chapter35 狗狗不能吃哪些食物双语解读

chapter35 狗狗不能吃哪些食物双语解读

2015-09-05    20'25''

主播: 卢老师说

7793 113

 Who can resist those big brown eyes and cute doggie grin? Can a little reward from the table really hurt your dog? Well, that depends on what it is and what's in it. In fact, there's a lot of "people food" your dog should never eat. And, it's not just because of weight. Some foods are downright dangerous for them -- and some of these common foods may surprise you. 每次吃饭时,看着狗狗那漂亮的棕色眼睛和可爱至极的露齿一笑,是不是总忍不住想从饭桌上随便给它奖励点好吃的呢?但是,你有想过这样会伤害到你的狗狗吗?Well, 那就得看那是什么,以及里面含有什么东西了。实际上,很多人类食物都是不能给狗狗吃的,不仅因为会导致发胖,有的会危及到狗狗的性命。