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一位钢琴师的深沉情歌《我爱你-I Do》
Jon Schmidt 是一位具有古典风格的新世纪音乐作曲家和钢琴家。这首单曲是他自己创作和演唱。
感谢你的收听, 期待你对本期节目的评论留言
Last night, in the quiet, when our day was through
I listened to you sleeping and stayed awake by you
And softly, through the evening, there I spoke your name
And told you all the feelings I&`&ve had
I sometimes see you sitting by the window in the hall
Or laughing with the children at the little things you saw
And lately I&`&ve been wondering if it&`&s all I can do
To hold you and to show you I do
My promise is forever with you
My promise is forever. "I do."