Equinox [Lovely Music: 1978]
[27:18] 5. "Fly Hollywood" {Garrett List} - Garrett List / A-1 Band - Fire & Ice [Lovely Music: 1982]
[31:31] 6. "Chicago Slow Dance, Part 2 (Excerpt)" {George Lewis} - George Lewis - Chicago Slow Dance [Lovely Music: 1981]
[42:35] 7. "The Wanderer (Excerpt)" {Pauline Oliveros} - Pauline Oliveros - The Wanderer [Lovely Music: 1984]
[54:48] 8. "Music From The Venezia Space Theatre (Edit)" {Gordon Mumma} - Gordon Mumma - Dresden / Venezia / Megaton [Lovely Music: 1979]
[01:03:48] 9. "Song Of The Path Guides (Edit)" {Eliane Radigue} - Eliane Radigue - Songs Of Milarepa [Lovely Music: 1983]
[01:13:32] 10. "I Am Sitting In A Room (Edit)" {Alvin Lucier} - Alvin Lucier - I Am Sitting In A Room [Lovely Music: 1981]
[01:21:44] 11. "Phil Harmonic's Greatest Hits" {Phil Harmonic} - Phil Harmonic - Lovely Little Records [Lovely Music: 1980]
[01:29:36] 12. "Is She / He Really Going Out With Him / Her / Them?" {Nicolas Collins} - Nicolas Collins - Going Out With Slow Smoke [Lovely Music: 1982]
[01:36:45] 13. "Next Time Might Be Your Time" {Gene Tyranny} - "Blue" Gene Tyranny - Out Of The Blue [Lovely Music: 1978]