Point Of Departure 164 On Air 21/06/07 1. "You're Everything" {Chick Corea & Neville Potter} - Chick Corea & Return to Forever - Light As a Feather [Polydor: 1972] 2. "Going To The Rainbow" {Rolf Kühn} - Rolf Kühn Jazzgroup - Going To The Rainbow [BASF: 1971] 3. "Lapsus Penetrans" {Frédéric Rabold} - Frédéric Rabold Crew - Flair [Calig: 1972] 4. "Rolling Machine" {Peter Trunk} - Sincerely P.T. - Sincerely P.T. [Spiegelei: 1973] 5. "Salvatore" {Michael Naura} - Michael Naura - Vanessa [ECM Records: 1975] 6. "Timeless" {James "Blood" Ulmer} - George Adams / James "Blood" Ulmer Quartet - Jazzbühne Berlin '85 [Repertoire Records: 1990] 7. "Billy Ballet" {Paul Arslanian} - Bishop Norman Williams And The One Mind Experience Featuring Dave Liebman - Bishop's Bag [Theresa Records: 1978] 8. "Free Angela (Thoughts... And All I've Got To Say)" {Todd Cochran} - Bayeté (Todd Cochran) - Worlds Around The Sun [Prestige: 1972] 9. "Five Blue Tones" {Eero Koivistoinen} - Eero Koivistoinen - For Children [Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava: 1970] 10. "Organ Of Bodies II: Tentactility" {Kjetil Møster} - Møster! - Dust Breathing [Hubro: 2020] 11. "Serenity" {Masahiko Satoh} - M. Sato, J. Inagaki And His Big Soul Media - Bridge Over Troubled Water [Columbia: 1971] 12. "Beats in the Depth" {Hiroshi Yasukawa} - Hiroshi and Claudia - Six To Six [Atom: 1979]