Unlike are we, unlike, O princely Heart!
Unlike our uses and our destinies.
Our ministering two angels look surprise
翅膀碰上了翅膀,彼此瞪着 On one another, as they strike athwart 惊愕的眼睛。
你想,你是华宫里 Their wings in passing. Thou, bethink thee, art
千百双殷勤的明眸 A guest for queens to social pageantries,
With gages from a hundred brighter eyes 有这份光彩)
请求你担任领唱。 Than tears even can make mine, to play thy part
那你干什么从那灯光辉映的纱窗里 Of chief musician. What hast _thou_ to do
望向我?--我,一个凄凉、流浪的 With looking from the lattice-lights at me, 歌手,
疲乏地靠着柏树,吟叹在 A poor, tired, wandering singer, ... singing through 茫茫的黑暗里。
圣油搽在你头上-- The dark, and leaning up a cypress tree? 可怜我,头上承受着凉透的夜露。
The chrism is on thine head, -- on mine, the dew,
-- 只有死,才能把这样的一对扯个平。 And Death must dig the level where these agree.