chapter41 双十一英语狂欢节目

chapter41 双十一英语狂欢节目

2015-11-04    26'58''

主播: 卢老师说

5216 101

double eleventh 双十一 相关双十一英语句: 1. In order to meet the double eleventh online shopping carnival, I've almost filled up all my shopping carts. 为了迎接双十一网购狂欢节,我几乎把我的购物车都装满了。 2. Rather than considering the double eleventh as a lonely Singles' Day, it is better to think of it as a carnival for shopping! 把双十一当成是孤单的光棍节,还不如把它当成是购物狂欢节! 3. Unless you have urgent need, I advise you not to buy goods on double eleventh day, because the express delivery is the slowest at that time. 除非你有急用,我劝你还是不要在双十一那天买东西,因为那时候的快递是最慢的。 deliveryman 也可以指“快递员”,或者“送货员”。 另外,“快递”是 express delivery。“快递公司”则可以叫 express delivery company,更常用的说法是courier service。 国际知名快递企业有:DHL;TNT;FEDEX;UPS等。 目前,越来越多的省市已实施或正在实施“单独二胎政策”,单独二胎是指:夫妻双方一人为独生子女,第一胎非多胞胎,即可生育二胎。 我们来看一段相关的英文报道 An expert at the Institute of Population and Labor Economics under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences stated that more than 20 provinces, regions and municipalities in China are expected to implement the "selective two-child policy" this year, based on their government reports in the recently concluded regional conferences. This new policy is meant to ease the one-child policy by allowing couples to have two children if one parent is a single child. According to some media reports, at least 10 million couples will receive the benefit of the new policy. 一名来自中国社会科学院人口和劳动经济研究所的专家表示,根据他们按刚刚结束的各区级协商会而作的政府报告,中国将有20多个省、地区、直辖市于今年执行“单独二胎政策”。 这项新政策意味着将宽松原来的独生子女政策,允许夫妻双方有一方为独生子女的家庭生育两个孩子。 根据一些媒体的报道,至少会有1000万的夫妻将在这项新政策中受益。 【讲解】 文中的selective two-child policy,字面意思是“选择性的二胎政策”,指的就是“单独二胎政策”(因为这一政策的开放对象是有选择性的)。形容词selective解释为“选择性的”,又如selective education(选择性教育,即“因材施教”)。selective源于动词select(选择、挑选),它还可以派生出另一个形容词selected,释义为“精选的”,又如selected students(优选生)、selected works(精选集)等。