

2018-08-07    01'41''

主播: 真水无香(蓉雁)🌅🎷

339 1

白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第二首 可是在上帝的全宇宙里,总共才只 But only three in all God's universe 三个人听见了你那句话:除了 Have heard this word thou hast said, -- Himself, beside 讲话的你、听话的我,就是他-- Thee speaking, and me listening! and replied 上帝自己!我们中间还有一个 One of us ... _that_ was God, ... and laid the curse 出来答话;那昏黑的诅咒落上 So darkly on my eyelids, as to amerce 我的眼皮,挡了你,不让我看见, My sight from seeing thee, -- that if I had died, 就算我瞑了目,放上沉沉的“压眼钱”, The death-weights, placed there, would have signified 也不至于那么彻底隔绝。唉, Less absolute exclusion. `Nay' is worse 比谁都厉害,上帝的那一声“不行!” From God than from all others, O my friend! 要不然,世俗的诽谤离间不了我们, Men could not part us with their worldly jars, 任风波飞扬,也不能动摇那坚贞; Nor the seas change us, nor the tempests bend; 我们的手要伸过山岭,互相接触; Our hands would touch for all the mountain-bars 有那么一天,天空滚到我俩中间, And, heaven being rolled between us at the end, 我俩向星辰起誓,还要更加握紧。 We should but vow the faster for the stars.
上一期: 当你老了
下一期: 用心说 | 致橡树